'ISIS brides' vow revenge when returned to the West

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Simple solution. You ain’t coming back!

They are no less guilty than their husbands. Let them rot in hell.

When people tell us they think Allah commands torture and death for infidels, it is best to believe they mean it. So the only question I have about the women from Europe, Australia, and America who flocked to ISIS-held territory and bore children for the jihad fighters who gleefully beheaded, crucified, burned alive, and enslaved the infidels that fell under their control is, "How stupid do they think we are?"

Apparently, they think the kufrs of the lands they abandoned are deeply stupid. They think enough of us are delusional enough to let them come back. Some of them, like Hoda Muthana, think claiming they made a "mistake" and citing the accident of birth in the United States to a family in this country on a diplomatic visa will be enough.


Photo credit: ABC.

Others have an even deeper contempt for the infidels they would happily torture and kill if given the power and don't even bother to conceal their plans for vengeance. The U.K. Sun interviewed some of the more contemptuously honest ones:

ISIS brides in Syrian refugee camps have vowed chilling revenge as the last outpost of their "caliphate" faces defeat by Kurdish forces.

It comes amid fears there are thousands of brainwashed followers in the camps, with one veiled woman warning: "We will seek vengeance, there will be blood up to your knees."

The woman, feared to be among thousands of unrepentant fanatics who have fled Baghouz and surrendered to US-backed Kurdish forces, added: "We have left, but there will be new conquests in future."

Call me hard-hearted, but I don't think there is any recovery from this virus for many, if not most people who were willing to turn their lives upside-down in service to Allah.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ..
Hope she likes living as a slave with no rights.

A slave her husband can beat whenever he likes.

Hope she enjoys the life of a woman living in the death cult.
I think we should let her in.

Once she arrives, we should then proceed to gather together a filming crew and broadcast the footage where we give her a pig's blood transfusion
You can be rest assured any refugees from Syria and the area are Isis inspired...
Simple solution. You ain’t coming back!

They are no less guilty than their husbands. Let them rot in hell.

When people tell us they think Allah commands torture and death for infidels, it is best to believe they mean it. So the only question I have about the women from Europe, Australia, and America who flocked to ISIS-held territory and bore children for the jihad fighters who gleefully beheaded, crucified, burned alive, and enslaved the infidels that fell under their control is, "How stupid do they think we are?"

Apparently, they think the kufrs of the lands they abandoned are deeply stupid. They think enough of us are delusional enough to let them come back. Some of them, like Hoda Muthana, think claiming they made a "mistake" and citing the accident of birth in the United States to a family in this country on a diplomatic visa will be enough.


Photo credit: ABC.

Others have an even deeper contempt for the infidels they would happily torture and kill if given the power and don't even bother to conceal their plans for vengeance. The U.K. Sun interviewed some of the more contemptuously honest ones:

ISIS brides in Syrian refugee camps have vowed chilling revenge as the last outpost of their "caliphate" faces defeat by Kurdish forces.

It comes amid fears there are thousands of brainwashed followers in the camps, with one veiled woman warning: "We will seek vengeance, there will be blood up to your knees."

The woman, feared to be among thousands of unrepentant fanatics who have fled Baghouz and surrendered to US-backed Kurdish forces, added: "We have left, but there will be new conquests in future."

Call me hard-hearted, but I don't think there is any recovery from this virus for many, if not most people who were willing to turn their lives upside-down in service to Allah.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ..
Kick them out of the refugee camp, too. Let them go martyr themselves in the desert, starved to death.

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