I like What Romney said in the debate

BS...we just don't think spending a few billion on teaching preschool to count and read is as big a problem as spending trillions to bomb children in other countries.

MY GAWD, teaching your children to count is YOUR DUTY as a Parent..NOT THE GOVERMENTS JOB..now get on it

protecting you wealth and your cheap oil is your job not the government's job.

oh my gawd...are you still in high school?
Bottom line if you can't afford it, you probably don't need it. How many programs like PBS and NPR can be eliminated??? They don't want to have to give up their "free" babysitter.

I also hope the left realizes TV makes kids fat. I posted this in another Big Bird thread but it works here, too. ;)

It’s no secret that watching TV is linked with some unhealthy outcomes in kids — previous studies have found that children who watch more television are more likely to eat junk food, have trouble sleeping and become obese — but the new study, published in BioMed Central’s open access journal International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, establishes a link between screen time and specific measures of physical fitness.

“We already knew that there is an association between preschool television exposure and the body fat of fourth grade children, but this is the first study to describe more precisely what that association represents,” said senior author Dr. Linda Pagani, a researcher at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Center, in a statement.
Read more: Too Much TV Linked with Thicker, Weaker Kids | Healthland | TIME.com
OMG, here we go with Big Bird again..

If you whiny people need pbs, take up a collection and PAY FOR IT YOURSLEVES, I'm sure they'll thank you

OUR goverment doesn't NEED to be paying for a T.V station

Our government doesn't need to be paying for alot of things, but to trip over dollar while picking up a penny is not very efficient. Romney of all people should know that.

:clap2: Absolute best line of the week, bar none!
Romney's tax cut proposals would add 5 trillion to the debt. He would spend another 2 trillion on the military-industrial complex. But he states that he would not add to the deficit. And tomorrow, he will walk on water, also.

The man is lying on all the particulars. As Clinton stated, "One word, Arithmetic".

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