Homemade Pillows: Disney Critics (Consumer Reports)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The modern America of commerce/capitalism requires sociological evaluations, which is why we respect Consumer Reports magazine (a publication devoted to the objective review of goods and brands for consumers).

Disney has become an American 'totem' of consumerism/entertainment/marketing color. However, in this age of high-traffic, do we sometimes feel like we're even 'drowning' in Disney merchandise?

Here's a testimonial-parody about consumerism-escapism inspired by the film Three Fugitives.

What makes you feel enriched about 'TrumpUSA'?

The first celebrity president (Ronald Reagan) gave us Reaganomics, and I hear members of that generation say things like, "I knew all along that Reaganomics would spell disaster!" so I wonder if now that I'm a citizen of 'Trumponomics' under our second celebrity president (Donald Trump), do I feel more 'proactively objective'?



"You notice a film-poster of a very outlandish bank-robbery story featuring a very eccentric masked bank robber who reminds you of the very strange quality of human imagination regarding natural rebelliousness and the yearning to escape from the monotony of real world bureaucracy. Such a film would be very contrasting to a charming/enchanting Disney film about a lovely princess being courted by a magical king. So you wonder if this bank-robbery film is meant to 'entice' your sensibilities about 'exploring' the 'outlandish' features of life on Earth."


"However, since you're part of a sewing-class, you decide you want to focus on your work and assignments and prepare for your next class which is in two days. So you go home and begin reading more of those sewing-tutorials your instructor gave to you in class. You also try some of the homemade patchwork sewing exercises your instructor assigned to complete and bring into class to show to the other students. This occupies your time and you forget about that 'outlandish' film about that strange bank robbery."


"Finally, one week later, something inside you boils over. You start to wonder if you should continue your sewing tutorials so you can get a nice job at Jo-Ann Fabrics or at a tailoring school. You're feeling the boredom of your 'normal life' and can't decide if you want some real 'change.' So, you decided to make yourself a vigilante-costume and take a photo of yourself, so you can make a 'radical' blog on the Internet about the intrigue surrounding pornography and censorship in this modern age of media/Internet. Suddenly, you feel more like a...philosopher/poet...and less like a...boring bureaucrat."


"You start daydreaming. You start thinking about all the claustrophobia that modern-age consumerism/capitalism creates, and you start to resent Disney films/merchandising. You decide to invent your own 'fantasy character' such as Evil Elf, an impish/mischievous sprite symbolizing Christmas-shopping humor. You begin to wonder if Evil Elf is 'cooler' or more 'liberating' than even Mickey Mouse himself(!)."


"To make yourself feel like part of the 'real world,' you decide to download (on Netflix) a blockbuster film such as Danny Boyle's The Beach starring super-star Leo DiCaprio. As you watch this provocative film about a daring/inquisitive American traveler/tourist named Richard who discovers a secret paradise-like island off the coast of Thailand and starts meditating about isolation in the modern world of Internet and Wall Street, you realize that Richard is a lot like you(!). You wonder what you'll do to make your sewing-class feel more...imaginative."


"You call your girlfriend and tell her you're bored with your sewing-class. She giggles and tells you she suggested before that most men/males feel social pressure/awkwardness from disclosing publicly that they love to sew and want it to be part of their profession. However, you tell your girlfriend that your boredom led you to 'radical Internet blogs' about censorship, and she starts to worry and recommends you return to your love of sewing. You insist you're exploring for something 'different' and demand she visits. When she comes to your house, you tell her to put on a Disney doll-face mask so you can take her picture. You post her photo on your Internet blog about feminism in the age of Playboy magazine."


"Your girlfriend realizes you're trying to be too 'outlandish' in your quest for something more 'exciting' or even imaginative. You realize she's right and ask her what you should do, and she recommends you try to make more personalized/aesthetically-personal designs for quick/nifty homemade pillows to celebrate your love of sewing privately (as an artist!). You like the idea and decide to make 5 new homemade pillows using completely inventive designs. You show the pillows to your girlfriend, and she likes them too. You understand now that evaluating the human psyche requires a good deal of 'perspective'."


"However, one thing still concerns you regarding your 'personal journey.' It seems to you that understanding one's own mind in this new age of congested traffic and commerce and consumerism requires a handsome amount of objectivity, maturity, humility, and yes, even inventiveness. You have to decide now if you want to embrace this 'Starbucks America' or find your own path towards 'creative nirvana.' Is this a spiritual guarantee? Does modern world consumerism create an eerie kind of 'escapism'? As a writer for the New Yorker, I've learned that imagination in the age of marketing requires idealized compassion. Good luck..."



I came to this revelation while at Disney World in Florida about 4 years ago. Disneyland, World etc is nothing but a ode to europe. They should call it White Europeland.
"which is why we respect Consumer Reports magazine (a publication devoted to the objective review of goods and brands for consumers)."

Who is/are "we?"

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