Heritage: Amnesty will Cost U.S. Taxpayers $6.3 Trillion!


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
Even if they are half right................



Remember when the Heritage Foundation used to mean something.

They're now a Think Dumb Tank.

Anyone who can't see right through this pathetic b.s. propaganda should move to Mexico, because you're less valuable to us than the Mexicans crossing illegally.
Jim DeMint fits right into their new image.
It'll probably end up costing 10 times this before we're done...Hell, Obama won't even secure the borders...

Fuck it would be cheaper just to nix mexico!

Obama is deporting double the number of illegals compared to GW. Give me a break on the partisan hackery.
Can you imagine if the gang of 89.5 come up with a reasonable proposal for amnesty that will state that no one that came in the country will ever be eligible to vote and receive free health care? You think F.U. Schumer wont have a panty fit? Of course if all illegals were republicans, the Dem's wouldn't complain about not letting them register,
Heritage: Amnesty will Cost U.S. Taxpayers $6.3 Trillion!

there will be other reports ... Heritage just wanted to be the first in line.
there are a few places left in the USA where u don't have to deal with illegals running around loose, and living off your tax dollars, I have already gotton sick of living in Naples, yah, its beautiful here, but I live near the part of town where the illegals live in, and every day I see "Babies with their 2 or 3 babies walking along US 41" in other words, 20-25 year old girls having babies they cant even afford. God I can't wait to go back to Sarasota, When I lived there in 2001/02, the Wal-Mart in my neighborhood didn't have "Broken English" coming thru the intercom system!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39JYVm8CrXc]MEXICANS RUN FROM THE INS - YouTube[/ame]
It'll probably end up costing 10 times this before we're done...Hell, Obama won't even secure the borders...

Fuck it would be cheaper just to nix mexico!

Obama is deporting double the number of illegals compared to GW. Give me a break on the partisan hackery.

Thats a bunch of bullshit. They stopped coming because there are no jobs dimwit.

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