Hamdan: Europe starts to realize the mistake of ignoring Hamas

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- Osama Hamdan, a member of Hamas's political bureau, has asserted Monday that the talk of French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner of his country's readiness to sit and talk to Hamas was an indication that Europe had started to realize the mistake of ignoring Hamas.

In an interview with the Palestine newspaper, Hamdan asserted that his Movement has communications with a number of European countries, but he urged Europe to take more practical steps in dealing and communicating with his Movement being the "strongest political player" in the Palestinian arena that all parties started to realize its influence and presence in the region.

According to Hamdan, the political conviction of France and other European countries of Hamas's strong role in the local and regional levels pushed the French government to voice such statements.

He added that Europe started also to understand that classifying Hamas as a "terrorist" organization, and putting more "unrealistic" conditions on it in return for recognition was a big mistake.

"Europe made a big mistake when it refused to deal with the results of the Palestinian legislative election, and rejected the political choice of the Palestinian people under pressure from the USA and the Israeli occupation", Hamdan asserted.

Hamdan also revealed that a number of high-profile European officials acknowledged during meetings with Hamas that their countries made a number of mistakes in dealing with the Movement, adding that the European countries started to comprehend that such mistakes produced counter-productive results.

Hamdan: Europe starts to realize the mistake of ignoring Hamas

BTW, how is that isolating Gaza thing going?
GAZA, (PIC)-- Osama Hamdan, a member of Hamas's political bureau, has asserted Monday that the talk of French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner of his country's readiness to sit and talk to Hamas was an indication that Europe had started to realize the mistake of ignoring Hamas.

In an interview with the Palestine newspaper, Hamdan asserted that his Movement has communications with a number of European countries, but he urged Europe to take more practical steps in dealing and communicating with his Movement being the "strongest political player" in the Palestinian arena that all parties started to realize its influence and presence in the region.

According to Hamdan, the political conviction of France and other European countries of Hamas's strong role in the local and regional levels pushed the French government to voice such statements.

He added that Europe started also to understand that classifying Hamas as a "terrorist" organization, and putting more "unrealistic" conditions on it in return for recognition was a big mistake.

"Europe made a big mistake when it refused to deal with the results of the Palestinian legislative election, and rejected the political choice of the Palestinian people under pressure from the USA and the Israeli occupation", Hamdan asserted.

Hamdan also revealed that a number of high-profile European officials acknowledged during meetings with Hamas that their countries made a number of mistakes in dealing with the Movement, adding that the European countries started to comprehend that such mistakes produced counter-productive results.

Hamdan: Europe starts to realize the mistake of ignoring Hamas

BTW, how is that isolating Gaza thing going?
I don't care really. Europe wants to be part of the Islamic world. Let it by all means turn itself into a third world hell hole. :rolleyes:

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