Dirty men?

Abbey Normal

Senior Member
Jul 9, 2005
Mid-Atlantic region
Hand over my Purell, and no one gets hurt!

Women's hands cleaner than men, study says

AP Medical Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Men are dirtier than women. So scientists confirmed by spying in public restrooms, watching as one-quarter of men left without washing their hands.

The worst offenders were at an Atlanta Braves game.

In contrast, 90 percent of the women did wash up.

Wednesday's results mark the American Society of Microbiology's latest look at how many people take what is considered the single easiest step to staying healthy: spending 20 seconds rubbing with soap under the faucet.

It also explains why these infection experts tend to use paper towels to open bathroom doors. There is no telling what germs the person before you left on the knob.

"It's a gamble," said microbiologist Judy Daly of Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake City, the society's secretary.

Back in 1996, the society first studied how often people follow mom's advice to always wash up after using the toilet. Researchers lingered in public restrooms, putting on makeup or combing their hair, while surreptitiously counting. They concluded about one-third of people did not wash.

The group sponsored an education campaign about how hand-washing can stop the spread of flu, diarrhea and other infectious diseases. Every few years, researchers repeat the spying.

This time, 83 percent of people washed, reported Harris Interactive, a research company that last month monitored more than 6,300 public restroom users for the society.

That is a little better overall. But take a closer look:

-The worst hygiene was at Atlanta's Turner Field baseball stadium, where 37 percent of men left the bathroom without washing, and 16 percent of the women did.

-New York's Penn Station had the biggest gender disparity, where 64 percent of men washed their hands compared with 92 percent of women. Grand Central Station was almost as bad.

-The best hygiene was at San Francisco's Ferry Terminal Farmers Market and Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry and Shedd Aquarium, where only about 12 percent of people left without washing.

People exaggerate about hygiene. A Harris telephone survey of 1,000 more adults found 91 percent insisted they wash in public restrooms. Additionally, 77 percent claimed to always wash before handling or eating food, and 32 percent after coughing or sneezing.

It is hard to double-check the latter claims. But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says poor hand-washing contributes to almost half of all foodborne disease outbreaks.

With influenza season approaching, microbiologists warn that it is easy to catch a cold or the flu by shaking hands with someone who just used that hand to cover a sneeze. The viruses can stay alive for two hours on hands, and for 20 minutes on hard, dry surfaces those germy hands touch.

So sneeze into your elbow instead and wash frequently. There is no need for special anti-bacterial cleansers, Daly said, although alcohol-based hand gels can substitute when soap's not available.
That study didn't test for the presence of bacteria on the hands, so it is inconclusive. ;)

Men might not get as much funk on their hands after doing their business. Still gross to not wash up though.
People have never washed their hands like they should it's nothing new. That's why the health depts. saw a need for food service workers to do so.."Before you return to work"
we've all seen the signs.

Bets on how many do? :dev3:
there are far more germs on the kitchen counter and sink...then on the toilet or private body parts...washing up is a good idea after touching any public areas! or private for that matter! :cof:
I'll tell you all this right now, as somone who does microbiological work everyday, it is vastly more important for you to wash before you use the restroom.

Compared to the hands, your naughty bits are about the cleanest part of your body.

Would you wipe your privates against everything your hands touch in a day? Doorknobs, hand rails, shoes, animals, other people's hands?

When you go to the bathroom, for your own health, wash your hands first.
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This thread just reminded me of a story I heard years ago when working in restaurants.

This was a nice place, upscale and expensive. NOTHING was ever touched by hands only tongs.

While serving one night a customer asked the waiter about this practice
of never touching anything with the hands, only tongs..The Waiter verified it was true, that was policy, nothing was ever touched with hands.

The customer being a typical smart ass asked, well how do you use the restroom then?
The waiter said, Well I don’t know about anyone else, but I use my tongs.
I read about a study in Germany where the conclusion was that, by eating your boogers, you're boosting your immune system. I like to lick public handrails to strengthen my immune system.
Reminds me of a story:

A West Point cadet and a Navy midshipman are at the Army-Navy game and go into the bathroom.

The midshipman takes a leak, finishes up, and goes to the sink to wash his hands.

The cadet takes a leak, finishes up, and starts to walk out the door.

The mid says to the cadet, "You know, at Annapolis, they teach us to wash our hands after we use the head."

The cadet replies, "At West Point, they teach us not to piss on our hands!"
15-20 years ago in my hometown there was a hepatitis epidemic
traced to a restaurant worker who did not wash after using the toilet.

Dozens of people were sickened, hundreds had to innoculated, and
a good restaurant went permanently out of business because of
the negligence of one person.

Sad to say that one person was a woman.
Washing after number two? Every time.

Washing after number one? Not necessary if all I'm doing is holding the hose for a few seconds. I'm more afraid of what's growing on the bathroom sink.

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