DDR 2.0. Retired must give up the right to vote and driving license.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Something new from Merkel's insane failed 'state'. Everybody after 60 years shall lose the right to vote and to drive cars. What happens next. Euthanasia? Poison syringe?Something else?

Leftism ( liberalism, democracy etc ) is mentally illness which already costed humanity more as 300m lives of murdered by liberals innocent victims in Russia, China, Cambodia, East Europa etc.

Just in fifteen years insane commie Merkel ( good-for-nothing former Stasi / DDR's KGB/ officer ) totally destroyed Germany.
Vote for liberals and you will be killed by governemnet. Or at best proclaimed by criminal leftist 'governemnet' as mentally incompetent after 60 years.

Pensioners, give up your right to vote!
And your driving licence at the same time. Because for both applies: The old endanger the young. What we need is an epistocracy of youth.

Kolumne Der rote Faden: Rentner, gebt das Wahlrecht ab!
This is just a column article with thoughts of the author.

In which other western country such 'authors' enjoy millions of readers and unpunished preparation of genocide old citizens?
In USA such 'authors' are in psychiatric hospitals, in Russia in prison.
Only in Merkel's insane madhouse they can spread their idiocy without to be punished

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