

VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I got the polite nudge that I was over-writing and should retire, so this is definitively my final piece, a movie inspired by Purple Noon (Alain Delon!). Thanks for reading (signing off my friends),


A man named Isaac was travelin in France. He was following a special supermodel named Gisele with whom he'd become obsessed. Isaac was a lifelong thief, having grown up in Algeria and Amsterdam as a natural pickpocket before turning to bank robbery by the time he was 25. He'd robbed over 20 banks across Europe by the time he was 28, and now he was following Gisele to a town called Arles in France. Isaac wanted to steal a perfect diamond necklace and gift it to Gisele on the day he decided he'd meet this beautiful woman. Isaac was both intelligent and psychotic!


GISELE: I love traveling in France for modeling, and I think my secret boyfriend will be here soon to so as to greet me here!


Isaac wanted to procure a $1 million Harry Winston diamond necklace from Cartier in Arles (France) for Gisele. However, he quickly learned that Gisele was actually the girlfriend of a visiting Euro-prince who was unfaithful to his princess wife in secret. This prince intended to visit his lovely mistress Gisele while she's in Arles, France. Now, Isaac has to steal the necklace from Cartier and then convince Gisele she's dating a pure scoundrel!


ISAAC: Cartier is so renowned and beautiful, like Gisele, and my visit to Gisele gives me a double-challenge with this filthy prince.


The Harry Winston necklace Isaac had his eyes on was pure treasure. It was worth at least $1 million, and Cartier in Arles was happy to store it. There were already street gossip that model Gisele'd be visiting Cartier to be photo'd with the Winston necklace. The necklace was shipped all the way from D.C. by the time Isaac arrived in Arles.


The scoundrel prince who's having this adulterous affair with the model Gisele was going to Arles on a supposed business trip to negotiate a diplomatic affair regarding clean coal technologies in Europe and perhaps Eastern Europe. However, Isaac knew this unfaithful prince was really just going to Arles to be cheating on his fair princess wife who had no idea of this bond with Gisele. Besides, Isaac was in love with Gisele.


Isaac walked into Cartier in Arles (France) and told the gem-manager he's from Algeria, a member of the 'New FLN' and seeks to investigate links between Euro-diamonds and blood diamonds from South Africa which are sullying the gem highway by terrible warlords. The gem-manager notes that Isaac's dressed in a totally concealing head-gear. He also notices that Isaac's also brought a nearly perfect replica necklace with him to compare to the famous Harry Winston necklace he seeks to inspect for his research. While the manager is alone in Cartier on an early Friday morning with the master-thief Isaac, Isaac requests he go into the back of the store and procure some older antique diamond pieces and necklaces for Isaac to compare to the Winston piece out front. While the manager's in the back of the store selecting these comparison pieces, Isaac swiftly swaps the authentic Winston for the almost-perfect replica he's brought with him to the store in Arles (France). When the manager comes out, Isaac hurries and explains he must go quickly to meet an FLN associate and will return in 30 minutes.


ISAAC: I had no intention to return to Cartier; I was in a Van Gogh museum hiding the Winston necklace behind a painting.


ISAAC: Why're you in this Van Gogh art museum?
GISELE: I get the eerie wager you'd followed me here!
ISAAC: Why'd you think that, fair lady?
GISELE: Did you want to show me something?
ISAAC: Check out this Winston necklace hidden behind this Van Gogh painting.
GISELE: It's immaculate!
ISAAC: It's for you, my love.
GISELE: Who're you...we've never met?
ISAAC: My name's Isaac Satan; I'm from Algeria.
GISELE: You're quite forward.
ISAAC: Your prince-date has been in a car crash nearby.
GISELE: My'd you know?
ISAAC: Maybe I caused the car crash to steal you away from him!
GISELE: What'd you want with me, man?
ISAAC: Come with me to Cartier for a quick minute.
ISAAC: You're to tell the gem-manager you're an inspector for Winston.
ISAAC: So he thinks you're my associate in gem folklore.
GISELE: Alright...I think.
ISAAC: You'll fall in love with this entire experience, fair lady.
GISELE: I get the eerie're a super-thief.
ISAAC: Don't doubt your faiths.


Isaac really did cause the car crash with the scoundrel prince before performing this theatrical heist of the $1 million Winston necklace for Gisele, his new belle. He took her back to Cartier to inspect the bogus necklace and compare it to the one he's viewing, the real one in the store. He tells the gem-manager he's performed a quick swap for a special PR-stunt and that the real necklace is in his hands. The gem-manager quickly swaps the necklaces again and Gisele and Isaac walk out of Cartier in Arles thinking they're part of a nice media diary involving the famous Winston necklace. Two months later, after Isaac and Gisele are engaged in a torrid affair, he's arrested for the intentional car accident sabotage of the prince who's in Arles (France). In prison, Isaac Satan realizes he's no handler...just an ill-fated thief.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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