Can a Child Be An Illegal Immigrant?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
Can the Child of an Undocumented Immigrant Become a U.S. Citizen?
> Absolutely. Age does not matter for immigration.

"Children of undocumented (illegal) immigrants who were, like their parents, born outside the United States have no more rights to U.S. citizenship than their parents do. Despite various legislative proposals, the U.S. immigration laws currently contain no special provisions based on the age at which a person arrived in the United States."
I doesn't make sense. Kids are playing hooky from school, running away to a different country, and they don't even speak English when they come here.
Can the Child of an Undocumented Immigrant Become a U.S. Citizen?
> Absolutely. Age does not matter for immigration.

"Children of undocumented (illegal) immigrants who were, like their parents, born outside the United States have no more rights to U.S. citizenship than their parents do. Despite various legislative proposals, the U.S. immigration laws currently contain no special provisions based on the age at which a person arrived in the United States."
So it is time to ship 'em back.
Can the Child of an Undocumented Immigrant Become a U.S. Citizen?
> Absolutely. Age does not matter for immigration.

"Children of undocumented (illegal) immigrants who were, like their parents, born outside the United States have no more rights to U.S. citizenship than their parents do. Despite various legislative proposals, the U.S. immigration laws currently contain no special provisions based on the age at which a person arrived in the United States."
Could be akin to kidnapping or child trafficking. Not legal immigrants.
How is that even a legitimate question? Obviously yes. My question is when did the United States agree to provide food, clothing, shelter, Foster Care, health care and education for every kid that crosses the border? This is an order of magnitude bigger burden than an illegal family coming across the border.
My question is when did the United States agree to provide food, clothing, shelter, Foster Care, health care and education for every kid that crosses the border?
We don't have any of that stuff better to offer this side of the border than where they're coming from anyways. What do the kids think they're going to get here they're not getting at home?
My question is when did the United States agree to provide food, clothing, shelter, Foster Care, health care and education for every kid that crosses the border?
We don't have any of that stuff better to offer this side of the border than where they're coming from anyways. What do the kids think they're going to get here they're not getting at home?
Free boarding schools? What does it cost Americans to send their kids to a private boarding school until they are 18? They come because of the Democrats Freebies. They don't want them to "starve to death" Asinine Biden.
Can the Child of an Undocumented Immigrant Become a U.S. Citizen?
> Absolutely. Age does not matter for immigration.

"Children of undocumented (illegal) immigrants who were, like their parents, born outside the United States have no more rights to U.S. citizenship than their parents do. Despite various legislative proposals, the U.S. immigration laws currently contain no special provisions based on the age at which a person arrived in the United States."
Prior to the creation of nation states, all people "migrated" from one location to others, without issue. Those individuals were "migrants."
Once nation states were created and of course, mapped out their borders, those nation states, created border controls to ensure that peoples wishing to come in, weren't criminals fleeing prosecution from their own nation and were required to produce identifying documentation. When those people reached the borders of the nations they sought to enter and went through "border checkpoints," once approved, they were.....immigrants.
Any person going across a nations border without going through a proper border checkpoint and skipping the "immigration" process, isn't an immigrant, but rather, a migrant and as laws on the books clearly state that such persons (adult or child) not coming through "legally," is "committing a crime." Hence the legitimate name: "illegal migrant, or illegal alien," but not illegal immigrant....
If the term illegal bothers people, then the federal laws on the books needs to change, until then the border patrol and customs must do their jobs.
On a completely separate note, the majority of people migrating from south of the border, consists of Hispanics. Hispanics leaving nations with Socialist backgrounds (i.e., Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Argentina) are fleeing those nations, because they are Socialist governments. Once they cross into the US, they will accept some social programs for a period of time, but the Hispanics are hard working, industrious and will actually be prone to voting Republican, since they've lived under Socialism and wanted out from it (think Cubans and Venezuelans...the Biden/Harris team was not well received in Florida by the Cuban and Venezuelan people). Also, as the left complains about Christians, they might like to know that a good 85% of those coming over the border are "hardcore Catholics.
The negative side of opening our borders to anyone that wants to flow in are a negative environmental impact. More streets, highways, stores, companies, homes, apartments, condos, et cetera will be needed. The result, more negative impact on our remaining wildlife habitats, more deforestation, more demand of already diminishing resources.

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