Biden administration stoking higher energy prices with oil and gas crackdown

he failed to renew existing leases, try to keep up if you can. He shutdown a pipeline capable of supplying 830k barrels per day, extra cushion over and above the the 650k we get from Russia. He made enemies out of the Saudi's (our best allies in the Middle East) who with little effort could have prevented us having to beg IRAN and Venezuela but as we have seen in the past Democrats over and over prefer to deal with the scumbags of the world for needs
No, he did not fail to renew leases. He has issued more permits than did tump. The pipeline did nothing for America, as the oil was being sold to other countries. Enemies of Saudi Arabia--no. Not enemies, genius, but they were pissed off about the human rights issue. We buy from many sources, not only from Arabia. Regardless, you will pay the going rate for gas and oil, no matter where it comes from. The rest of the world is also feeling the sting and they didn't "make enemies" of Saudi Arabia. Try to keep up.
No, he did not fail to renew leases. He has issued more permits than did tump. The pipeline did nothing for America, as the oil was being sold to other countries. Enemies of Saudi Arabia--no. Not enemies, genius, but they were pissed off about the human rights issue. We buy from many sources, not only from Arabia. Regardless, you will pay the going rate for gas and oil, no matter where it comes from. The rest of the world is also feeling the sting and they didn't "make enemies" of Saudi Arabia. Try to keep up.
Its weird how idiots like you can actually believe this ^ kind of horseshit.
No, he did not fail to renew leases. He has issued more permits than did tump. The pipeline did nothing for America, as the oil was being sold to other countries. Enemies of Saudi Arabia--no. Not enemies, genius, but they were pissed off about the human rights issue. We buy from many sources, not only from Arabia. Regardless, you will pay the going rate for gas and oil, no matter where it comes from. The rest of the world is also feeling the sting and they didn't "make enemies" of Saudi Arabia. Try to keep up.
if you use one thing from China or many other countries, human rights is no issue for you, so go fuck yourself on that one. Trump put America first, Biden and his supporters would rather deal with dictator countries and criminals, Democrats should off themselves being the American hater they are.
if you use one thing from China or many other countries, human rights is no issue for you, so go fuck yourself on that one. Trump put America first, Biden and his supporters would rather deal with dictator countries and criminals, Democrats should off themselves being the American hater they are.
Oh, you only buy American? Human rights are an issue for Biden and Arabia, and that is what pissed off the Arabians. What the hell does China have to do with Saudi Arabia and Biden, cupcake.
Oh, you only buy American? Human rights are an issue for Biden and Arabia, and that is what pissed off the Arabians. What the hell does China have to do with Saudi Arabia and Biden, cupcake.

Bi-Dung don't give a rat's ass about human rights. His open border policy resulting in human trafficking and the fentanyl flood proves this.
He's playing politics hoping for more Dimm voters.
And favors criminals over victims, too.
His politics and human rights aren't even close!!
Oh, you only buy American? Human rights are an issue for Biden and Arabia, and that is what pissed off the Arabians. What the hell does China have to do with Saudi Arabia and Biden, cupcake.
you mentioned human rights, damn try to keep up or stfu if you can't remember what you post. Damn Joe is that you :auiqs.jpg:
you mentioned human rights, damn try to keep up or stfu if you can't remember what you post. Damn Joe is that you :auiqs.jpg:
Damn it, tumpecile. I said that the Arabians were pissed at Biden for complaining to them about their
human rights, and not for any other reason. They were not and are not our enemy, cupcake. tump also bought oil from Russia, but I guess that was ok, eh? You tumpeciles are two-faced. What did you do to earn money before you retired?
Bi-Dung don't give a rat's ass about human rights. His open border policy resulting in human trafficking and the fentanyl flood proves this.
He's playing politics hoping for more Dimm voters.
And favors criminals over victims, too.
His politics and human rights aren't even close!!
tump's border policy was an abject failure. The human trafficking and fentanyl flood was in existence when tump was in power. Your politics statement is stupid. Victims over criminals?
Get with the program, son. The conversation is about the ridiculous statement made by a blogger
that Arabia and the US are enemies, which is false.
tump's border policy was an abject failure. The human trafficking and fentanyl flood was in existence when tump was in power. Your politics statement is stupid. Victims over criminals?
Get with the program, son. The conversation is about the ridiculous statement made by a blogger
that Arabia and the US are enemies, which is false.

Polished knob, I can't debate you.
I have too much self-respect.
It's nothing personal.
Damn it, tumpecile. I said that the Arabians were pissed at Biden for complaining to them about their
human rights, and not for any other reason. They were not and are not our enemy, cupcake. tump also bought oil from Russia, but I guess that was ok, eh? You tumpeciles are two-faced. What did you do to earn money before you retired?


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sorry, your attacks mean nothing extremist, fact is Biden has targeted oil and gas, even small drillers. He would rather source oil from our enemies to extort the American people with.
100 US oil companies declared bankruptcy in 2020.
EXCLUSIVE: The Biden administration is exacerbating soaring energy prices by cracking down on the oil and gas industry with new regulations that limit production and discourage investments in traditional energy infrastructure, according to a new analysis published Wednesday by the Joint Economic Committee Republicans.

For months, the prices of all kinds of energy – gasoline, diesel fuel, natural gas, oil and more – have been a major driver behind inflation, which surged 7% in December, the highest level since 1982. Energy costs have climbed more than 29% over the past year, in part due to lopsided supply and demand. Consumers are traveling more, but the supply side has not kept up with the demand.


But it's more complicated than that: The JEC study, shared exclusively with FOX Business, shows how President Biden's policies have stoked higher energy prices by "imposing new barriers to accessing American oil and gas reserves, and by discouraging investment in these historically reliable and inexpensive sources of energy." Rep. Mike Lee, R-Utah, is the ranking member of the Joint Economic Committee.

"Washington is sending conflicting messages," the report, authored by economist Hugo Dante and data analyst Kole Nichols, said. "Policymakers seem simultaneously concerned about high prices reflecting the weak supply of oil and gas, while aggressively pursuing an agenda designed to entirely phase-out oil and gas from domestic energy production."

In the early days of the pandemic, the U.S., like other oil-producing countries, shut down production and canceled new investments in expanded capacity, leading to the lowest level of oil and gas wells in the U.S. on record in the summer of 2020. But while demand has rebounded since then, production capacity remains about 13% below pre-pandemic levels, the JEC report shows.

Good let the country get a good hard dose of the medicine they voted for. I hope it goes up their asses sideways with thorns on it and gets chased by a briney saltwater rinse.


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