Are the Democrats Completely Screwing This Up?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Are the Democrats Completely Screwing This Up?
The first caucus is Monday, but the 2020 campaign already feels like it’s gone on forever. Is this primary going to help — or hurt — the eventual nominee’s ability to defeat Trump?

Are the Democrats Completely Screwing This Up?
Feb 2, 2020 ~ By Andy Kroll
The DNC’s rules backfired spectacularly... In late 2018, DNC Chairman Tom Perez unveiled the revamped rules for the upcoming Democratic primary debates. Perez pledged that the DNC’s debate rules would “give the grassroots a bigger voice than ever before” and “put our nominee in the strongest position possible to defeat Donald Trump.”... But a year later, what’s beyond a doubt is that they did not empower the grassroots and they replaced old gatekeepers with new ones. Because of these new rules, the most powerful people in the primary up to this point have arguably been the pollsters.
For the past year, campaigns lived and died by the latest Quinnipiac or Fox News or CNN poll; journalists built devoted followings around reporting on polls and interpreting the DNC’s obscure guidelines for which polls did and didn’t count toward the debate. And for voters, polls came to represent — rightly or wrongly — a proxy for viability, strength, the ability to beat Trump. The DNC also required that candidates meet a threshold of individual grassroots donations to make the debate stage. Candidates and staffers say they understand why the DNC used this metric as a stand-in for grassroots support, but they complained that the donor requirement — like the polling threshold — gave a leg up to candidates who already had high name recognition and a preexisting network of small-dollar donors to draw on. Candidates without both of those qualities entered the race at a disadvantage. Instead of spending money to build a field operation in Iowa or make an early play for California’s delegates, campaigns spent money to buy email lists to fundraise off of in order to meet an arbitrary donor target. In a larger sense, the Democratic Party still feels trapped in 2016: the revolutionary left against Obama-era liberalism, wooing the white working class versus turning out loyal voters of color, and so on. Has the endless primary of 2020 — and the choices made to shape that primary — made it difficult if not impossible for a candidate to build the multiracial movement needed to defeat Trump and send hate back into hiding? Is this the best way to produce their nominee who can heal the country, an aspiration that feels more essential and imperative than ever?

There is, of course, the option of looking at people who actually got elected. Beginning with the false premise that Trump's election was illegitimate is exactly the wrong way to go, as is the premise that he won because his voters were stupid, racist, contemptible deplorables. The author seems to get a glimmer, and then maybe not:
This is a great exploration on how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat planners make rules expecting humans to act one way, and then they act a totally different way and the rules end up screwing everything up rather than achieving their desired result.
The lesson PMS/DSA Democrats failed in 2016 and are repeating their failures once more and claim that they need to make better rules next time. As always they
The lesson that they should but won't take is that free citizens are unpredictable and make rules of behavior based on principles rather than outcomes. But if they believed that, they'd be Republicans. As usual, PMS/DSA Democrat elitist Democrats screw up everything that they come in contact with. There are no exceptions to this Golden Rule. From a block of granite to a wet dream, these people can and will screw it up. It’s who they are and exactly what they do.
The DEMs have completely screwed themselves. They have this stupid proportional awarding of delegates that prevents a front runner from emerging.

The GOP does it right.

The real problem is that this makes the eventual nominee spend money, sows dischord, and takes the focus off beating the opponent; not supporting the nominee.

The only thing that may save them is an energized base and the blob is a lying whoremonger.
Did Bernie win the Iowa caucus yet, or did they change the rules after everyone voted to deny candidates who can't say the word "huge" phonetically?
Did Bernie win the Iowa caucus yet, or did they change the rules after everyone voted to deny candidates who can't say the word "huge" phonetically?

It’s a complete train wreck, 0% precincts reporting because none of the caucuses can make up their minds.
Did Bernie win the Iowa caucus yet, or did they change the rules after everyone voted to deny candidates who can't say the word "huge" phonetically?

It’s a complete train wreck, 0% precincts reporting because none of the caucuses can make up their minds.

It looks like the old "the new app screwed everything up".

A tweet from some dude who Donald Jr Retweeted:


Comfortably Smug

· 15m
I'm hearing Iowa Dem party partnered with group led by Robby Mook (Hillary's campaign manager) to develop strategies and systems to use tonight. Can't make this shit up
Did Bernie win the Iowa caucus yet, or did they change the rules after everyone voted to deny candidates who can't say the word "huge" phonetically?

It’s a complete train wreck, 0% precincts reporting because none of the caucuses can make up their minds.

It looks like the old "the new app screwed everything up".

A tweet from some dude who Donald Jr Retweeted:


Comfortably Smug

· 15m
I'm hearing Iowa Dem party partnered with group led by Robby Mook (Hillary's campaign manager) to develop strategies and systems to use tonight. Can't make this shit up
Thats the thing about leftists, they never take responsibility for their incompetence, and when someone notices they immediately counter with slander, rude name calling and talking about ever Conservative as a bunch of ignorant, lazy morons who cant read a map or do math.

But it wasnt that long ago that the Democrats screwed up the Obamacare roll out, the Fast and Furious gun sting that stung them instead, the recent attempt at Impeachment was a collosal failure that blew up in their faces, they have fucked up Public Education, and they turned Hillary's coronation into the biggest fiasco since Chicago burned to the ground (wait, was that really a...nm), and they are now claiming that Climate Change is fucking up things in Iowa, no, I mean famine, err, a bad app that they fubarred just like Obamacare.

I mean seriously, come on, all cow poopoo aside, Democrats today value loyalty over competence, patronage over serving the public and they never want to hear any bad news like 'We havent stress tested the servers yet...' 'Dont bother, what could go wrong?'

Everything can go wrong when a Democrat does it.

My Gawd, can you really imagine those Bozos running this country again?

THAT is a modern nightmare.
Did Bernie win the Iowa caucus yet, or did they change the rules after everyone voted to deny candidates who can't say the word "huge" phonetically?

It’s a complete train wreck, 0% precincts reporting because none of the caucuses can make up their minds.

It looks like the old "the new app screwed everything up".

A tweet from some dude who Donald Jr Retweeted:


Comfortably Smug

· 15m
I'm hearing Iowa Dem party partnered with group led by Robby Mook (Hillary's campaign manager) to develop strategies and systems to use tonight. Can't make this shit up
I don't believe that. Dems are famous for muddying the waters.
They wanna screw Sanders over
Are the Democrats Completely Screwing This Up?
The first caucus is Monday, but the 2020 campaign already feels like it’s gone on forever. Is this primary going to help — or hurt — the eventual nominee’s ability to defeat Trump?

Are the Democrats Completely Screwing This Up?
Feb 2, 2020 ~ By Andy Kroll
The DNC’s rules backfired spectacularly... In late 2018, DNC Chairman Tom Perez unveiled the revamped rules for the upcoming Democratic primary debates. Perez pledged that the DNC’s debate rules would “give the grassroots a bigger voice than ever before” and “put our nominee in the strongest position possible to defeat Donald Trump.”... But a year later, what’s beyond a doubt is that they did not empower the grassroots and they replaced old gatekeepers with new ones. Because of these new rules, the most powerful people in the primary up to this point have arguably been the pollsters.
For the past year, campaigns lived and died by the latest Quinnipiac or Fox News or CNN poll; journalists built devoted followings around reporting on polls and interpreting the DNC’s obscure guidelines for which polls did and didn’t count toward the debate. And for voters, polls came to represent — rightly or wrongly — a proxy for viability, strength, the ability to beat Trump. The DNC also required that candidates meet a threshold of individual grassroots donations to make the debate stage. Candidates and staffers say they understand why the DNC used this metric as a stand-in for grassroots support, but they complained that the donor requirement — like the polling threshold — gave a leg up to candidates who already had high name recognition and a preexisting network of small-dollar donors to draw on. Candidates without both of those qualities entered the race at a disadvantage. Instead of spending money to build a field operation in Iowa or make an early play for California’s delegates, campaigns spent money to buy email lists to fundraise off of in order to meet an arbitrary donor target. In a larger sense, the Democratic Party still feels trapped in 2016: the revolutionary left against Obama-era liberalism, wooing the white working class versus turning out loyal voters of color, and so on. Has the endless primary of 2020 — and the choices made to shape that primary — made it difficult if not impossible for a candidate to build the multiracial movement needed to defeat Trump and send hate back into hiding? Is this the best way to produce their nominee who can heal the country, an aspiration that feels more essential and imperative than ever?

There is, of course, the option of looking at people who actually got elected. Beginning with the false premise that Trump's election was illegitimate is exactly the wrong way to go, as is the premise that he won because his voters were stupid, racist, contemptible deplorables. The author seems to get a glimmer, and then maybe not:
This is a great exploration on how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat planners make rules expecting humans to act one way, and then they act a totally different way and the rules end up screwing everything up rather than achieving their desired result.
The lesson PMS/DSA Democrats failed in 2016 and are repeating their failures once more and claim that they need to make better rules next time. As always they
The lesson that they should but won't take is that free citizens are unpredictable and make rules of behavior based on principles rather than outcomes. But if they believed that, they'd be Republicans. As usual, PMS/DSA Democrat elitist Democrats screw up everything that they come in contact with. There are no exceptions to this Golden Rule. From a block of granite to a wet dream, these people can and will screw it up. It’s who they are and exactly what they do.

How could they ...they're way smarter than All of us ..

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