An illegitimate election and college debt.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
It is difficult to imagine what a person in this country might look like that supports an installed president like Joe Biden. The proverbial front row of a professional wrestling match with missing teeth, the Cracker-Jax-box degree from a cheap, politically correct college that indebted them with a worthless credential while they set fire to a business or tear down a statue, it is an ugly caricature of a US citizen.

People infused with a rabid, drooling, indoctrinated hatred of a sitting president are deserving of all the ridicule a reasonable person can muster, and they are dangerous examples of what lies ahead in an approaching Twilight Zone of totalitarian government the presents itself as all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful.

Most of us shudder at the prospect of taxation used to force us to pay for wasted college debt. We must be prepared for that imbecilic prospect to emerge as we move forward with this illegitimate stolen election. When you flood an educational system with people that cannot pass a standard IQ test to keep propaganda mechanisms like US colleges afloat, this is what you end up with.

If a hypothetical scenario like this arose in a dystopian novel no one would believe it. In America truth is not only stranger than fiction, it replaces it in spades. Can you imagine paying taxes to cover someone else’s unpaid debts and bad decisions? How about that car you bought that you cannot pay for? Why not use the government to force your neighbors to make the payments while you drive it?

You go to car dealership and the salesman says, before we sell you this car you have to understand that your ancestors killed the Indians, stole land from the Mexicans, enslaved the Blacks and nuked the Japanese. Once you get the propaganda, you drive home with a new car. Then, when you cannot pay for it, Uncle Sam puts the bite on that guy next door. What a deal! Who could argue with that?

Do not hold your breath waiting for the Feds to make your mortgage payments either. You see the banks, unlike US colleges and universities, are not partnered with state to brainwash kids to hate America and especially those mean white people that built the country from the ground up. There is no Critical Race theory for average people just trying to make a living.
It is difficult to imagine what a person in this country might look like that supports an installed president like Joe Biden. The proverbial front row of a professional wrestling match with missing teeth, the Cracker-Jax-box degree from a cheap, politically correct college that indebted them with a worthless credential while they set fire to a business or tear down a statue, it is an ugly caricature of a US citizen.

People infused with a rabid, drooling, indoctrinated hatred of a sitting president are deserving of all the ridicule a reasonable person can muster, and they are dangerous examples of what lies ahead in an approaching Twilight Zone of totalitarian government the presents itself as all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful.

Most of us shudder at the prospect of taxation used to force us to pay for wasted college debt. We must be prepared for that imbecilic prospect to emerge as we move forward with this illegitimate stolen election. When you flood an educational system with people that cannot pass a standard IQ test to keep propaganda mechanisms like US colleges afloat, this is what you end up with.

If a hypothetical scenario like this arose in a dystopian novel no one would believe it. In America truth is not only stranger than fiction, it replaces it in spades. Can you imagine paying taxes to cover someone else’s unpaid debts and bad decisions? How about that car you bought that you cannot pay for? Why not use the government to force your neighbors to make the payments while you drive it?

You go to car dealership and the salesman says, before we sell you this car you have to understand that your ancestors killed the Indians, stole land from the Mexicans, enslaved the Blacks and nuked the Japanese. Once you get the propaganda, you drive home with a new car. Then, when you cannot pay for it, Uncle Sam puts the bite on that guy next door. What a deal! Who could argue with that?

Do not hold your breath waiting for the Feds to make your mortgage payments either. You see the banks, unlike US colleges and universities, are not partnered with state to brainwash kids to hate America and especially those mean white people that built the country from the ground up. There is no Critical Race theory for average people just trying to make a living.

Leftists love free sh1t that other people worked hard to pay for for them.

And also burning and looting those same business' in their own communities.
It is difficult to imagine what a person in this country might look like that supports an installed president like Joe Biden. The proverbial front row of a professional wrestling match with missing teeth, the Cracker-Jax-box degree from a cheap, politically correct college that indebted them with a worthless credential while they set fire to a business or tear down a statue, it is an ugly caricature of a US citizen.

People infused with a rabid, drooling, indoctrinated hatred of a sitting president are deserving of all the ridicule a reasonable person can muster, and they are dangerous examples of what lies ahead in an approaching Twilight Zone of totalitarian government the presents itself as all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful.

Most of us shudder at the prospect of taxation used to force us to pay for wasted college debt. We must be prepared for that imbecilic prospect to emerge as we move forward with this illegitimate stolen election. When you flood an educational system with people that cannot pass a standard IQ test to keep propaganda mechanisms like US colleges afloat, this is what you end up with.

If a hypothetical scenario like this arose in a dystopian novel no one would believe it. In America truth is not only stranger than fiction, it replaces it in spades. Can you imagine paying taxes to cover someone else’s unpaid debts and bad decisions? How about that car you bought that you cannot pay for? Why not use the government to force your neighbors to make the payments while you drive it?

You go to car dealership and the salesman says, before we sell you this car you have to understand that your ancestors killed the Indians, stole land from the Mexicans, enslaved the Blacks and nuked the Japanese. Once you get the propaganda, you drive home with a new car. Then, when you cannot pay for it, Uncle Sam puts the bite on that guy next door. What a deal! Who could argue with that?

Do not hold your breath waiting for the Feds to make your mortgage payments either. You see the banks, unlike US colleges and universities, are not partnered with state to brainwash kids to hate America and especially those mean white people that built the country from the ground up. There is no Critical Race theory for average people just trying to make a living.

It's not going to happen. Whatever college debts that are forgiven will be miniscule by design to exclude as many people as possible. Further, there are those that agreed to take jobs in crap areas in order to get their student debt forgiven but that isn't even being recognized anymore so just worked in a crap area for nothing.
It is difficult to imagine what a person in this country might look like that supports an installed president like Joe Biden. The proverbial front row of a professional wrestling match with missing teeth, the Cracker-Jax-box degree from a cheap, politically correct college that indebted them with a worthless credential while they set fire to a business or tear down a statue, it is an ugly caricature of a US citizen.

People infused with a rabid, drooling, indoctrinated hatred of a sitting president are deserving of all the ridicule a reasonable person can muster, and they are dangerous examples of what lies ahead in an approaching Twilight Zone of totalitarian government the presents itself as all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful.

Most of us shudder at the prospect of taxation used to force us to pay for wasted college debt. We must be prepared for that imbecilic prospect to emerge as we move forward with this illegitimate stolen election. When you flood an educational system with people that cannot pass a standard IQ test to keep propaganda mechanisms like US colleges afloat, this is what you end up with.

If a hypothetical scenario like this arose in a dystopian novel no one would believe it. In America truth is not only stranger than fiction, it replaces it in spades. Can you imagine paying taxes to cover someone else’s unpaid debts and bad decisions? How about that car you bought that you cannot pay for? Why not use the government to force your neighbors to make the payments while you drive it?

You go to car dealership and the salesman says, before we sell you this car you have to understand that your ancestors killed the Indians, stole land from the Mexicans, enslaved the Blacks and nuked the Japanese. Once you get the propaganda, you drive home with a new car. Then, when you cannot pay for it, Uncle Sam puts the bite on that guy next door. What a deal! Who could argue with that?

Do not hold your breath waiting for the Feds to make your mortgage payments either. You see the banks, unlike US colleges and universities, are not partnered with state to brainwash kids to hate America and especially those mean white people that built the country from the ground up. There is no Critical Race theory for average people just trying to make a living.

yes you are right President Biden stole the election, and you will have to suck it up to him for the next 8 years, haaaa ha ha ha ...

I loved my Trump endorsed free shit this spring. Didn't you?
It is difficult to imagine what a person in this country might look like that supports an installed president like Joe Biden. The proverbial front row of a professional wrestling match with missing teeth, the Cracker-Jax-box degree from a cheap, politically correct college that indebted them with a worthless credential while they set fire to a business or tear down a statue, it is an ugly caricature of a US citizen.

People infused with a rabid, drooling, indoctrinated hatred of a sitting president are deserving of all the ridicule a reasonable person can muster, and they are dangerous examples of what lies ahead in an approaching Twilight Zone of totalitarian government the presents itself as all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful.

Most of us shudder at the prospect of taxation used to force us to pay for wasted college debt. We must be prepared for that imbecilic prospect to emerge as we move forward with this illegitimate stolen election. When you flood an educational system with people that cannot pass a standard IQ test to keep propaganda mechanisms like US colleges afloat, this is what you end up with.

If a hypothetical scenario like this arose in a dystopian novel no one would believe it. In America truth is not only stranger than fiction, it replaces it in spades. Can you imagine paying taxes to cover someone else’s unpaid debts and bad decisions? How about that car you bought that you cannot pay for? Why not use the government to force your neighbors to make the payments while you drive it?

You go to car dealership and the salesman says, before we sell you this car you have to understand that your ancestors killed the Indians, stole land from the Mexicans, enslaved the Blacks and nuked the Japanese. Once you get the propaganda, you drive home with a new car. Then, when you cannot pay for it, Uncle Sam puts the bite on that guy next door. What a deal! Who could argue with that?

Do not hold your breath waiting for the Feds to make your mortgage payments either. You see the banks, unlike US colleges and universities, are not partnered with state to brainwash kids to hate America and especially those mean white people that built the country from the ground up. There is no Critical Race theory for average people just trying to make a living.

Leftists love free sh1t that other people worked hard to pay for for them.

And also burning and looting those same business' in their own communities.
I loved my Trump endorsed free shit this spring. Didn't you?
It is difficult to imagine what a person in this country might look like that supports an installed president like Joe Biden. The proverbial front row of a professional wrestling match with missing teeth, the Cracker-Jax-box degree from a cheap, politically correct college that indebted them with a worthless credential while they set fire to a business or tear down a statue, it is an ugly caricature of a US citizen.

People infused with a rabid, drooling, indoctrinated hatred of a sitting president are deserving of all the ridicule a reasonable person can muster, and they are dangerous examples of what lies ahead in an approaching Twilight Zone of totalitarian government the presents itself as all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful.

Most of us shudder at the prospect of taxation used to force us to pay for wasted college debt. We must be prepared for that imbecilic prospect to emerge as we move forward with this illegitimate stolen election. When you flood an educational system with people that cannot pass a standard IQ test to keep propaganda mechanisms like US colleges afloat, this is what you end up with.

If a hypothetical scenario like this arose in a dystopian novel no one would believe it. In America truth is not only stranger than fiction, it replaces it in spades. Can you imagine paying taxes to cover someone else’s unpaid debts and bad decisions? How about that car you bought that you cannot pay for? Why not use the government to force your neighbors to make the payments while you drive it?

You go to car dealership and the salesman says, before we sell you this car you have to understand that your ancestors killed the Indians, stole land from the Mexicans, enslaved the Blacks and nuked the Japanese. Once you get the propaganda, you drive home with a new car. Then, when you cannot pay for it, Uncle Sam puts the bite on that guy next door. What a deal! Who could argue with that?

Do not hold your breath waiting for the Feds to make your mortgage payments either. You see the banks, unlike US colleges and universities, are not partnered with state to brainwash kids to hate America and especially those mean white people that built the country from the ground up. There is no Critical Race theory for average people just trying to make a living.

Leftists love free sh1t that other people worked hard to pay for for them.

And also burning and looting those same business' in their own communities.

Didn't get a penny unfortunately....

You are welcome for The Trump Money.
The people that hate America are currently going around making fraudulent charges against our democratic process of free and fair elections.

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