Epic. Absolutely epic! These left-wing anti-American idiots thought that if they couldn't have their way they would just burn America to the ground. Instead, the American people keep winning just as President Trump promised. Terrorist Rasmea Odeh is being stripped of her U.S. citizenship and is...
Indisputable video proof that progressives have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. They are just looking for a reason to be violent, or to riot, or to loot, or to get naked, or to march. Basically any reason to destroy civil society and act like neanderthals. This video is...
There were very few actual women there. Most of what you saw were unshowered, filthy, gross creatures filled with anger due to ignorance....
On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
They demanded other things, too, like free birth control...