Muscovite Illegal Stalinist settlers, Salem gang and Putlers Gestapo took 23 Crimean natives hostages . we know very little whats going on in Crimea under Muscovite occupation, but one for sure its one of the most oppressive occupation today in the world . comments ?
"The U.S. State...
The Dumbocrat Party is the largest and most powerful organized crime syndicate in U.S. history. Every single one of them is involved in serious scandals. Every single one of them engages in criminal activity.
New Huma Abedin Email Reveals the Staged Photo Op that Had Hillary Very Worried About...
On top of all of the other agregious transgessions -domestic and foreign- by the Orange Ogre and his band of demented minions, we now have this.
Trump’s White House Decides War Crimes Don’t Matter, Shuts Accountability Office Down
More on the Office of Global Criminal Justice...
Document comes from the FBI’s 100 page release of their investigation into Clinton and State Dept. mishandling of classified information on private servers.
FBI Files: Hillary Clinton Stole Furniture From State Dept.
Well we can be...
State Department tried to bribe FBI to un-classify Clinton emails
WASHINGTON — A top State Department official offered a bribe — a “quid pro quo” — to an FBI official in an attempt to declassify certain emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server that were previously deemed classified...