stalinist Hanoi Hilton - The Worst POW camp of the Vietnam War
I cant imagine being through all this for years and only to come home to a cold welcome from badly infected by Marxism public :/ I got nothing but respects for you guys <3
why USA was so soft on the dirty Stalinist commies ?
"Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed 55 years ago, on June 19, 1953. But last week, they were back in the headlines when Morton Sobell, the co-defendant in their famous espionage trial, finally admitted that he and his friend, Julius...
Stalin! The Aral Sea is drying up." "But we have cotton." "Yeah, but we lost the Aral Sea fisheries." "But we have cotton
Why We Destroyed the World's 4th Largest Lake. unknown Marxist - Stalinist crime against humanity
Nikolai Vatutin - Wikipedia i think only the Ukrainian partisans have succeed to kill* a Stalinist front commander . am i right?
Did only the Ukrainian partisans succeed to kill a Stalinist Muscovite Marxist front commander?
"Red Army approached Galicia, the UPA avoided clashes with the...