
  1. Litwin

    The Mystery of the Cold War Spy Who Disappeared (KILLED BY KGB thugs)

    Vienna is not exactly a place to visit as a USSR defector , Vienna The hotbed of 🇷🇺 spies and close to the Moscow empire. Great story for Netflix ! Excellent Documentary . Deserves way more likes
  2. P@triot

    Democrats and foreign enemies

    What is it with Democrats bringing in foreign enemies into their inner circle? I would say they are doing it by design (for nefarious, anti-American purposes) but they really are that stupid. You had Pakistani national Imran Awan embezzling money from the DNC, as well as stealing secrets. You...
  3. The Original Tree

    Presidents have THE RIGHT to With Hold Foreign Aide for ANY REASON

    Don't Let Schittler and Herr Gerry Nadler lie to you. The Executive Branch has the power to withhold and delay foreign aide and make it conditional or change the conditions. President Johnson did this very thing, and he did not ask Congress. He did ask them to evaluate the situatuion after...
  4. Billy_Kinetta

    It's Looking More And More As If -whistleblower

    - there is no actual whistleblower. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday it may not be necessary to have the whistleblower who first filed a complaint about President Donald Trump’s call with Ukraine testify before Congress, saying there...
  5. deanrd

    CIA secretly extracted US spy from Russia before Trump could turn him over to Vladimir Putin.

    CIA secretly extracted US spy from Russia before Trump could turn him over to Vladimir Putin. US extracted top spy from inside Russia in 2017 A person directly involved in the discussions said that the removal of the Russian was driven, in part, by concerns that President Donald Trump and his...

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