Is it Constitutional for the Government to recognize a Human Being as a Person in one Situation but Deny their Personhood in all other Situations?
It is obvious and undeniable that our Nation's more than 130 State and Federal "Fetal HOMICIDE" laws define and regard a "child in the womb" as a...
To me, this is totally ridiculous. This makes no sense and is an insult to humans.
‘I think this is a huge victory’: Ruling in Argentina opens door to granting apes personhood
On a side note, they would probably vote more intelligently than Democrats. :21:
Just a quick poll to see what USMB member's thoughts are on our State and Federal laws, which define a human fetus as a "child in the womb" - recognizes them as hUman beings and make it a crime of MURDER to kill one during a criminal act.