martial law


    Martial Law in South Korea? Maybe not

    Martial Law has been declared in South Korea but it's not going according to plan:
  2. Robert Urbanek

    Climate chaos and martial law

    Even if voters put Trumpsters in the dumpsters in November, our form of government may still be challenged by the accelerating effects of climate change. Unprecedented flooding and drought, and other extreme climate events will likely cause increasing damage to infrastructure, the availability...
  3. TheProgressivePatriot

    GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law

    This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok...
  4. The Original Tree

    China Launched a Bio Weapons Attack against The US with the Help of UN's WHO

    This is undeniable. This woman fled for her life from China. Her mother was arrested and in prison. She has a contract out on her life. China released the virus, infected Chinese Nationals, and then sent them back to The US to spread Corona. Before the Mods try to brand this a conspiracy...
  5. The Original Tree

    President Trump To Be Crowned Emperor For Life!

    Due to the Hysteria over The Coronovirus and The Commie DemNazi Cancel Culture being given full reign, and running around on Steroids cancelling anything Masculine or threatening to themselves, a State of National Emergency Exists and The Election is canceled. That and the fact that it appears...
  6. cnelsen

    Predictions for 2020. Scary if he's right.

    And his hopeful ending seems remote.
  7. L

    Trump inauguration, largest genocide ever: martial law now explained 2008, still in google

    Unbelievable but true: 6 days before what is now the most probable date for the start of the BIG BANG: If you google what is now in numbers the largest genocide ever then the 6th result's title is what's going to happen now: #6: Osama steps on stage to help Obama step down, from Oct 14, 2008, at...

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