kremlin thugs

  1. Litwin

    Twitter bans ads from "Russia" Today and Sputnik over election interference

    Finally the Free world, starts to do something against Kremlin thugs (mafia) . Will the Trump follow the Twitter lead? Twitter bans ads from "Russia" Today and Sputnik over election ... News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition | The Guardian › Technology › Twitter -...
  2. Litwin

    "Russia", Also Involved in the Cuban “Sonic” Attack?

    Zajárova is as usual denied much like she and all other Kremlin thugs denied Crimea occupation . so what is gonna do with in it . the "strong USA president", not "a weak one as Obama was "? "Kremlin spokeswoman Maria Zajárova said they had nothing to do with the mysterious incident, which...
  3. Litwin

    Anti-doping agencies call on IOC to ban Russia from 2018 Winter Olympics

    great news, is it any chance for the Kremlin thugs to show up in Pyeongchang ? "The world’s leading anti-doping agencies have come together to demand Russia be banned from the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang next year and to warn the International Olympic Committee it must stop paying lip...

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