judge moore

  1. cnelsen

    I support Moore just because I hate the media.

    Remember Congressman Gerry Studds, who fucked a 17-year-old male Congressional page? Remember how outraged the Washington Post was? Not at Congressman Studds, but at the homophobic Christian bigots who thought the incident made Studds unfit for office? Haha, me too. If you are a Christian in...
  2. The Original Tree

    Dem Smear Scams: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Moore vs. Cain vs. Thomas

    Judge Moore has had a highly visible and notable public life for 40 years. So one has to ask themselves, why after 40 years just 4 weeks before a Senate Special Election which could tip the balance in The Senate either way, are 40 year old unsupported allegations suddenly surfacing? Moore...

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