The NSA's most sophisticated weapons have been released with confirmation that the key provided with it unlocks the file for access to the full arsenal. Shadow Brokers appear to be responsible.
GitHub - x0rz/EQGRP: Decrypted content of eqgrp-auction-file.tar.xz
Proof Foreign Governments Did Interfere In Election – to Help Hillary!
Hillary Clinton has received financial compensation from multiple foreign entities
Hillary Clinton has a rich history of being influenced by outside forces, yet the media is currently focused on claiming Russia helped Trump...
Vote fraud expert Bev Harris exposes electronic voting machines
Black Box Voting, founded in 2003, performs nonpartisan investigative reporting on elections in an attempt to stop vote rigging.
You may be wondering what the term “black box” means. A “black box” system is non-transparent; its...
Whoever supports this power tripping cyka needs their head checked. When people know their sources they won't use the poor excuse that source isn't credible. There are those that are and there are those that are not. It is easy to tell when you become knowledgeable enough to know the...