First off, I am not defending anything anyone allegedly did. But Manafort's issues were actually dismissed during The Obama Administration because everything Manafort did in The Ukraine was done for The Podesta Group and on behalf of Obama and Clinton.
His issues only occurred when he worked...
Up first:
Peter Strzok has been subpoenad to testify before Congress Wednesday. 6/27/2018
Last week, Strzok was escorted from the FBI building as part of the ongoing internal proceedings at the bureau on his conduct -- a dramatic fall for a special agent who used to serve as the No. 2 in...
The Trump Campaign Team was ILLEGALLY WIRETAPPED by Obama Bin Spying and so was Trump Tower for 18 months before and after the election based on a FAKE DOSSIER paid for, Funded By The Democrat Party & The Clinton Campaign which was funneled to The FBI through Russian, Ukrainian and British Spies...