Could communist tyrant Joseph Dzhugashvili (nicknames, Koba, Stalin, Butcher) win WW2 and take over entire Europe? as we all know he was choked when WW2 ended and thought that he lost WW2, did Koba have chance to take over entire Europe?
Apocalypse Stalin - 3/3. Master of the World (English...
Was Koba killed and died in his own experiments , and pee . or all went naturally except 2 days of the experiments , and pee part ?
Joshua Rubenstein, associate director of major gifts at Harvard Law School, discusses his new book, "The Last Days of Stalin", which details the final months...
New its officially, Vova Putler (pynia) is the longest sitting czar of Muscovy (Brezhnev and Koba Dzhugashvili are behind) . how bad will be mr. Botox in 2024? can he do it?
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Putin to run again for Russian president