
  1. Litwin

    World without "Russia". CIA angers "Russia" by predicting break-up of state within 10 years

    How ´d look like our world (Euro - Asia) with Mongolian project (Muscovy) around? how many states it will create , which of them have good chances to become part of western civilization ? "World without "Russia". CIA angers "Russia" by predicting break-up of state within 10 years" CIA...
  2. Litwin

    Finns Party Youth's: "Finland´d return to 1939 borders (including Karelia). "

    i am 100% agree with Finns Party Youth's , Moksha folk ´d return back to Moksha lands (15c borders of Muscovy) , as we all know Stalinist regime was a criminal one and this occupation is totally illegal "Finns Party Youth's @PS_Nuoret autumn conference has made the decision to proclaim that...
  3. Litwin

    "Russia" Nazi camp survivor, 89, has both legs amputated in ‘surgery blunder’

    what do you think about Putler´s bamboostan ? where it goes? is it look like 1991 down there again ? " "Russian" "Doctors " amputated the ‘wrong leg’ of a Nazi concentration camp survivor during an operation, her son claimed today. Maria Dronova, 89, had severe gangrene on her right leg but...
  4. Litwin

    The Middle East and "Russia" are ill-prepared for a low-carbon future

    i see, that's why Trump is against a low-carbon future.... What will happened with them? statehood collapse? "The Middle East and Russia are ill-prepared for a low-carbon future ... Mar 15, 2018 - “If only...
  5. Litwin

    BREAKING > Trump On Syria: 'Get Ready Russia' Because Missiles 'Will Be Coming'

    BREAKING > Trump On Syria: 'Get Ready Russia' Because Missiles 'Will Be Coming' its a war. for how long Putler and Assad can keep their power? "U.S. President Donald Trump has suggested a missile strike on Syria may be imminent, issuing a tweet warning Syrian government ally Russia that it...
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