anti-semitic policy

  1. mudwhistle

    Video Of Rashida Tlaib Forcably Removed From Trump Event Going Viral

    This isn't the way a member of Congress should act. This video is going's all over Twitter. It's a video of Rashida Tlaib losing her shit during a Republican conference. Aaron Leuer on Twitter Video Goes Viral of Rep. Tlaib Losing It at 2016 Trump Event: 'You Guys Are Crazy!' By...
  2. Litwin

    Anti-Jewish pogroms in the "Russian" Empire

    is there any chance in near future to see Anti-Jewish (anti- Ukrainian, anti- Caucasians) pogroms in the "Russian" Empire? many say that without Muscovite STATE SPONSORED antisemitism, Hitler ´D never come to power , do you agree? I do... "Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire (Russian...
  3. Litwin

    Putin; 80-85% Bolsheviks Revolution were Jews.

    Do you agree with this Pynia´s statement?
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