I can almost see the demos taking another swing for the fence. kennedy kennedy kennedy sawwwing batter...
here's a schmear: fakemedia or not.
www.nbcnews.com › think › opinion › how-trump-s-election-prospec...
David Mark: How Trump's election prospects in 2020 are ...
www.nbcnews.com › think...
is the pendulum swinging the other way. impeachment is a lead balloon.i think the repubs are pretty much in the clear ? so are those demdeepstaters in hot water? obama may not be as teflon as cool hand luke thought he was.
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Our Score So Far: Republicans 89, Democrats 1...
Or are they like the old salmon that mate then swim up the river to die ?
I don't know.. Hillary is posturing... Bill always looks like the clown at jack in the box.. Do bernie and the other 400 want them at their rallies ? I don't want them at trump rallies either.