Zero point energy, Exopolitics, SSP, A.R.V, Mass cancelation (anti-gravity)


Nov 24, 2018
Hello fellow human beings and extra terrestrials. I see that US Messageboard doesn't have a exopolitics section where members can discuss such topics as Roswell, Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARV's), and associated content, so I'm putting this thread in the Energy section since I will be including zero point energy.

First I would like to address the elephant in the room and I'm not talking about that political paradigm distraction we know as republican and democrat party.

I'm talking about the fact that the world governments have known for over sixty years that oil, coal and many other fuels we are using for energy production are obsolete.

Enough energy exists in the space right in front of you to power your home for the next ten years. This is zero point energy and it has been kept quiet for decades because it is a threat to the energy industry gangsters.

In the following video you will hear a man by the name of Mark McCandlish talk about Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARV) and various aircraft and technology that the US Air Force and Secret Space Program (SSP) have been using for decades.

The following interviews and lectures will also prove that US president Donald Trump is a puppet working for the cabal, and that he either has a terrible intelligence department, or he is purposely tip-toeing around the secret space program topic. That's not to say that Obama was a honorable president, he wasn't, he was another puppet working for the cabal. I don't play the democrat vs republican political ping pong game, that's for the sheep.

The Feasibility of Interstellar Travel | Mark McCandlish

YouTube channel: secretspaceprogram

Published March 9, 2015

The following lecture is by Dr. Steven Greer where he discusses government black projects and exopolitical related content

Government and Private Projects (Boulder Lecture Pt. 2)

Youtube channel: Sirius Disclosure

Published Oct 2, 2018

Those should get you started but a big glass of water will help to wash down this red pill.

I'll be back later providing the moderators haven't banned me.
These are not theories they are facts. ;)

Ladies and gentlemen, please take some time to watch the entire lectures before posting a knee jerk response.

If humanity are going to fix the struggles that they complain about then they must stop resorting to the "conspiracy theory" card whenever one encounters a topic that's outside the scope of their programming.

While you're in this thread, I would like you to forget about all mainstream media programming. Clear your mind with a few deep breathes and then watch the lectures.

Or you can go back to the political section and blame democrat party or republican party for your refusal to take responsibility for yourself.
These are not theories they are facts. ;)

Ladies and gentlemen, please take some time to watch the entire lectures before posting a knee jerk response.

If humanity are going to fix the struggles that they complain about then they must stop resorting to the "conspiracy theory" card whenever one encounters a topic that's outside the scope of their programming.

While you're in this thread, I would like you to forget about all mainstream media programming. Clear your mind with a few deep breathes and then watch the lectures.

Or you can go back to the political section and blame democrat party or republican party for your refusal to take responsibility for yourself.

No, they are not facts. Poor laughable theories.
Who's arguing? You two are the ones arguing technology that many people have been working with for decades. You guys must be government or corporate minions.

It never fails, it's always the guys claiming to "save" liberty, or "fight for freedom" who are actually the first to try and eliminate liberty and freedom by ridiculing topics and information that threaten their rapidly unraveling matrix world of bs.
Back to the energy topic. Ignore the trolls they are afraid of more people waking up to this information.

Wilhelm Reich discovered what he called orgone energy. The following is a film based on a true story.

Dr Wilhelm Reich vs the FDA Conspiracy! Full Film. PLEASE SHARE!

YouTube channel: Lifting the Veil

Published Feb 12, 2015
Film based on a true story. According to a guy that is in prison? Gee, is that the word conspiracy in the title? :lol:

Don't look now, but you are in the conspiracy thread. It was moved.

I read an article that the JWST might have found 7 compelling candidate stars in our own galaxy for Dyson spheres. I was going to do a ZPE vs Dyson Sphere and started digging around old thread

I found this discussion on Reddit.

The WhyFiles also did an episode on suppressed patents, Patents that since the 1950's the government have determined need to be kept secret in the interest of, take a guess -- right! National Security!


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