Your weekly Hasan’s beard update


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Jonn Lilyea @ This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » Your weekly Hasan’s beard update

Colonel Tara Osborn, the new judge in the Hasan murder trial has told the defendant, who murdered 14 people at Fort Hood a few years back, that even though his beard is against the standards of military grooming, he can keep it according to the Associated Press;
Fort Hood suspect allowed to keep beard at trial - U.S. - Stripes

Who even cares anymore? Just try the piece is Islamic trash and put him in front of a firing squad!!!
Any intelligent terrorist will realize that any acts of terrorism against the United States will only be met with the strengthening of our resolve to eliminate them. So they must gain the support of all the Arab & Muslims nations of the world on there side if they are to have a chance to defeat Israel. They have also realized that the only way to gain support would be to vilify Muslims within the United States so that they are jailed and persecuted on the sole purpose of there faith of Islam, just like what happened to the Asians during WW2 in the United States. So now the terrorist only chance of survival now is to VILIFY there own people and faith of Islam to a point that would allow violent acts against Muslims & Arabs to be tolerated. This would most definitely put the entire Arab and Muslims world on the defensive. This is why he refuses to shave his beard, to take the stand and act the fool in the media's eye & public in the hopes that acts of violence against Muslims accrue in the United States, people don't realize this, but he still has the power to cause much more damage acting the fool, and even more damage executed as a martyr. This is what must be done, he should be forcefully clean shaved to Military standards, and then have American Made Chicken & Dumpling's and Apple Pie shoved down his throat for REHABILITATION purposes. He should then stand trial and get LIFE in prison, thus spending the rest of his life pissing and shitting in a diaper that he must try to change himself.
To help the United States fight the war on Terror, the media must show him arriving at his trial in the wheel chair clean shaved, with Lipstick, blush, and barrettes in his hair, this will strike fear into the hearts of all terrorist around the world, not Muslims.
This was not an act of terrorism due to its military target, but his true target was the Arabs and Muslims of the United States, so it is then very clear, THIS IS A CLEAR ACT OF TERRORISM
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Nidal Hasan Found Guilty...
Hasan found guilty of premeditated murder in 2009 Fort Hood rampage
23 Aug.`13 — The army major was found guilty on 13 counts of murder.
Maj. Nidal Hasan, the Army psychiatrist who admitted to the 2009 shooting rampage at the military base here, was convicted Friday of 13 counts of premeditated murder — and could become the first American soldier to be put to death in half a century. Hasan was also convicted, by a military jury, of 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder in the attack, the deadliest mass murder on a base in American military history. Under military law, a conviction on at least two counts of premeditated murder makes Hasan eligible for the death penalty. The penalty phase of the court-martial is to begin Monday.

Hasan, 42, who acted as his own lawyer during the trial, said he had changed sides in what he called an American war against Islam. He presented no witnesses and did not make a closing argument to the jury. Prosecutors said Hasan committed the attack because he did not want to be deployed to Afghanistan and that he believed he had a jihad duty to kill as many soldiers as possible. The military lined up 90 witnesses against him. One prosecutor, Army Col. Steve Henricks, told the jury that Hasan turned the Army base into his “personal kill zone” on Nov. 5, 2009. A police officer ended the rampage by shooting Hasan, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. He gave an opening statement in the trial and watched the rest of it from his wheelchair. The prosecutor detailed for jurors how Hasan had asked for advice from Guns Galore, a firearms store near the base, and bought the highest-tech pistol available. He later trained at a range and used laser sights, Henricks said.

Besides the 13 dead, 31 people were hurt in the attack. Hasan shot at a 32nd and missed. In the punishment phase, 16 witnesses are expected to testify, including one family member from each of the 13 people Hasan killed. He will also be allowed to speak, without restrictions. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, five men are on the military’s death row at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. The last military execution took place in April 1961, when an Army private was was hanged after being convicted of rape and attempted murder.

Hasan joined the Army in 1988. He became a doctor and later a psychiatrist at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington. He was promoted to major in May 2009, and two months later was transferred to Fort Hood. Prosecutors presented evidence that he bought a handgun, two laser sights, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and six high-capacity magazines. At the gun range, prosecutors said, he replaced bullseye targets with silhouettes. Twenty days before the shooting, Hasan told a fellow doctor in a casual conversation that if the army was going to make him deploy, he was going to “make them pay,” the fellow doctor testified. Prosecutors say Hasan chose to launch his attack at Fort Hood’s medical readiness center because he knew it would be crowded with soldiers preparing to deploy. They said he chose Nov. 5 because his unit was to report to the center that day.


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