Your Rich.


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
Why dont these rich politicans help out the tax payer and cut out those big paychecks they get?
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Why dont these rich politicans help out the tax payer and cut out those big paychecks they get?

The paychecks are shit... They make there money with Wall St. and Lobbyist.
Corrupt Pricks......... They are the enemy, Not business. It's no wonder our sovereignty has gone down the drain.

The slime spend 10 million to get elected.. Job pay's 200K a year.
Why dont these rich politicans help out the tax payer and cut out those big paychecks they get?

Why don't these poor and middle class conservatives start sending in voluntary tax payments to the government so they don't have to feel like a part of the "mooching 47%"?
last I heard Romney was going to do just that. I think he did something similiar as Governor.
Why dont these rich politicans help out the tax payer and cut out those big paychecks they get?

Sorry Frogy, but I have to say I wouldn't take their jobs for the pay they get, considering the cost of living in DC, and the temporary nature of the job. Also, you could take ALL the pay ALL our reps get in any year and it wouldn't help average folks a drib.
last I heard Romney was going to do just that. I think he did something similiar as Governor.

Romney, nor his Lt. Gov. accepted no salary for their jobs. Spin it any way you want, but the fact is, he accepted no taxpayer's money to support his contribution to his state.

Mitt Romney deserves vetting as much as anyone this close to becoming a president. We all know about his successful business records, but here’s a few interesting things some of us did not know:

1) Worked as an unpaid intern in the Michigan governor’s office for eight years.

2) While at Stanford for one year, he worked as a night security guard to earn money to go home and see Ann Davies, his future wife.

3) After his missionary travels, resumed school at BYU where he earned a degree in English and graduated valedictorian in 1971.

4) Jointly, earned a Juris Doctorate in law and a Master of Business Administration from Harvard as a Baker Scholar. (All his college records have been made available for scrutiny)

5) Mormon Missionary for 30 months in France. Survived a serious traffic accident in which one of the vehicle occupants was killed. Romney suffered a fractured arm, broken ribs and a concussion. Thought dead at first, he had to be pried from the car.

6) Worked as an unpaid bishop and state president of his church for ten years

7) Took no salary as president of the Salt Lake Olympics for three years

8) Accepted no salary as Massachusetts governor for four years

9) Gave his entire inheritance to charities.

10) His father was CEO of American Motors before becoming Governor of Michigan

11) Ann Romney, his wife, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1998, in remission since 2002. She also had a cancerous lump removed from her breast in 2008.

12) As governor, Romney vetoed eight provisions in the Massachusetts health care law, including one requiring dental insurance. The Democratic state congress overrode all eight vetoes.

13) Romney has been bestowed five different honorary doctorate degrees by colleges and universities in various parts of the country.

14) One study of 68 deals that Bain Capital made during Romney’s time there found that the firm lost money or broke even on 33 of them.Another study that looked at the eight-year period following 77 deals during Romney’s time found that in 17 cases the company went bankrupt or out of business, and in 6 cases Bain Capital lost all its investment. But 10 deals were very successful and represented 70 percent of the total profits.

15) In July 1996, when a fellow executive at Romney’s company Bain Capital, 14 year-old daughter went missing in NYC, he shut down the company and took a team of 30 to NYC to find her. Remarkably, Romney personally conducted much of the investigation, taking to the streets of New York, interviewing prostitutes, drug addicts, etc., until the wee hours of the morning. (For more information on this, click on the link below from Newsmax.)

16) As a venture-capitalist, Romney’s first major business deal involved investing in a start-up office supply company with one store in Massachusetts that sold office supplies. That company, called Staples, now has over 2,000 stores and employs over 90,000 people.

more: VETTING MITT ROMNEY | Marshall Frank
Why don't people make their own success, and keep their filthy hands out of other people's wallets?
Why dont these rich politicans help out the tax payer and cut out those big paychecks they get?

What big paychecks?

Living in one of the most expensive cities, more than likely maintaining two homes.
Not for me thanks.

Politicians generally make less then they would in the private sector.

You don't see many poor guys in politics.

Which, by the way, I see as a problem.
last I heard Romney was going to do just that. I think he did something similiar as Governor.

Romney, nor his Lt. Gov. accepted no salary for their jobs. Spin it any way you want, but the fact is, he accepted no taxpayer's money to support his contribution to his state.

Mitt Romney deserves vetting as much as anyone this close to becoming a president. We all know about his successful business records, but here’s a few interesting things some of us did not know:

1) Worked as an unpaid intern in the Michigan governor’s office for eight years.

2) While at Stanford for one year, he worked as a night security guard to earn money to go home and see Ann Davies, his future wife.

3) After his missionary travels, resumed school at BYU where he earned a degree in English and graduated valedictorian in 1971.

4) Jointly, earned a Juris Doctorate in law and a Master of Business Administration from Harvard as a Baker Scholar. (All his college records have been made available for scrutiny)

5) Mormon Missionary for 30 months in France. Survived a serious traffic accident in which one of the vehicle occupants was killed. Romney suffered a fractured arm, broken ribs and a concussion. Thought dead at first, he had to be pried from the car.

6) Worked as an unpaid bishop and state president of his church for ten years

7) Took no salary as president of the Salt Lake Olympics for three years

8) Accepted no salary as Massachusetts governor for four years

9) Gave his entire inheritance to charities.

10) His father was CEO of American Motors before becoming Governor of Michigan

11) Ann Romney, his wife, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1998, in remission since 2002. She also had a cancerous lump removed from her breast in 2008.

12) As governor, Romney vetoed eight provisions in the Massachusetts health care law, including one requiring dental insurance. The Democratic state congress overrode all eight vetoes.

13) Romney has been bestowed five different honorary doctorate degrees by colleges and universities in various parts of the country.

14) One study of 68 deals that Bain Capital made during Romney’s time there found that the firm lost money or broke even on 33 of them.Another study that looked at the eight-year period following 77 deals during Romney’s time found that in 17 cases the company went bankrupt or out of business, and in 6 cases Bain Capital lost all its investment. But 10 deals were very successful and represented 70 percent of the total profits.

15) In July 1996, when a fellow executive at Romney’s company Bain Capital, 14 year-old daughter went missing in NYC, he shut down the company and took a team of 30 to NYC to find her. Remarkably, Romney personally conducted much of the investigation, taking to the streets of New York, interviewing prostitutes, drug addicts, etc., until the wee hours of the morning. (For more information on this, click on the link below from Newsmax.)

16) As a venture-capitalist, Romney’s first major business deal involved investing in a start-up office supply company with one store in Massachusetts that sold office supplies. That company, called Staples, now has over 2,000 stores and employs over 90,000 people.

more: VETTING MITT ROMNEY | Marshall Frank

Compare this to the (hidden) resume of all Barack Hussein Obama (peace by on him) in his stroll to the 'people's house.'

It is especially amazing to me that this one has gotten as little recognition as it has:

"15) In July 1996, when a fellow executive at Romney’s company Bain Capital, 14 year-old daughter went missing in NYC, he shut down the company and took a team of 30 to NYC to find her. Remarkably, Romney personally conducted much of the investigation, taking to the streets of New York, interviewing prostitutes, drug addicts, etc., until the wee hours of the morning. (For more information on this, click on the link below from Newsmax.)"

What was our President doing in 1996?

High-fiving Jeremiah Wright as he cursed the United States.

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