Young Chinese masturbate too much to pass fitness tests


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
Holy Guacamole :) That explains why a "super power" China had to back off when facing "sub-Saharan" Indians in Bhutan.


A rising number of young Chinese people are failing fitness tests required to join the army because they are too fat and masturbate too much, state media has proclaimed.

The high rejection rate has triggered concerns that there are not enough youths in good physical condition to fill the ranks of the Chinese army.

A poor diet and frequent masturbation, leading to abnormally large testicular veins, are believed to be behind falling fitness levels, according to a report published in state-run military newspaper the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

Authorities also think the constant use of smartphones and drinking water with too high a mineral content are to blame.

In one city, 56.9 per cent of potential recruits were rejected after failing fitness tests. One in five was simply deemed too fat.


Young Chinese are 'too fat and masturbate too much' to join army
Holy Guacamole :) That explains why a "super power" China had to back off when facing "sub-Saharan" Indians in Bhutan.


A rising number of young Chinese people are failing fitness tests required to join the army because they are too fat and masturbate too much, state media has proclaimed.

The high rejection rate has triggered concerns that there are not enough youths in good physical condition to fill the ranks of the Chinese army.

A poor diet and frequent masturbation, leading to abnormally large testicular veins, are believed to be behind falling fitness levels, according to a report published in state-run military newspaper the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

Authorities also think the constant use of smartphones and drinking water with too high a mineral content are to blame.

In one city, 56.9 per cent of potential recruits were rejected after failing fitness tests. One in five was simply deemed too fat.


Young Chinese are 'too fat and masturbate too much' to join army

Yes, well, the Chinese think it's BBQs and dusty roads that is causing all the pollution, but when Xi Jinping turns up, they shut down all the polluting industry and the pollution levels go down to something normal.

It's the Chinese way.
Holy Guacamole :) That explains why a "super power" China had to back off when facing "sub-Saharan" Indians in Bhutan.


A rising number of young Chinese people are failing fitness tests required to join the army because they are too fat and masturbate too much, state media has proclaimed.

The high rejection rate has triggered concerns that there are not enough youths in good physical condition to fill the ranks of the Chinese army.

A poor diet and frequent masturbation, leading to abnormally large testicular veins, are believed to be behind falling fitness levels, according to a report published in state-run military newspaper the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

Authorities also think the constant use of smartphones and drinking water with too high a mineral content are to blame.

In one city, 56.9 per cent of potential recruits were rejected after failing fitness tests. One in five was simply deemed too fat.


Young Chinese are 'too fat and masturbate too much' to join army

Yes, well, the Chinese think it's BBQs and dusty roads that is causing all the pollution, but when Xi Jinping turns up, they shut down all the polluting industry and the pollution levels go down to something normal.

It's the Chinese way.

I have to admit, there was a point in my life when I started to doubt the democratic path India chose. But, more and more I learn about China, I am glad India did not go the same route as China.

Transparency of India can be a cause of embarrassment to Indians at times but it also forces Indians to face the reality and work on it instead of hiding behind censorship and image control regimes.
Yes, well, the Chinese think it's BBQs and dusty roads that is causing all the pollution, but when Xi Jinping turns up, they shut down all the polluting industry and the pollution levels go down to something normal.

It's the Chinese way.

I just left Beijing on Thursday and I've never seen so much air pollution in my life. We were driving downtown and the smog was so thick you could barely see the buildings down the street.
Holy Guacamole :) That explains why a "super power" China had to back off when facing "sub-Saharan" Indians in Bhutan.


A rising number of young Chinese people are failing fitness tests required to join the army because they are too fat and masturbate too much, state media has proclaimed.

The high rejection rate has triggered concerns that there are not enough youths in good physical condition to fill the ranks of the Chinese army.

A poor diet and frequent masturbation, leading to abnormally large testicular veins, are believed to be behind falling fitness levels, according to a report published in state-run military newspaper the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

Authorities also think the constant use of smartphones and drinking water with too high a mineral content are to blame.

In one city, 56.9 per cent of potential recruits were rejected after failing fitness tests. One in five was simply deemed too fat.


Young Chinese are 'too fat and masturbate too much' to join army

Yes, well, the Chinese think it's BBQs and dusty roads that is causing all the pollution, but when Xi Jinping turns up, they shut down all the polluting industry and the pollution levels go down to something normal.

It's the Chinese way.

I have to admit, there was a point in my life when I started to doubt the democratic path India chose. But, more and more I learn about China, I am glad India did not go the same route as China.

Transparency of India can be a cause of embarrassment to Indians at times but it also forces Indians to face the reality and work on it instead of hiding behind censorship and image control regimes.

Well... there are positives and negatives for democracy for sure. The Indians aren't exactly going anywhere. There problem with China is that it's turning into the US, an aggressive powerful country, which everyone else gets annoyed with.
Yes, well, the Chinese think it's BBQs and dusty roads that is causing all the pollution, but when Xi Jinping turns up, they shut down all the polluting industry and the pollution levels go down to something normal.

It's the Chinese way.

I just left Beijing on Thursday and I've never seen so much air pollution in my life. We were driving downtown and the smog was so thick you could barely see the buildings down the street.

Well eastern China suffers from mist or fog in general. This is not to be equated to pollution. According to AQICN it wasn't actually that bad on Thursday.

Beijing Air Pollution: Real-time PM2.5 Air Quality Index (AQI)

It got worse on Friday hitting about 255. Now, 255 would be sort of normal in winter for most large cities except maybe those in Guangdong for some reason. Beijing in winter might hit 999 (for some reason it never gets to 1000, how convenient).

The worst I've seen appear in China was something like 2000 but that was in the west where you can get some pretty bad dust storms that push up the air pollution.

When you see yellow sky, then you know it's bad, and I've personally seen yellow sky at like 800+, that's bad.
Holy Guacamole :) That explains why a "super power" China had to back off when facing "sub-Saharan" Indians in Bhutan.


A rising number of young Chinese people are failing fitness tests required to join the army because they are too fat and masturbate too much, state media has proclaimed.

The high rejection rate has triggered concerns that there are not enough youths in good physical condition to fill the ranks of the Chinese army.

A poor diet and frequent masturbation, leading to abnormally large testicular veins, are believed to be behind falling fitness levels, according to a report published in state-run military newspaper the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

Authorities also think the constant use of smartphones and drinking water with too high a mineral content are to blame.

In one city, 56.9 per cent of potential recruits were rejected after failing fitness tests. One in five was simply deemed too fat.


Young Chinese are 'too fat and masturbate too much' to join army
Well, that certainly explains the few extra pounds I've put on.
Yes, well, the Chinese think it's BBQs and dusty roads that is causing all the pollution, but when Xi Jinping turns up, they shut down all the polluting industry and the pollution levels go down to something normal.

It's the Chinese way.

I just left Beijing on Thursday and I've never seen so much air pollution in my life. We were driving downtown and the smog was so thick you could barely see the buildings down the street.

Well eastern China suffers from mist or fog in general. This is not to be equated to pollution. According to AQICN it wasn't actually that bad on Thursday.

Beijing Air Pollution: Real-time PM2.5 Air Quality Index (AQI)

It got worse on Friday hitting about 255. Now, 255 would be sort of normal in winter for most large cities except maybe those in Guangdong for some reason. Beijing in winter might hit 999 (for some reason it never gets to 1000, how convenient).

The worst I've seen appear in China was something like 2000 but that was in the west where you can get some pretty bad dust storms that push up the air pollution.

When you see yellow sky, then you know it's bad, and I've personally seen yellow sky at like 800+, that's bad.

It was actually Friday in Beijing when I left (it was still Thursday here in the U.S.) The pollution was extremely bad and my weather app even gave an alert of very unhealthy air quality.
Yes, well, the Chinese think it's BBQs and dusty roads that is causing all the pollution, but when Xi Jinping turns up, they shut down all the polluting industry and the pollution levels go down to something normal.

It's the Chinese way.

I just left Beijing on Thursday and I've never seen so much air pollution in my life. We were driving downtown and the smog was so thick you could barely see the buildings down the street.

Well eastern China suffers from mist or fog in general. This is not to be equated to pollution. According to AQICN it wasn't actually that bad on Thursday.

Beijing Air Pollution: Real-time PM2.5 Air Quality Index (AQI)

It got worse on Friday hitting about 255. Now, 255 would be sort of normal in winter for most large cities except maybe those in Guangdong for some reason. Beijing in winter might hit 999 (for some reason it never gets to 1000, how convenient).

The worst I've seen appear in China was something like 2000 but that was in the west where you can get some pretty bad dust storms that push up the air pollution.

When you see yellow sky, then you know it's bad, and I've personally seen yellow sky at like 800+, that's bad.

It was actually Friday in Beijing when I left (it was still Thursday here in the U.S.) The pollution was extremely bad and my weather app even gave an alert of very unhealthy air quality.

Yes, it got worse then, but like I said, that's NORMAL in winter. Go back in January or February during one of their dust storms.

I remember flying into Beijing the first time I went to China, and you can see the brown layer above the city as you take off, and then you see the point at which it gets to be blue sky above it. Scary.

Things will change over time, but China, like the US, puts profit above all else.
Holy Guacamole :) That explains why a "super power" China had to back off when facing "sub-Saharan" Indians in Bhutan.


A rising number of young Chinese people are failing fitness tests required to join the army because they are too fat and masturbate too much, state media has proclaimed.

The high rejection rate has triggered concerns that there are not enough youths in good physical condition to fill the ranks of the Chinese army.

A poor diet and frequent masturbation, leading to abnormally large testicular veins, are believed to be behind falling fitness levels, according to a report published in state-run military newspaper the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

Authorities also think the constant use of smartphones and drinking water with too high a mineral content are to blame.

In one city, 56.9 per cent of potential recruits were rejected after failing fitness tests. One in five was simply deemed too fat.


Young Chinese are 'too fat and masturbate too much' to join army

Yes, well, the Chinese think it's BBQs and dusty roads that is causing all the pollution, but when Xi Jinping turns up, they shut down all the polluting industry and the pollution levels go down to something normal.

It's the Chinese way.

I have to admit, there was a point in my life when I started to doubt the democratic path India chose. But, more and more I learn about China, I am glad India did not go the same route as China.

Transparency of India can be a cause of embarrassment to Indians at times but it also forces Indians to face the reality and work on it instead of hiding behind censorship and image control regimes.

Well... there are positives and negatives for democracy for sure. The Indians aren't exactly going anywhere. There problem with China is that it's turning into the US, an aggressive powerful country, which everyone else gets annoyed with.

"India is not going anywhere" is the fairy tale that CPC sells to Chinese people to justify the oppressive nature of its governance. There is a deliberate attempt by CPC to downplay India's progress. And, then this so called lack of progress is blamed on India's political system aka democracy.

I recall coverage by Chinese media of India's A5 missiles where its potency was down played by citing its lack of accuracy. This claim was childish because all you have to do is compare capabilities of China vs India in this regard. India has sent two lunar missions. And, India is the only Asian country to have successfully sent a mission to Mars. These missions require tremendous degree of sophistication and accuracy. China is nowhere near sending a mission to Moon; forget about Mars.

Yes, China has made tremendous progress in uplifting large number of its people from poverty. It is remarkable. But, in the process it has polluted the country and compromised the health of its citizens to the point that the lack of fitness among Chinese youth is being blamed on masturbation. I would caution India against Chinese style economic growth as it is turning livable if not glamorous Indian cities like Bengaluru into living hell.

I have been noticing an interesting trend among Chinese netizens who post on social media sites. They think of themselves as racially white. They refer to Indians as sub-Saharans. In their mind, a white person is superior to a sub-Saharan person by default; therefore, Chinese are superior to Indians. First I ignored this but this is a quite a pattern among Chinese netizens.

Now, it makes sense to me why CPC engages in deliberate propaganda against Indians. Some of these propaganda materials are downright racist.
Masturbation is good exercise.

Masturbation gets your heart rate up. Therefore, it burns some calories in your body which is a welcoming outcome. However, I would not go as far as to call masturbation an exercise :)

As far as CPC is concerned, it has been manufacturing facts and science to support its policies since its inception. The reason behind poor health of average Chinese is pollution and perhaps unhealthy diet - not masturbation.

Managing the health of a country with large population is a daunting task in itself without compounding the issue further by introducing pollution into the equation. Indians too face similar challenge when managing the health of a large population. It is not easy.
Holy Guacamole :) That explains why a "super power" China had to back off when facing "sub-Saharan" Indians in Bhutan.


A rising number of young Chinese people are failing fitness tests required to join the army because they are too fat and masturbate too much, state media has proclaimed.

The high rejection rate has triggered concerns that there are not enough youths in good physical condition to fill the ranks of the Chinese army.

A poor diet and frequent masturbation, leading to abnormally large testicular veins, are believed to be behind falling fitness levels, according to a report published in state-run military newspaper the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

Authorities also think the constant use of smartphones and drinking water with too high a mineral content are to blame.

In one city, 56.9 per cent of potential recruits were rejected after failing fitness tests. One in five was simply deemed too fat.


Young Chinese are 'too fat and masturbate too much' to join army

Yes, well, the Chinese think it's BBQs and dusty roads that is causing all the pollution, but when Xi Jinping turns up, they shut down all the polluting industry and the pollution levels go down to something normal.

It's the Chinese way.

I have to admit, there was a point in my life when I started to doubt the democratic path India chose. But, more and more I learn about China, I am glad India did not go the same route as China.

Transparency of India can be a cause of embarrassment to Indians at times but it also forces Indians to face the reality and work on it instead of hiding behind censorship and image control regimes.

Well... there are positives and negatives for democracy for sure. The Indians aren't exactly going anywhere. There problem with China is that it's turning into the US, an aggressive powerful country, which everyone else gets annoyed with.

"India is not going anywhere" is the fairy tale that CPC sells to Chinese people to justify the oppressive nature of its governance. There is a deliberate attempt by CPC to downplay India's progress. And, then this so called lack of progress is blamed on India's political system aka democracy.

I recall coverage by Chinese media of India's A5 missiles where its potency was down played by citing its lack of accuracy. This claim was childish because all you have to do is compare capabilities of China vs India in this regard. India has sent two lunar missions. And, India is the only Asian country to have successfully sent a mission to Mars. These missions require tremendous degree of sophistication and accuracy. China is nowhere near sending a mission to Moon; forget about Mars.

Yes, China has made tremendous progress in uplifting large number of its people from poverty. It is remarkable. But, in the process it has polluted the country and compromised the health of its citizens to the point that the lack of fitness among Chinese youth is being blamed on masturbation. I would caution India against Chinese style economic growth as it is turning livable if not glamorous Indian cities like Bengaluru into living hell.

I have been noticing an interesting trend among Chinese netizens who post on social media sites. They think of themselves as racially white. They refer to Indians as sub-Saharans. In their mind, a white person is superior to a sub-Saharan person by default; therefore, Chinese are superior to Indians. First I ignored this but this is a quite a pattern among Chinese netizens.

Now, it makes sense to me why CPC engages in deliberate propaganda against Indians. Some of these propaganda materials are downright racist.

Well it's not hard to downplay India's progress, is it?




Do you see? Actually India's GDP percentage rise is actually HIGHER than China's. However this is because India is starting from a much lower point. India is on about 7.4% GDP growth, China about 6.3. However China is doing much better.

To be honest, if China had democracy, it'd be poor. The people would be electing fools who'd be playing politics and enriching themselves. The CCP already does this, but also manages to put in infrastructure for the whole country, instead of focusing on areas where they'd gain political profit.

Yes, China is polluting it's country, but India's pollution is worse.

Beijing Air Pollution: Real-time PM2.5 Air Quality Index (AQI)

Haldia, India has a PM2.5 at 270, New Dehli has 198, Nehru Nagar has 159. One place in China has 323, Beijing is at 169 right now.

So, India is polluted, China is polluted, India is poorer than China and has had Democracy since 1948 or something, and China has been developing since Mao died in 1975. So why is India behind? Why are Indian railways so poor?



Chinese railways v. Indian railways. Okay, China does have older stock out there too, but still everything is better than that Indian train there which is the norm.


Indian high speed rail network. Notice that anything blue, green or red is a PROPOSED high speed network and doesn't actually exist. So a network map of India's high speed network would be EMPTY.

China's, serving quite a large part of the population. Personally I've been from Xiamen in the south up to Beijing in the north, and other parts in the west.
Holy Guacamole :) That explains why a "super power" China had to back off when facing "sub-Saharan" Indians in Bhutan.


A rising number of young Chinese people are failing fitness tests required to join the army because they are too fat and masturbate too much, state media has proclaimed.

The high rejection rate has triggered concerns that there are not enough youths in good physical condition to fill the ranks of the Chinese army.

A poor diet and frequent masturbation, leading to abnormally large testicular veins, are believed to be behind falling fitness levels, according to a report published in state-run military newspaper the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

Authorities also think the constant use of smartphones and drinking water with too high a mineral content are to blame.

In one city, 56.9 per cent of potential recruits were rejected after failing fitness tests. One in five was simply deemed too fat.


Young Chinese are 'too fat and masturbate too much' to join army

Yes, well, the Chinese think it's BBQs and dusty roads that is causing all the pollution, but when Xi Jinping turns up, they shut down all the polluting industry and the pollution levels go down to something normal.

It's the Chinese way.

I have to admit, there was a point in my life when I started to doubt the democratic path India chose. But, more and more I learn about China, I am glad India did not go the same route as China.

Transparency of India can be a cause of embarrassment to Indians at times but it also forces Indians to face the reality and work on it instead of hiding behind censorship and image control regimes.

Well... there are positives and negatives for democracy for sure. The Indians aren't exactly going anywhere. There problem with China is that it's turning into the US, an aggressive powerful country, which everyone else gets annoyed with.

"India is not going anywhere" is the fairy tale that CPC sells to Chinese people to justify the oppressive nature of its governance. There is a deliberate attempt by CPC to downplay India's progress. And, then this so called lack of progress is blamed on India's political system aka democracy.

I recall coverage by Chinese media of India's A5 missiles where its potency was down played by citing its lack of accuracy. This claim was childish because all you have to do is compare capabilities of China vs India in this regard. India has sent two lunar missions. And, India is the only Asian country to have successfully sent a mission to Mars. These missions require tremendous degree of sophistication and accuracy. China is nowhere near sending a mission to Moon; forget about Mars.

Yes, China has made tremendous progress in uplifting large number of its people from poverty. It is remarkable. But, in the process it has polluted the country and compromised the health of its citizens to the point that the lack of fitness among Chinese youth is being blamed on masturbation. I would caution India against Chinese style economic growth as it is turning livable if not glamorous Indian cities like Bengaluru into living hell.

I have been noticing an interesting trend among Chinese netizens who post on social media sites. They think of themselves as racially white. They refer to Indians as sub-Saharans. In their mind, a white person is superior to a sub-Saharan person by default; therefore, Chinese are superior to Indians. First I ignored this but this is a quite a pattern among Chinese netizens.

Now, it makes sense to me why CPC engages in deliberate propaganda against Indians. Some of these propaganda materials are downright racist.

Well it's not hard to downplay India's progress, is it?




Do you see? Actually India's GDP percentage rise is actually HIGHER than China's. However this is because India is starting from a much lower point. India is on about 7.4% GDP growth, China about 6.3. However China is doing much better.

To be honest, if China had democracy, it'd be poor. The people would be electing fools who'd be playing politics and enriching themselves. The CCP already does this, but also manages to put in infrastructure for the whole country, instead of focusing on areas where they'd gain political profit.

Yes, China is polluting it's country, but India's pollution is worse.

Beijing Air Pollution: Real-time PM2.5 Air Quality Index (AQI)

Haldia, India has a PM2.5 at 270, New Dehli has 198, Nehru Nagar has 159. One place in China has 323, Beijing is at 169 right now.

So, India is polluted, China is polluted, India is poorer than China and has had Democracy since 1948 or something, and China has been developing since Mao died in 1975. So why is India behind? Why are Indian railways so poor?



Chinese railways v. Indian railways. Okay, China does have older stock out there too, but still everything is better than that Indian train there which is the norm.


Indian high speed rail network. Notice that anything blue, green or red is a PROPOSED high speed network and doesn't actually exist. So a network map of India's high speed network would be EMPTY.

China's, serving quite a large part of the population. Personally I've been from Xiamen in the south up to Beijing in the north, and other parts in the west.

You are resorting to child like tactics; similar tactics are deployed by Chinese. You picked up flattering image from China and compared with an unflattering image from India that you picked up. I can play the same gave. But let me tell you something before I do that, despite draconian measures that China has deployed that has resulted in death and displacement of millions of Chinese, China still has 500 million people below the poverty line. China likes to play game with statistics by constantly lowering the bar on what constitutes below the poverty line. Where China has succeeded is in creating enclaves that are modern looking and can be used in image control regimes and propaganda materials. These enclaves are visited by foreigners and many of them seem to come out with this impression that rest of the China is like that.

Here is a flattering image from India:

Here is an unflattering image from China:

Using your logic of comparing images from the web, India must be doing better than China :)

Now, coming back to statistics, China is not a transparent society and is known to cook books. Therefore data on pollution from China cannot be relied upon. Also, you seem to not know the difference between pollution caused by toxic industrial byproducts and unflattering looking streets. Let me spell it out for you. The toxic industrial byproducts will seriously jeopardize the health of inhabitants of a city even if it has fancy train system (like the picture you posted). There is a reason why western countries have moved certain types of manufacturing to China. India has a pollution too but it is less toxic than Chinese.

Now, let me give you another dose of reality. China was behind India on all economic markers up until 80s. In 70s China was successful in making alliance with certain US bureaucrats like Kissinger who helped broker the deals that started to facilitate shifting of manufacturing to China. During this time, China received help from US in building civil nuclear plants to power its upcoming manufacturing bases. China also received machining technologies from the US which China later used to build weapons, although these machining tools were strictly for manufacturing civilian goods. China still continues to steal trade secrets from the US.

U.S. charges Chinese-Canadian citizen with trade secret theft

I mean, I have lost count of how many Chinese have been arrested for stealing US trade secrets. The point I am trying to make is that China's progress is commendable but it is over hyped. Also, this progress of China is heavily dependent on Western inputs which can be moderated at the will of the West.

China still has overwhelming poverty; look at the chart below:

China Is Still Really Poor | RealClearWorld
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Another troll thread by the absolutely obsessed, rabid, China-hating bigot from India. It's a shame that "global discussion" has to become "excuse for venting irrational hatred." Bigots and racists are all the same no matter where they are from and who they hate. Very disappointing.
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Stick to the topic boys and the topic is why young Chinese are unfit to serve in army. PLA seems to think it is because they masturbate too much. I personally think it is because of toxic industrial byproducts and bad diet. What is your thought?

I posted pictures to illustrate a point that unflattering pictures can be obtained about any country on the internet. This is not a marker of strength or weakness of a country.

Stick to the topic or stay out.
Overpopulated with racist aholes. Captain India has one objective here and one objective only. 99% of every thread he starts is the same racist trolling.

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