You Won't See This Kind of OP-ed in the American Press


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
Remember the historian David Starkey commenting on the riots in Britain last year? You know, the one the politically correct panel lost control of, and lead the BBC to make the controversial decision to remove the footage from iplayer. Bearing in mind that the Newsnight interview with Starkey remains the only piece of footage it's removed from its media player ahead of schedule.

Anyway, Dr. Starkey is back in the spotlight again, and he isn't pulling any punches. (I've copied the article onto a Word document in the event that the Telegraph removes it). Seems like the readers' comments don't echo the PC mantra as much as our politicians would prefer.

The English Summer Riots Revisited - Telegraph
Remember the historian David Starkey commenting on the riots in Britain last year? You know, the one the politically correct panel lost control of, and lead the BBC to make the controversial decision to remove the footage from iplayer. Bearing in mind that the Newsnight interview with Starkey remains the only piece of footage it's removed from its media player ahead of schedule.

Anyway, Dr. Starkey is back in the spotlight again, and he isn't pulling any punches. (I've copied the article onto a Word document in the event that the Telegraph removes it). Seems like the readers' comments don't echo the PC mantra as much as our politicians would prefer.

The English Summer Riots Revisited - Telegraph

Interesting Swagger. It seems that our American press didn't give us much, if any, coverage on that either as I was unaware all that was going on which is not characteristic of me. I am generally a news hound and at least peruse the headlines around the world on a fairly regular basis.

But you're right that it is hard for find much honesty in our left leaning media if the topic is not politically corrrect or if it involves darlings of the left. Any controversy involving Tea Partiers, for instance, is still front page news, but you rarely see much coverage of the OWS or such.
The liberal media has always been the attack dog of the New World Order, and will attack any voices of dissent against the latter's agenda. Their agenda includes instilling a guilt complex among the indegenous populations of prosperous western nations because they remain the only viable threat to achieving total domination. You should've seen how they tried to silence dissenting MEPs (specifically Nigel Farage) in the EU Parliament before the ubiquity of social media that now affords them a platform to reply without their message being deliberately misconstrued by the outlet to appease their far-left paymasters.

The Tea Party, of which my native counterpart, UKIP, offers considerable support, will draw liberal fire simple by the virtue of their membership being majority white: a target the liberal media has no fear of retaliatory accusations of racism or prejudice. The liberal media has done a stirling job of labelling the majority demographic of conservative movements or parties woorldwide, so there's little need for them to actually debate them. Afterall, we are evil Nazis, right?

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