You Mean That Government Employees Can't Save Money&Have No Credit Line.Awe,This Is So Sad !!


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:
all government pay is well above the national average,,,and most government jobs are not needed and should be abolished
Pelosi doesn't even care about them. She is preventing them having the most meaningful government jobs in history - building that wall.
One size doesn't fit all. You don't know what expenses or challenges an employee may have faced shortly before the shutdown. It's a stupid thread that presumes to understand the situations of hundreds of thousands of individuals.
Pelosi doesn't even care about them. She is preventing them having the most meaningful government jobs in history - building that wall.
and if nancy is so worried/concerned for all of these government employees, why didnt she just send all of them a check for about 5000 dollars? I mean, how much is she worth?
Pelosi doesn't even care about them. She is preventing them having the most meaningful government jobs in history - building that wall.
and if nancy is so worried/concerned for all of these government employees, why didnt she just send all of them a check for about 5000 dollars? I mean, how much is she worth?

She isn't like Trump who cares about the country and gives his well deserved earnings right back. She is there just to complain sow division, doesn't give a crap about doing her job or serving the country.
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:
80% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Redirect Notice
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:

Interesting to note that you are allowing jealousy, envy, hate, among other emotions, to delude yourself into believing that government is bad, and government employees are bad.
We reside in a sad space when folks such as yourself become so infected with negativity & self loathing.
Please, try & get better.
The vast majority of the Fed. workers are avowed DEMs.
ANY ONE of them can walk into their bank and flash their Fed. gov. ID and the bank WILL loan them money based on getting it back after the showdown ends. Same with their rent/mortgage holders/car financing.
When CNN 'axed' a negro female Fed worker how she was getting by she said she wasn't able to go to the nail salon or send her clothes to the dry cleaners. She also didn't look like she had been missing any meals IYKWIM.
Pelosi doesn't even care about them. She is preventing them having the most meaningful government jobs in history - building that wall.
and if nancy is so worried/concerned for all of these government employees, why didnt she just send all of them a check for about 5000 dollars? I mean, how much is she worth?

She isn't like Trump who cares about the country and gives his well deserved earnings right back. She is there just to complain sow division, doesn't give a crap about doing her job or serving the country.
trump is giving his paychecks to the most progressive of the government agencies
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:
80% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Redirect Notice
Yet Pelosi sent 54 Billion in aid to foreign countries and keeps our gov. Shut down and the citizens vulnerable to death by criminal illegal aliens! She shits on Americans!
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:
80% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Redirect Notice
Yet Pelosi sent 54 Billion in aid to foreign countries and keeps our gov. Shut down and the citizens vulnerable to death by criminal illegal aliens! She shits on Americans!
How is that in any way related to the topic?
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:

Interesting to note that you are allowing jealousy, envy, hate, among other emotions, to delude yourself into believing that government is bad, and government employees are bad.
We reside in a sad space when folks such as yourself become so infected with negativity & self loathing.
Please, try & get better.
sorry but the government is bad and that makes those that work for them bad
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:

Interesting to note that you are allowing jealousy, envy, hate, among other emotions, to delude yourself into believing that government is bad, and government employees are bad.
We reside in a sad space when folks such as yourself become so infected with negativity & self loathing.
Please, try & get better.
sorry but the government is bad and that makes those that work for them bad

Including the military and the border patrol? Send them all home!
Pelosi doesn't even care about them. She is preventing them having the most meaningful government jobs in history - building that wall.
pelosi was so sad stricken about this that she went to Hawaii to make her feel better
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:

Interesting to note that you are allowing jealousy, envy, hate, among other emotions, to delude yourself into believing that government is bad, and government employees are bad.
We reside in a sad space when folks such as yourself become so infected with negativity & self loathing.
Please, try & get better.
sorry but the government is bad and that makes those that work for them bad

well, I guess the first to go would have to be the military; yep. They gotta go. They B bad; really bad. Right?
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:

Interesting to note that you are allowing jealousy, envy, hate, among other emotions, to delude yourself into believing that government is bad, and government employees are bad.
We reside in a sad space when folks such as yourself become so infected with negativity & self loathing.
Please, try & get better.
sorry but the government is bad and that makes those that work for them bad

Including the military and the border patrol? Send them all home!
they are a necessary evil because of the government, if we had honest politicians their need would be minimal
:abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow: :cul2: Does anyone feel the same way? wondering how all of these government employees are just suffering financially from not getting paid for a few weeks? But don't most of them make a lot of money? Enough to have at least six months income put away in case of an emergency? Dont they all have credit cards?
Or are most of them pissing off their 40-100K Salaries? just assuming the money flow will never end? what the hell are they driving? 40,000.00 cars and living in a 300,000.00 home?
And Pelosi & Crybaby are more concerned over them over the innocent Americans/Their families who have been killed by illegal aliens?
:cuckoo: :cul2:

Interesting to note that you are allowing jealousy, envy, hate, among other emotions, to delude yourself into believing that government is bad, and government employees are bad.
We reside in a sad space when folks such as yourself become so infected with negativity & self loathing.
Please, try & get better.
sorry but the government is bad and that makes those that work for them bad

Including the military and the border patrol? Send them all home!

We should bring more of them home from overseas. Now that we have a president that is isn't an insane warmongerer that seems possible.

Maybe address the crisis on our own border.

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