You Know About The Muslim Woman With Two Black Eyes?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. It's that joke from comedian Bassam Youssef.....

What do you say to a Muslim woman with two black eyes?
Nothing! You told her twice already!

It's the same thing when it comes to telling a Democrat about the lying corruption of the FBI and the DoJ.....
...except that we've told 'em two hundred times.

2. "Everybody knew. Everybody of consequence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department understood fully in the middle of 2016—as the FBI embarked on its counterintelligence probe of Donald Trump—that it was doing so based on disinformation provided by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. That’s the big revelation from the transcript of the testimony Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave Congress in August. The transcripts haven’t been released, but parts were confirmed for me by congressional sources.

3. Mr. Ohr testified that he sat down with dossier author Christopher Steele on July 30, 2016, and received salacious information the opposition researcher had compiled on Mr. Trump. Mr. Ohr immediately took that to the FBI’s then-Deputy Director Andy McCabe and lawyer Lisa Page. In August he took it to Peter Strzok,...

4. ...Ohr told this team the information came from the Clinton camp and warned that it was likely biased, certainly unproven.

5. ...he told them that Mr. Steele was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected,” and that his own wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS, which compiled the dossier. He confirmed sounding all these warnings before the FBI filed its October application for a surveillance warrant against Carter Page.

6. The Ohr testimony is also further evidence that the FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in its Page warrant application. We already knew the bureau failed to inform the court it knew the dossier had come from a rival campaign. But the FISA application additionally claimed the FBI was “unaware of any derogatory information pertaining” to Mr. Steele, that he was “reliable,” that his “reporting” in this case was “credible.” and that the FBI only “speculates” that Mr. Steele’s bosses “likely” wanted to “discredit” Mr. Trump.

7. Ohr makes clear FBI and Justice officials knew from the earliest days that Mr. Steele was working for the Clinton campaign, which had an obvious desire to discredit Mr. Trump. And Mr. Ohr specifically told investigators that they had every reason to worry Mr. Steele’s work product was tainted.

8. further demonstrates the accuracy of the House Intelligence Committee Republicans’ memo of 2018—which noted Mr. Ohr’s role and pointed out that the FBI had not been honest about its knowledge of the dossier and failed to inform the court of Mrs. Ohr’s employment at Fusion GPS.

9. ...also destroys any remaining credibility of the Democratic response, in which Mr. Schiff and his colleagues claimed Mr. Ohr hadn’t met with the FBI or told them anything about his wife or about Mr. Steele’s bias until after the election.

10. ...the testimony raises new concerns about Mr. Mueller’s team. ....Mr. Weissman’s donations to Mrs. Clinton and his unseemly support of former acting Attorney General Sally Yates’s obstruction of Trump orders.
It now turns out that senior Mueller players were central to the dossier scandal.
The conflicts of interest boggle the mind.

The Ohr testimony is evidence the FBI itself knows how seriously it erred. The FBI has been hiding and twisting facts from the start."
Opinion | What Bruce Ohr Told the FBI

How many black eyes does this entire lying Liberal attempt to co-opt the government need before wholesale measurement for orange jump-suits???????

Last edited:
1. It's that joke from comedian Bassam Youssef.....

What do you say to a Muslim with two black eyes?
Nothing! You told her twice already!

It's the same thing when it comes to telling a Democrat about the lying corruption of the FBI and the DoJ.....
...except that we've told 'em two hundred times.

2. "Everybody knew. Everybody of consequence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department understood fully in the middle of 2016—as the FBI embarked on its counterintelligence probe of Donald Trump—that it was doing so based on disinformation provided by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. That’s the big revelation from the transcript of the testimony Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave Congress in August. The transcripts haven’t been released, but parts were confirmed for me by congressional sources.

3. Mr. Ohr testified that he sat down with dossier author Christopher Steele on July 30, 2016, and received salacious information the opposition researcher had compiled on Mr. Trump. Mr. Ohr immediately took that to the FBI’s then-Deputy Director Andy McCabe and lawyer Lisa Page. In August he took it to Peter Strzok,...

4. ...Ohr told this team the information came from the Clinton camp and warned that it was likely biased, certainly unproven.

5. ...he told them that Mr. Steele was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected,” and that his own wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS, which compiled the dossier. He confirmed sounding all these warnings before the FBI filed its October application for a surveillance warrant against Carter Page.

6. The Ohr testimony is also further evidence that the FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in its Page warrant application. We already knew the bureau failed to inform the court it knew the dossier had come from a rival campaign. But the FISA application additionally claimed the FBI was “unaware of any derogatory information pertaining” to Mr. Steele, that he was “reliable,” that his “reporting” in this case was “credible.” and that the FBI only “speculates” that Mr. Steele’s bosses “likely” wanted to “discredit” Mr. Trump.

7. Ohr makes clear FBI and Justice officials knew from the earliest days that Mr. Steele was working for the Clinton campaign, which had an obvious desire to discredit Mr. Trump. And Mr. Ohr specifically told investigators that they had every reason to worry Mr. Steele’s work product was tainted.

8. further demonstrates the accuracy of the House Intelligence Committee Republicans’ memo of 2018—which noted Mr. Ohr’s role and pointed out that the FBI had not been honest about its knowledge of the dossier and failed to inform the court of Mrs. Ohr’s employment at Fusion GPS.

9. ...also destroys any remaining credibility of the Democratic response, in which Mr. Schiff and his colleagues claimed Mr. Ohr hadn’t met with the FBI or told them anything about his wife or about Mr. Steele’s bias until after the election.

10. ...the testimony raises new concerns about Mr. Mueller’s team. ....Mr. Weissman’s donations to Mrs. Clinton and his unseemly support of former acting Attorney General Sally Yates’s obstruction of Trump orders.
It now turns out that senior Mueller players were central to the dossier scandal.
The conflicts of interest boggle the mind.

The Ohr testimony is evidence the FBI itself knows how seriously it erred. The FBI has been hiding and twisting facts from the start."
Opinion | What Bruce Ohr Told the FBI

How many black eyes does this entire lying Liberal attempt to co-opt the government need before wholesale measurement for orange jump-suits???????


The new're the same one who posted in one thread about the D's being racists against whites, and blacks.....then what was it about D's trying to get the Hispanic vote....

Regardless, we can all post pretty pictures of folks in each party who have been accused of this or that.

The "joke" about the Muslim woman is disturbing, true and in a sad way humorous.

That gal with the old picture was formerly offended when I made a reference to dumpster diving for reclamation project gals who I could easily impress....

........interesting is your short term memory / hypocrisy.

Carry on.
1. It's that joke from comedian Bassam Youssef.....

What do you say to a Muslim with two black eyes?
Nothing! You told her twice already!

It's the same thing when it comes to telling a Democrat about the lying corruption of the FBI and the DoJ.....
...except that we've told 'em two hundred times.

2. "Everybody knew. Everybody of consequence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department understood fully in the middle of 2016—as the FBI embarked on its counterintelligence probe of Donald Trump—that it was doing so based on disinformation provided by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. That’s the big revelation from the transcript of the testimony Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave Congress in August. The transcripts haven’t been released, but parts were confirmed for me by congressional sources.

3. Mr. Ohr testified that he sat down with dossier author Christopher Steele on July 30, 2016, and received salacious information the opposition researcher had compiled on Mr. Trump. Mr. Ohr immediately took that to the FBI’s then-Deputy Director Andy McCabe and lawyer Lisa Page. In August he took it to Peter Strzok,...

4. ...Ohr told this team the information came from the Clinton camp and warned that it was likely biased, certainly unproven.

5. ...he told them that Mr. Steele was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected,” and that his own wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS, which compiled the dossier. He confirmed sounding all these warnings before the FBI filed its October application for a surveillance warrant against Carter Page.

6. The Ohr testimony is also further evidence that the FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in its Page warrant application. We already knew the bureau failed to inform the court it knew the dossier had come from a rival campaign. But the FISA application additionally claimed the FBI was “unaware of any derogatory information pertaining” to Mr. Steele, that he was “reliable,” that his “reporting” in this case was “credible.” and that the FBI only “speculates” that Mr. Steele’s bosses “likely” wanted to “discredit” Mr. Trump.

7. Ohr makes clear FBI and Justice officials knew from the earliest days that Mr. Steele was working for the Clinton campaign, which had an obvious desire to discredit Mr. Trump. And Mr. Ohr specifically told investigators that they had every reason to worry Mr. Steele’s work product was tainted.

8. further demonstrates the accuracy of the House Intelligence Committee Republicans’ memo of 2018—which noted Mr. Ohr’s role and pointed out that the FBI had not been honest about its knowledge of the dossier and failed to inform the court of Mrs. Ohr’s employment at Fusion GPS.

9. ...also destroys any remaining credibility of the Democratic response, in which Mr. Schiff and his colleagues claimed Mr. Ohr hadn’t met with the FBI or told them anything about his wife or about Mr. Steele’s bias until after the election.

10. ...the testimony raises new concerns about Mr. Mueller’s team. ....Mr. Weissman’s donations to Mrs. Clinton and his unseemly support of former acting Attorney General Sally Yates’s obstruction of Trump orders.
It now turns out that senior Mueller players were central to the dossier scandal.
The conflicts of interest boggle the mind.

The Ohr testimony is evidence the FBI itself knows how seriously it erred. The FBI has been hiding and twisting facts from the start."
Opinion | What Bruce Ohr Told the FBI

How many black eyes does this entire lying Liberal attempt to co-opt the government need before wholesale measurement for orange jump-suits???????


The new're the same one who posted in one thread about the D's being racists against whites, and blacks.....then what was it about D's trying to get the Hispanic vote....

Regardless, we can all post pretty pictures of folks in each party who have been accused of this or that.

The "joke" about the Muslim woman is disturbing, true and in a sad way humorous.

That gal with the old picture was formerly offended when I made a reference to dumpster diving for reclamation project gals who I could easily impress....

........interesting is your short term memory / hypocrisy.

Carry on.

Did I miss what you said about the OP that brought you here?????

Try again:

2. "Everybody knew. Everybody of consequence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department understood fully in the middle of 2016—as the FBI embarked on its counterintelligence probe of Donald Trump—that it was doing so based on disinformation provided by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. That’s the big revelation from the transcript of the testimony Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave Congress in August. The transcripts haven’t been released, but parts were confirmed for me by congressional sources.

3. Mr. Ohr testified that he sat down with dossier author Christopher Steele on July 30, 2016, and received salacious information the opposition researcher had compiled on Mr. Trump. Mr. Ohr immediately took that to the FBI’s then-Deputy Director Andy McCabe and lawyer Lisa Page. In August he took it to Peter Strzok,...

4. ...Ohr told this team the information came from the Clinton camp and warned that it was likely biased, certainly unproven.

5. ...he told them that Mr. Steele was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected,” and that his own wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS, which compiled the dossier. He confirmed sounding all these warnings before the FBI filed its October application for a surveillance warrant against Carter Page.

6. The Ohr testimony is also further evidence that the FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in its Page warrant application. We already knew the bureau failed to inform the court it knew the dossier had come from a rival campaign. But the FISA application additionally claimed the FBI was “unaware of any derogatory information pertaining” to Mr. Steele, that he was “reliable,” that his “reporting” in this case was “credible.” and that the FBI only “speculates” that Mr. Steele’s bosses “likely” wanted to “discredit” Mr. Trump.

7. Ohr makes clear FBI and Justice officials knew from the earliest days that Mr. Steele was working for the Clinton campaign, which had an obvious desire to discredit Mr. Trump. And Mr. Ohr specifically told investigators that they had every reason to worry Mr. Steele’s work product was tainted.

8. further demonstrates the accuracy of the House Intelligence Committee Republicans’ memo of 2018—which noted Mr. Ohr’s role and pointed out that the FBI had not been honest about its knowledge of the dossier and failed to inform the court of Mrs. Ohr’s employment at Fusion GPS.

9. ...also destroys any remaining credibility of the Democratic response, in which Mr. Schiff and his colleagues claimed Mr. Ohr hadn’t met with the FBI or told them anything about his wife or about Mr. Steele’s bias until after the election.

10. ...the testimony raises new concerns about Mr. Mueller’s team. ....Mr. Weissman’s donations to Mrs. Clinton and his unseemly support of former acting Attorney General Sally Yates’s obstruction of Trump orders.
It now turns out that senior Mueller players were central to the dossier scandal.
The conflicts of interest boggle the mind.

The Ohr testimony is evidence the FBI itself knows how seriously it erred. The FBI has been hiding and twisting facts from the start."
Opinion | What Bruce Ohr Told the FBI

How many black eyes does this entire lying Liberal attempt to co-opt the government need before wholesale measurement for orange jump-suits???????

1. It's that joke from comedian Bassam Youssef.....

What do you say to a Muslim with two black eyes?
Nothing! You told her twice already!

It's the same thing when it comes to telling a Democrat about the lying corruption of the FBI and the DoJ.....
...except that we've told 'em two hundred times.

2. "Everybody knew. Everybody of consequence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department understood fully in the middle of 2016—as the FBI embarked on its counterintelligence probe of Donald Trump—that it was doing so based on disinformation provided by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. That’s the big revelation from the transcript of the testimony Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave Congress in August. The transcripts haven’t been released, but parts were confirmed for me by congressional sources.

3. Mr. Ohr testified that he sat down with dossier author Christopher Steele on July 30, 2016, and received salacious information the opposition researcher had compiled on Mr. Trump. Mr. Ohr immediately took that to the FBI’s then-Deputy Director Andy McCabe and lawyer Lisa Page. In August he took it to Peter Strzok,...

4. ...Ohr told this team the information came from the Clinton camp and warned that it was likely biased, certainly unproven.

5. ...he told them that Mr. Steele was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected,” and that his own wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS, which compiled the dossier. He confirmed sounding all these warnings before the FBI filed its October application for a surveillance warrant against Carter Page.

6. The Ohr testimony is also further evidence that the FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in its Page warrant application. We already knew the bureau failed to inform the court it knew the dossier had come from a rival campaign. But the FISA application additionally claimed the FBI was “unaware of any derogatory information pertaining” to Mr. Steele, that he was “reliable,” that his “reporting” in this case was “credible.” and that the FBI only “speculates” that Mr. Steele’s bosses “likely” wanted to “discredit” Mr. Trump.

7. Ohr makes clear FBI and Justice officials knew from the earliest days that Mr. Steele was working for the Clinton campaign, which had an obvious desire to discredit Mr. Trump. And Mr. Ohr specifically told investigators that they had every reason to worry Mr. Steele’s work product was tainted.

8. further demonstrates the accuracy of the House Intelligence Committee Republicans’ memo of 2018—which noted Mr. Ohr’s role and pointed out that the FBI had not been honest about its knowledge of the dossier and failed to inform the court of Mrs. Ohr’s employment at Fusion GPS.

9. ...also destroys any remaining credibility of the Democratic response, in which Mr. Schiff and his colleagues claimed Mr. Ohr hadn’t met with the FBI or told them anything about his wife or about Mr. Steele’s bias until after the election.

10. ...the testimony raises new concerns about Mr. Mueller’s team. ....Mr. Weissman’s donations to Mrs. Clinton and his unseemly support of former acting Attorney General Sally Yates’s obstruction of Trump orders.
It now turns out that senior Mueller players were central to the dossier scandal.
The conflicts of interest boggle the mind.

The Ohr testimony is evidence the FBI itself knows how seriously it erred. The FBI has been hiding and twisting facts from the start."
Opinion | What Bruce Ohr Told the FBI

How many black eyes does this entire lying Liberal attempt to co-opt the government need before wholesale measurement for orange jump-suits???????


The new're the same one who posted in one thread about the D's being racists against whites, and blacks.....then what was it about D's trying to get the Hispanic vote....

Regardless, we can all post pretty pictures of folks in each party who have been accused of this or that.

The "joke" about the Muslim woman is disturbing, true and in a sad way humorous.

That gal with the old picture was formerly offended when I made a reference to dumpster diving for reclamation project gals who I could easily impress....

........interesting is your short term memory / hypocrisy.

Carry on.

Now....let's put you in your place a second time:

You wrote this:
"The new're the same one who posted in one thread about the D's being racists against whites, and blacks.....then what was it about D's trying to get the Hispanic vote."

Let's see what I actually said:

What I said was that Democrats/Liberals would throw anyone under the bus when it added to their power....

And I proved it here:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found

Now.....see if you can scrape the egg off your face, and word 'hypocrite' off your wide forehead.
1. It's that joke from comedian Bassam Youssef.....

What do you say to a Muslim with two black eyes?
Nothing! You told her twice already!

It's the same thing when it comes to telling a Democrat about the lying corruption of the FBI and the DoJ.....
...except that we've told 'em two hundred times.

2. "Everybody knew. Everybody of consequence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department understood fully in the middle of 2016—as the FBI embarked on its counterintelligence probe of Donald Trump—that it was doing so based on disinformation provided by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. That’s the big revelation from the transcript of the testimony Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave Congress in August. The transcripts haven’t been released, but parts were confirmed for me by congressional sources.

3. Mr. Ohr testified that he sat down with dossier author Christopher Steele on July 30, 2016, and received salacious information the opposition researcher had compiled on Mr. Trump. Mr. Ohr immediately took that to the FBI’s then-Deputy Director Andy McCabe and lawyer Lisa Page. In August he took it to Peter Strzok,...

4. ...Ohr told this team the information came from the Clinton camp and warned that it was likely biased, certainly unproven.

5. ...he told them that Mr. Steele was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected,” and that his own wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS, which compiled the dossier. He confirmed sounding all these warnings before the FBI filed its October application for a surveillance warrant against Carter Page.

6. The Ohr testimony is also further evidence that the FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in its Page warrant application. We already knew the bureau failed to inform the court it knew the dossier had come from a rival campaign. But the FISA application additionally claimed the FBI was “unaware of any derogatory information pertaining” to Mr. Steele, that he was “reliable,” that his “reporting” in this case was “credible.” and that the FBI only “speculates” that Mr. Steele’s bosses “likely” wanted to “discredit” Mr. Trump.

7. Ohr makes clear FBI and Justice officials knew from the earliest days that Mr. Steele was working for the Clinton campaign, which had an obvious desire to discredit Mr. Trump. And Mr. Ohr specifically told investigators that they had every reason to worry Mr. Steele’s work product was tainted.

8. further demonstrates the accuracy of the House Intelligence Committee Republicans’ memo of 2018—which noted Mr. Ohr’s role and pointed out that the FBI had not been honest about its knowledge of the dossier and failed to inform the court of Mrs. Ohr’s employment at Fusion GPS.

9. ...also destroys any remaining credibility of the Democratic response, in which Mr. Schiff and his colleagues claimed Mr. Ohr hadn’t met with the FBI or told them anything about his wife or about Mr. Steele’s bias until after the election.

10. ...the testimony raises new concerns about Mr. Mueller’s team. ....Mr. Weissman’s donations to Mrs. Clinton and his unseemly support of former acting Attorney General Sally Yates’s obstruction of Trump orders.
It now turns out that senior Mueller players were central to the dossier scandal.
The conflicts of interest boggle the mind.

The Ohr testimony is evidence the FBI itself knows how seriously it erred. The FBI has been hiding and twisting facts from the start."
Opinion | What Bruce Ohr Told the FBI

How many black eyes does this entire lying Liberal attempt to co-opt the government need before wholesale measurement for orange jump-suits???????

Did anyone notice that after the incident with the failures of the FBI and how the public has lost confidence in that agency, Hollyweird comes out with a series showing how great the FBI is? Nice to have the Democrats watching your back while you do deeds that would otherwise have you spending 20 to life in jail.

FBI (TV Series 2018– ) - IMDb
People need to go to jail for this.

This cannot be allowed to happen again, not even to the most loathsome Democrat Scumbag who wants to be President.

Fucking Un-American
And Down Right Treasonous!

1. It's that joke from comedian Bassam Youssef.....

What do you say to a Muslim woman with two black eyes?
Nothing! You told her twice already!

It's the same thing when it comes to telling a Democrat about the lying corruption of the FBI and the DoJ.....
...except that we've told 'em two hundred times.

2. "Everybody knew. Everybody of consequence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department understood fully in the middle of 2016—as the FBI embarked on its counterintelligence probe of Donald Trump—that it was doing so based on disinformation provided by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. That’s the big revelation from the transcript of the testimony Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave Congress in August. The transcripts haven’t been released, but parts were confirmed for me by congressional sources.

3. Mr. Ohr testified that he sat down with dossier author Christopher Steele on July 30, 2016, and received salacious information the opposition researcher had compiled on Mr. Trump. Mr. Ohr immediately took that to the FBI’s then-Deputy Director Andy McCabe and lawyer Lisa Page. In August he took it to Peter Strzok,...

4. ...Ohr told this team the information came from the Clinton camp and warned that it was likely biased, certainly unproven.

5. ...he told them that Mr. Steele was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected,” and that his own wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS, which compiled the dossier. He confirmed sounding all these warnings before the FBI filed its October application for a surveillance warrant against Carter Page.

6. The Ohr testimony is also further evidence that the FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in its Page warrant application. We already knew the bureau failed to inform the court it knew the dossier had come from a rival campaign. But the FISA application additionally claimed the FBI was “unaware of any derogatory information pertaining” to Mr. Steele, that he was “reliable,” that his “reporting” in this case was “credible.” and that the FBI only “speculates” that Mr. Steele’s bosses “likely” wanted to “discredit” Mr. Trump.

7. Ohr makes clear FBI and Justice officials knew from the earliest days that Mr. Steele was working for the Clinton campaign, which had an obvious desire to discredit Mr. Trump. And Mr. Ohr specifically told investigators that they had every reason to worry Mr. Steele’s work product was tainted.

8. further demonstrates the accuracy of the House Intelligence Committee Republicans’ memo of 2018—which noted Mr. Ohr’s role and pointed out that the FBI had not been honest about its knowledge of the dossier and failed to inform the court of Mrs. Ohr’s employment at Fusion GPS.

9. ...also destroys any remaining credibility of the Democratic response, in which Mr. Schiff and his colleagues claimed Mr. Ohr hadn’t met with the FBI or told them anything about his wife or about Mr. Steele’s bias until after the election.

10. ...the testimony raises new concerns about Mr. Mueller’s team. ....Mr. Weissman’s donations to Mrs. Clinton and his unseemly support of former acting Attorney General Sally Yates’s obstruction of Trump orders.
It now turns out that senior Mueller players were central to the dossier scandal.
The conflicts of interest boggle the mind.

The Ohr testimony is evidence the FBI itself knows how seriously it erred. The FBI has been hiding and twisting facts from the start."
Opinion | What Bruce Ohr Told the FBI

How many black eyes does this entire lying Liberal attempt to co-opt the government need before wholesale measurement for orange jump-suits???????

1. It's that joke from comedian Bassam Youssef.....

What do you say to a Muslim woman with two black eyes?
Nothing! You told her twice already!


Clean off your specs...

It's that joke from comedian Bassam Youssef.....

More from the same guy....

Good evening gentlemen, and get out, ladies.

On my flight to New York there must have been an Israeli in the bathroom the entire time.
There was a sign on the door that said, “Occupied.”

What do you say to a Muslim woman with two black eyes?
Nothing! You told her twice already!

How many Palestinians does it take to change a light bulb?
None! They sit in the dark forever and blame the Jews for it!

Did you hear about the Broadway play, “The Palestinian”?
It bombed!

What do you call a first-time offender in Saudi Arabia?

Did you hear about the Muslim strip club?
It features full facial nudity!

Why do Palestinians find it convenient to live on the West Bank? Because it’s just a stone’s throw from Israel!

Why are Palestinian boys luckier than American boys?
Because every Palestinian boy will get to join a rock group!

A Palestinian suspect was being grilled by Israeli police.
“Honest, I’m not a suicide bomber,” he said. “I didn’t say I wanted to blow myself up so I could sleep with 72 virgins.
All I said was, ‘I’m dying to get laid”!

What does the sign say above the nursery in a Palestinian maternity ward? “Live ammunition.”

Palestinian girl says to her mommy:
“After Abdul blows himself up, can I have his room?”

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