You Don't Arrest Terrorists; You Fight and Kill Them


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The jailbreak earlier today at the Khalis prison in Iraq, in which dozens of people were killed, including 6-12 police depending on whom you ask, shows that it is not good policy to arrest terrorists, and treat them as criminals. If you are engaging in a war against terrorists, I say FIGHT that war, and KILL the enemy. If you arrest them and house them in prisons, you run the risk of having their pals come to break them out, and all the grief that comes with that.

As an Israeli official said on the Kelly File show not long ago, you don't negotiate with terrorists, you fight them. You don't arrest them, you kill them, just like any other soldier on the battlefield. If you take the Obama approach of arresting them and treating them as criminals to be tried in civilian courts, the jailbreak that occured today, which ISIS is taking the credit for, is always a possibility.

And it could be worse than that. Jailbreaks are common in Iraq and usually a result of assaults from militants seeking to free their comrades in prison. The most stunning one was in mid-2013, when militants carried out a carefully orchestrated attack with mortar shells and suicide bombers on Iraq's infamous Abu Ghraib prison, freeing more than 500 inmates. You'd think the Iraqis would have learned from that.

As my ex- Army National Guard Battalion Commander, Lt. Colonel Shea, once said > "The way we deal with our enemies is simple. "We kill them."

Police 36 Killed as 40 Inmates Escape in Iraq Prison Break - ABC News
The jailbreak earlier today at the Khalis prison in Iraq, in which dozens of people were killed, including 6-12 police depending on whom you ask, shows that it is not good policy to arrest terrorists, and treat them as criminals. If you are engaging in a war against terrorists, I say FIGHT that war, and KILL the enemy. If you arrest them and house them in prisons, you run the risk of having their pals come to break them out, and all the grief that comes with that.

As an Israeli official said on the Kelly File show not long ago, you don't negotiate with terrorists, you fight them. You don't arrest them, you kill them, just like any other soldier on the battlefield. If you take the Obama approach of arresting them and treating them as criminals to be tried in civilian courts, the jailbreak that occured today, which ISIS is taking the credit for, is always a possibility.

And it could be worse than that. Jailbreaks are common in Iraq and usually a result of assaults from militants seeking to free their comrades in prison. The most stunning one was in mid-2013, when militants carried out a carefully orchestrated attack with mortar shells and suicide bombers on Iraq's infamous Abu Ghraib prison, freeing more than 500 inmates. You'd think the Iraqis would have learned from that.

As my ex- Army National Guard Battalion Commander, Lt. Colonel Shea, once said > "The way we deal with our enemies is simple. "We kill them."

Police 36 Killed as 40 Inmates Escape in Iraq Prison Break - ABC News
There can be no repeat offenders IF you kill the offenders.
I'm very grateful for President Obama's killing al Qaeda and Isis. To hell with the Repubs refusing to support the US and our allies. The president is doing the right thing.


BTW, at DarkFury

About your sig - You're so dumb, I'll bet you don't know why that's just about the dumbest thing Ted Cruz ever said. You think on it a while and I'll watch for your thread in the ObamaCare forum ... :dig:
I'm very grateful for President Obama's killing al Qaeda and Isis. To hell with the Repubs refusing to support the US and our allies. The president is doing the right thing.


BTW, at DarkFury

About your sig - You're so dumb, I'll bet you don't know why that's just about the dumbest thing Ted Cruz ever said. You think on it a while and I'll watch for your thread in the ObamaCare forum ... :dig:
Have you been drinking ? Obama has grossly NOT been supporting the military in any way at all, including fighting ISIS. If he had been, ISIS would have been exterminated months ago, when they were in long convoys on highways, and could have been fully taken out with airstrikes. Obama's pinpricks aren't doing anything. He pulled out the troops in 2011, refuses to send them back in, and is doing next to nothing from the air.

As for the Republicans, they're the ones who have been calling for Obama to act against ISIS, and he doesn't . Obama is doing all the WRONG thing, and that's the only reason ISIS is succeeding as much as they are.
Whatever an Israeli "official" said on Megan Kelly's program has nothing to do with a freaking jailbreak in Iraq.
The objective of WAR regardless of the branch of service is "To close with and destroy the enemy". Obama is unwilling to do so and there are a number on his staff including the military side who agree with him.

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