"You can't be this stupid...."


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
So very many times I've seen our Liberal friends addressed this way: "You can't be this stupid...."
They are not!

1. While our Liberal colleagues are not susceptible to debate, logic of any kind, data, or even their own experience, one should not be led to believe that they actually believe the ideas they propound, or the officeholders that they support.

2. The Left must bear a Sisyphean burden having to suspend reason and accountability, in order to rationalize the positions that they claim to espouse:

a. They support higher taxes and government intervention to grow the economy, when all evidence historical and current (Greece) records the disastrous folly of such a course.
b. The President’s view that a woman’s right to have recreational sex and enjoy cost-free access to pregnancy prevention/termination trumps the constitutional right to act according to one’s religious beliefs.

c. Eisenhower famously said ‘public opinion wins wars,’ yet the Left won’t allow the terms ‘Islamofascism’ or ‘Radical Islam.’

d. Belief in Global Warming, in the face of the East Anglia emails…

e. The government sues the state of Arizona for the enforcement of laws the passage of which are not only the right of the state under the Constitution, but the content of which is virtually identical with federal law.
f. The state of California sentences the farmers of the Central Valley to drought and their farms to destruction because a small fish called the delta smelt has been declared endangered.

g. A baby born alive as a result of a botched abortion should be left to die.

h. That some 400 Liberal journalists have been revealed as involved in a cabal to distort that which they offer as news, in aid of Liberalism, makes no difference to the Liberal.
i. That the government gives billions in taxpayer funds to supposed businesses that turn around and kick part back to the party that gave it to them.
j. He explains the abysmal performance of Obama by saying “look at the mess he inherited,” as if the President did not campaign on the platform of cleaning up the “mess.”

3. Yet our Liberal seems to accept doctrines, policies, programs, that make no sense, or are actually destructive, for the offer of acceptance of the herd…or the opposite, expulsion if one doesn’t support same.

a. It is not that our Liberals do not care about rectitude, but he cannot afford to notice the insanity. The size and power of the group allows the individual to submerge his doubts…but at the cost of obedience and the surrender his individuality.

4. Each day one awaits the ‘What have I done” moment from Liberals.
The ideas above from David Mamet's "The Secret Knowledge."
Those straw men you speak with really are quite stupid.

Now, now, techy....if it is only 'straw men' who hold those ten or so positions, you had best be prepared to state that they are not Leftist boiler plate.

I'm certain that you know that a 'straw man' is a component of an argument and is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.
Are you willing to claim that those ten positions are misrepresentations of the Left's positions??

I'll bet you're not even willing to say that you don't subscribe to same.

If it's embarrassing, don't bother to respond...
They aren't all straw men. Some of them are distortions of fact, or reflect the laughable notion that President Obama is a "leftist," or point to government policies rather than "leftist" opinions or ideas.

Not one valid complaint, though, all told.
They aren't all straw men. Some of them are distortions of fact, or reflect the laughable notion that President Obama is a "leftist," or point to government policies rather than "leftist" opinions or ideas.

Not one valid complaint, though, all told.

Not that it was necessary....

....but if one ever required proof that you have less than zero cachet,

this serves the purpose:

"...the laughable notion that President Obama is a "leftist,"..."

I hereby award you the title of

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They aren't all straw men. Some of them are distortions of fact, or reflect the laughable notion that President Obama is a "leftist," or point to government policies rather than "leftist" opinions or ideas.

Not one valid complaint, though, all told.

Not that it was necessary....

....but if one ever required proof that you have less than zero caché,

this serves the purpose:

"...the laughable notion that President Obama is a "leftist,"..."

I hereby award you the title of


Left wing hackery poorly disguised.
The notion that President Obama is a "leftist" is laughable. I'm a leftist myself, and hence feel I'm in a good position to know who agrees with me and who does not. In many important ways, the president does not. Where he does, he is voicing a moderate position, not a leftist one.
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The notion that President Obama is a "leftist" is laughable. I'm a leftist myself, and hence feel I'm in a good position to know who agrees with me and who does not. In many important ways, the president does not. Where he does, he is voicing a moderate position, not a leftist one.

You spelled 'leftist' wrong in 'I'm a leftist myself..."
you left out the j-e-r-k.

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