You CAN eat green potatoes and mouldy bread


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
I'm working food service, interesting stuff. Well if you are retail paying for it there's all 'kinds of green' to throw out.
People in the US are so accustomed to having literal piles of food around, that they have become extremely picky..and ultimately wasteful and have lost the ability to *make do* with limited food sources.

Part of it is that in today's world, if you're poor, you actually are eligible to get MORE food than most people who work can afford. A family of 5 with 0.00 income is eligible for $762 in foodstamps. I could feed a family of 10 3 meals a day on that, and still have some left at the end of the day. But people don't have to do that anymore, so they don't..and the result is that our poor people aren't skinny, they're fat..and they never learn how to budget and cook economically.

You learn to cook for real when you are at the end of the month, you have a week to go till payday, and what you have in your cupboard is beans, rice, noodles, peanut butter, one whole chicken, eggs and some canned beans. But people who never HAVE to cook that way never learn it. I deal with people all the time who have had foodstamps all their lives, who are STUNNED that when they finally start having income and their snap either reduces or goes away...they are gobsmacked by the huge difference between what they ate before, and what they eat now that they are supporting themselves. And believe me, they often go right back on foodstamps, because nobody in their right mind wants to work adn be away from their children, for the dubious *benefit* of being away from their kids all day, and having to really scramble and strategize to be able to feed them ANYTHING let alone delicious meals.

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
I've been told the green in the potatoes is poisonous. I've used them, but after cutting all the green parts off.
I never check the date on my eggs--if I crack one open and it doesn't stink, it's good to go in my book.

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
I've been told the green in the potatoes is poisonous. I've used them, but after cutting all the green parts off.
I never check the date on my eggs--if I crack one open and it doesn't stink, it's good to go in my book.

I think it's caused by sunburn. I think it is slightly toxic..they are members of the nightshade family. I think the leaves of potatoes are toxic.

I get eggs from someone local...chicken and duck eggs! I leave my eggs on the counter, they last longer.

I go through 5 dozen a month.

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
I've been told the green in the potatoes is poisonous. I've used them, but after cutting all the green parts off.
I never check the date on my eggs--if I crack one open and it doesn't stink, it's good to go in my book.

I think it's caused by sunburn. I think it is slightly toxic..they are members of the nightshade family. I think the leaves of potatoes are toxic.

I get eggs from someone local...chicken and duck eggs! I leave my eggs on the counter, they last longer.

I go through 5 dozen a month.
So, you pretty much get your eggs right from the coop? My wife's sister has chickens and they always have far too many eggs than they can use. We get a dozen or so every couple of weeks. No need to store them in the fridge if you don't wash them like the poultry industry in the US does. Something about making them clean and pristine makes the susceptible to spoilage if they aren't refrigerated.

There was an article on that I read when I was at an appointment waiting for something. Can't remember if it was a doctor, dentist, or masseuse. LOL

I know in most of the world since they don't have the FDA telling them how to process eggs, they just store them in baskets.

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
I've been told the green in the potatoes is poisonous. I've used them, but after cutting all the green parts off.
I never check the date on my eggs--if I crack one open and it doesn't stink, it's good to go in my book.

I think it's caused by sunburn. I think it is slightly toxic..they are members of the nightshade family. I think the leaves of potatoes are toxic.

I get eggs from someone local...chicken and duck eggs! I leave my eggs on the counter, they last longer.

I go through 5 dozen a month.
So, you pretty much get your eggs right from the coop? My wife's sister has chickens and they always have far too many eggs than they can use. We get a dozen or so every couple of weeks. No need to store them in the fridge if you don't wash them like the poultry industry in the US does. Something about making them clean and pristine makes the susceptible to spoilage if they aren't refrigerated.

There was an article on that I read when I was at an appointment waiting for something. Can't remember if it was a doctor, dentist, or masseuse. LOL

I know in most of the world since they don't have the FDA telling them how to process eggs, they just store them in baskets.
We had chickens and ducks growing up. They call the natural protection on the outside of eggs something...I can't remember. I buy my eggs once a month, usually. Sometimes twice a month. I take all she'll give me.

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
Nothing I worry about. Living on an off-grid homestead, my eggs are always freshly plucked from under the hen. Food is stored properly. My bread is made from a good sourdough starter that has been around for years. I also make my own cheese from milk from my own animals. Meat comes from culls, including home-made sausage and smoked meat. It's almost disappointing when I try to donate excess food to local food banks because they will not accept unpackaged foodstuffs. Hell, they won't even take my home-made soap for the women's shelter. Assholes.

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
I've been told the green in the potatoes is poisonous. I've used them, but after cutting all the green parts off.
I never check the date on my eggs--if I crack one open and it doesn't stink, it's good to go in my book.

I think it's caused by sunburn. I think it is slightly toxic..they are members of the nightshade family. I think the leaves of potatoes are toxic.

I get eggs from someone local...chicken and duck eggs! I leave my eggs on the counter, they last longer.

I go through 5 dozen a month.
So, you pretty much get your eggs right from the coop? My wife's sister has chickens and they always have far too many eggs than they can use. We get a dozen or so every couple of weeks. No need to store them in the fridge if you don't wash them like the poultry industry in the US does. Something about making them clean and pristine makes the susceptible to spoilage if they aren't refrigerated.

There was an article on that I read when I was at an appointment waiting for something. Can't remember if it was a doctor, dentist, or masseuse. LOL

I know in most of the world since they don't have the FDA telling them how to process eggs, they just store them in baskets.
We had chickens and ducks growing up. They call the natural protection on the outside of eggs something...I can't remember. I buy my eggs once a month, usually. Sometimes twice a month. I take all she'll give me.
This isn't the article I read, but it essentially says all the same things. Forgive the source. lol

Why The U.S. Chills Its Eggs And Most Of The World Doesn't

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
I've been told the green in the potatoes is poisonous. I've used them, but after cutting all the green parts off.
I never check the date on my eggs--if I crack one open and it doesn't stink, it's good to go in my book.

I think it's caused by sunburn. I think it is slightly toxic..they are members of the nightshade family. I think the leaves of potatoes are toxic.

I get eggs from someone local...chicken and duck eggs! I leave my eggs on the counter, they last longer.

I go through 5 dozen a month.
Green potatoes are unripe and are toxic, as are the above ground greens. They are nightshades and should be treated carefully. Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant are all also nightshades.

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
Nothing I worry about. Living on an off-grid homestead, my eggs are always freshly plucked from under the hen. Food is stored properly. My bread is made from a good sourdough starter that has been around for years. I also make my own cheese from milk from my own animals. Meat comes from culls, including home-made sausage and smoked meat. It's almost disappointing when I try to donate excess food to local food banks because they will not accept unpackaged foodstuffs. Hell, they won't even take my home-made soap for the women's shelter. Assholes.
Well, you're free to ship any excess sausage to Me. I won't refuse. :biggrin:

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
I've been told the green in the potatoes is poisonous. I've used them, but after cutting all the green parts off.
I never check the date on my eggs--if I crack one open and it doesn't stink, it's good to go in my book.

I think it's caused by sunburn. I think it is slightly toxic..they are members of the nightshade family. I think the leaves of potatoes are toxic.

I get eggs from someone local...chicken and duck eggs! I leave my eggs on the counter, they last longer.

I go through 5 dozen a month.
So, you pretty much get your eggs right from the coop? My wife's sister has chickens and they always have far too many eggs than they can use. We get a dozen or so every couple of weeks. No need to store them in the fridge if you don't wash them like the poultry industry in the US does. Something about making them clean and pristine makes the susceptible to spoilage if they aren't refrigerated.

There was an article on that I read when I was at an appointment waiting for something. Can't remember if it was a doctor, dentist, or masseuse. LOL

I know in most of the world since they don't have the FDA telling them how to process eggs, they just store them in baskets.
We had chickens and ducks growing up. They call the natural protection on the outside of eggs something...I can't remember. I buy my eggs once a month, usually. Sometimes twice a month. I take all she'll give me.
It's called the "bloom" and it naturally protects the egg from bacteria and air. If you do not wash you eggs until you use them, this coating protects them and prolongs freshness. I don't keep my eggs refrigerated and can use them weeks after they are laid, if they last that long. Refrigeration won't hurt the eggs as long as you don't wash them.

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
I've been told the green in the potatoes is poisonous. I've used them, but after cutting all the green parts off.
I never check the date on my eggs--if I crack one open and it doesn't stink, it's good to go in my book.

I think it's caused by sunburn. I think it is slightly toxic..they are members of the nightshade family. I think the leaves of potatoes are toxic.

I get eggs from someone local...chicken and duck eggs! I leave my eggs on the counter, they last longer.

I go through 5 dozen a month.
So, you pretty much get your eggs right from the coop? My wife's sister has chickens and they always have far too many eggs than they can use. We get a dozen or so every couple of weeks. No need to store them in the fridge if you don't wash them like the poultry industry in the US does. Something about making them clean and pristine makes the susceptible to spoilage if they aren't refrigerated.

There was an article on that I read when I was at an appointment waiting for something. Can't remember if it was a doctor, dentist, or masseuse. LOL

I know in most of the world since they don't have the FDA telling them how to process eggs, they just store them in baskets.
We had chickens and ducks growing up. They call the natural protection on the outside of eggs something...I can't remember. I buy my eggs once a month, usually. Sometimes twice a month. I take all she'll give me.
It's called the "bloom" and it naturally protects the egg from bacteria and air. If you do not wash you eggs until you use them, this coating protects them and prolongs freshness. I don't keep my eggs refrigerated and can use them weeks after they are laid, if they last that long. Refrigeration won't hurt the eggs as long as you don't wash them.
I've been looking into salt preserving bacon. If you do it right, after you have removed the water from the pork belly (Making it bacon), you can just hang it in your kitchen and use it as needed.

Have you done this?

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
I've been told the green in the potatoes is poisonous. I've used them, but after cutting all the green parts off.
I never check the date on my eggs--if I crack one open and it doesn't stink, it's good to go in my book.

I think it's caused by sunburn. I think it is slightly toxic..they are members of the nightshade family. I think the leaves of potatoes are toxic.

I get eggs from someone local...chicken and duck eggs! I leave my eggs on the counter, they last longer.

I go through 5 dozen a month.
So, you pretty much get your eggs right from the coop? My wife's sister has chickens and they always have far too many eggs than they can use. We get a dozen or so every couple of weeks. No need to store them in the fridge if you don't wash them like the poultry industry in the US does. Something about making them clean and pristine makes the susceptible to spoilage if they aren't refrigerated.

There was an article on that I read when I was at an appointment waiting for something. Can't remember if it was a doctor, dentist, or masseuse. LOL

I know in most of the world since they don't have the FDA telling them how to process eggs, they just store them in baskets.
We had chickens and ducks growing up. They call the natural protection on the outside of eggs something...I can't remember. I buy my eggs once a month, usually. Sometimes twice a month. I take all she'll give me.
It's called the "bloom" and it naturally protects the egg from bacteria and air. If you do not wash you eggs until you use them, this coating protects them and prolongs freshness. I don't keep my eggs refrigerated and can use them weeks after they are laid, if they last that long. Refrigeration won't hurt the eggs as long as you don't wash them.
Yes the bloom!!! the bloom!
I prefer keeping them on the counter. They're easier to get to and they don't take up space in the fridge.

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
I've been told the green in the potatoes is poisonous. I've used them, but after cutting all the green parts off.
I never check the date on my eggs--if I crack one open and it doesn't stink, it's good to go in my book.

I think it's caused by sunburn. I think it is slightly toxic..they are members of the nightshade family. I think the leaves of potatoes are toxic.

I get eggs from someone local...chicken and duck eggs! I leave my eggs on the counter, they last longer.

I go through 5 dozen a month.
Green potatoes are unripe and are toxic, as are the above ground greens. They are nightshades and should be treated carefully. Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant are all also nightshades.

Unripe potatoes aren't green, they are just potatoes, only small. Potatoes don't really ripen, they just grow in size.
The green is caused when they are exposed to the sun. My mom called it sunburn. That's why when you grow potatoes, you have to go out and make sure they're always covered with dirt.

Is it safe to eat a green potato?
I've been told the green in the potatoes is poisonous. I've used them, but after cutting all the green parts off.
I never check the date on my eggs--if I crack one open and it doesn't stink, it's good to go in my book.

I think it's caused by sunburn. I think it is slightly toxic..they are members of the nightshade family. I think the leaves of potatoes are toxic.

I get eggs from someone local...chicken and duck eggs! I leave my eggs on the counter, they last longer.

I go through 5 dozen a month.
So, you pretty much get your eggs right from the coop? My wife's sister has chickens and they always have far too many eggs than they can use. We get a dozen or so every couple of weeks. No need to store them in the fridge if you don't wash them like the poultry industry in the US does. Something about making them clean and pristine makes the susceptible to spoilage if they aren't refrigerated.

There was an article on that I read when I was at an appointment waiting for something. Can't remember if it was a doctor, dentist, or masseuse. LOL

I know in most of the world since they don't have the FDA telling them how to process eggs, they just store them in baskets.
We had chickens and ducks growing up. They call the natural protection on the outside of eggs something...I can't remember. I buy my eggs once a month, usually. Sometimes twice a month. I take all she'll give me.
It's called the "bloom" and it naturally protects the egg from bacteria and air. If you do not wash you eggs until you use them, this coating protects them and prolongs freshness. I don't keep my eggs refrigerated and can use them weeks after they are laid, if they last that long. Refrigeration won't hurt the eggs as long as you don't wash them.
I've been looking into salt preserving bacon. If you do it right, after you have removed the water from the pork belly (Making it bacon), you can just hang it in your kitchen and use it as needed.

Have you done this?
Not since I was a child. But my daughter cures her own bacon. I do smoke meat, I particularly like smoked turkey. And when I can get my hands on it, I make a pretty mean smoked salmon.
I've been told the green in the potatoes is poisonous. I've used them, but after cutting all the green parts off.
I never check the date on my eggs--if I crack one open and it doesn't stink, it's good to go in my book.

I think it's caused by sunburn. I think it is slightly toxic..they are members of the nightshade family. I think the leaves of potatoes are toxic.

I get eggs from someone local...chicken and duck eggs! I leave my eggs on the counter, they last longer.

I go through 5 dozen a month.
So, you pretty much get your eggs right from the coop? My wife's sister has chickens and they always have far too many eggs than they can use. We get a dozen or so every couple of weeks. No need to store them in the fridge if you don't wash them like the poultry industry in the US does. Something about making them clean and pristine makes the susceptible to spoilage if they aren't refrigerated.

There was an article on that I read when I was at an appointment waiting for something. Can't remember if it was a doctor, dentist, or masseuse. LOL

I know in most of the world since they don't have the FDA telling them how to process eggs, they just store them in baskets.
We had chickens and ducks growing up. They call the natural protection on the outside of eggs something...I can't remember. I buy my eggs once a month, usually. Sometimes twice a month. I take all she'll give me.
It's called the "bloom" and it naturally protects the egg from bacteria and air. If you do not wash you eggs until you use them, this coating protects them and prolongs freshness. I don't keep my eggs refrigerated and can use them weeks after they are laid, if they last that long. Refrigeration won't hurt the eggs as long as you don't wash them.
Yes the bloom!!! the bloom!
I prefer keeping them on the counter. They're easier to get to and they don't take up space in the fridge.
I have a basket I keep mine in. I just picked two more out of the coop. Making sure to use the oldest first is the trick.

The amount of food thrown away evcry day is staggering.

While this article is UK-based, it still has value for the rest of the world.

Because of arcane rules and regulations, many places toss out good because they have exceeded a “to be sold by” date. And those same rules often bar them from donating them to food banks or charitable entities.

And the rich nations often toss what the poorer nations are begging for.

More than 720 million eggs are needlessly thrown away every year in the UK

Supermarkets have begun to remove best-before dates to tackle the problem

As best-before dates are not about safety but quality unlike the use-by dates

And, this provides a way for you to determine whether your eggs are still fresh.


Want to know if an egg is fresh? Simply put it, uncracked, in a bowl of water.

If it floats it is full of air which suggests it is no longer good to eat.

When eggs start to go off, the contents produce gas. The egg is still good to eat if it stands on one end, above right, at the bottom of the bowl.

If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it is very fresh.

Much, much more @ You can eat green potatoes, mouldy bread and eggs a month out of date | Daily Mail Online
I've been told the green in the potatoes is poisonous. I've used them, but after cutting all the green parts off.
I never check the date on my eggs--if I crack one open and it doesn't stink, it's good to go in my book.

I think it's caused by sunburn. I think it is slightly toxic..they are members of the nightshade family. I think the leaves of potatoes are toxic.

I get eggs from someone local...chicken and duck eggs! I leave my eggs on the counter, they last longer.

I go through 5 dozen a month.
Green potatoes are unripe and are toxic, as are the above ground greens. They are nightshades and should be treated carefully. Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant are all also nightshades.

Unripe potatoes aren't green, they are just potatoes, only small. Potatoes don't really ripen, they just grow in size.
The green is caused when they are exposed to the sun. My mom called it sunburn. That's why when you grow potatoes, you have to go out and make sure they're always covered with dirt.

Is it safe to eat a green potato?
Okay. I'm not much of a potato farmer. My first try was a failure but I've learned a lot since then. My mom would always pare away the green parts of a potato, maybe that's where I get my misinformation.

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