You are 21 again.....

Dancing the night away with friends at our favorite night club. Right about now, the waitresses would be taking our drinks away and asking us to leave...

By 22, I was married, just had a baby and probably sleeping at this time... :D

Things change. Shrug.
Tank and SJ just made me fall in love with them. I was not expecting those answers and both of them just cracked me up. And man, did I need that! I am still chuckling. :lol:
Know what would be cool? Posting pics of ourselves at 21.
Anyone game?
Owsley, if it was available.

Ended my chemical experiments that year but still believe I learned a lot.

Tank and S.J. cracked me up too.:lol:
Does this give you a clue?

What is Owsley?
Were you doing the Timothy Leary trip thing? Cuz that looks quite psychedelic, lol.
What is Owsley?

Should be "Who is Owsley?"

A very fine chemist, much admired by Ken Kesey and that crowd. Legendary amongst LSD aficionados back in the day. Before your time Gracie?

I was close!! Never heard of Owsley but I knew about Leary. I never dropped acid, myself. I liked downers. We called them "reds". Then the speed was called "whites". Mostly I just smoked hash and pot. Was too afraid of the mind trip thing.

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