Yes, now we even have to explain the movie, "The Breakfast Club" to leftists...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The problem with left wingers is that though many of them have great intelligence, they all seem very, very short on Wisdom.....


Wisdom | Psychology Today

Wisdom is one of those qualities difficult to define—because it encompasses so much—but which people generally recognize when they encounter it. And it is encountered most obviously in the realm of decision-making. Psychologists tend to agree that wisdom involves an integration of knowledge, experience, and deep understanding that incorporates tolerance for the uncertainties of life as well as its ups and downs. There's an awareness of how things play out over time, and it confers a sense of balance. It can be acquired only through experience, but by itself, experience does not automatically confer wisdom. Only now are researchers beginning to look into the social, emotional, and cognitiveprocesses that transmute experience into wisdom.

Because they lack Wisdom...we now have to explain the movie, "The Breakfast Club" to them.....

Nolte: Defending John Hughes from Molly Ringwald’s Woke Attack

I honestly cannot believe I have to explain The Breakfast Club to the star of The Breakfast Club, but here goes…

On a Saturday, five disparate high schoolers are forced to spend the day together in detention. There is the smug jock (Emilio Estevez’s Andy), the brainy geek (Anthony Michael Hall’s Brian), the introverted head case (Ally Sheedy’s Allison), the stuck-up prom queen (Ringwald’s Claire), and the delinquent (Nelson’s Bender).

Safely sheltered in the bubble of their respective cliques, these are five individuals who have gone to school together for years but have never even said hello in passing.

At first, as you might expect, each retreats into the safety of their own corner and in doing so epitomizes their own stereotype: Andy and Claire act superior; except for a few bizarre outbursts, Allison remains in her shell; Brian is hopelessly awkward; Bender is all belligerence.

Over the next 90 minutes, though, the group unifies to rebel against their situation, their insufferable warden (Vice Principal Richard “Dick” Vernon), and in doing so, reluctantly get to know one another.

Some music, some weed, and a few close calls later, they loosen up and discover they have much more in common than not. The most important thing they discover, however, is that they are all fronting as stereotypes as a defense mechanism.

The Whole Point Of The Movie is that beneath these off-putting archetypes there is a whole person, someone worth knowing, maybe even someone you could get close to.

For example, we learn that deep down inside, Claire is not a prissy, uptight snob. She is merely behaving in the way her friends and parents expect her to behave.

Incredibly, and even though she just watched the movie again as a 50-year-old woman, Ringwald still sees Bender only as a sexist pig, and still cannot see past the stereotype.

To begin with, Bender is only 17 for crying out loud. This is how 17-year-old boys behave. Hughes was always aiming for reality when it came to his teen films.

What’s more, and this is important, Hughes does not present Bender’s behavior as cool or edgy. Rather, Bender is an asshole, a bully, a jerk — and not just to Claire, but to everyone. The audience is not on Bender’s side.

Then comes the moment where we (and Claire) discover that at the hands of his own father, Bender is the product of horrible abuse, both physical and verbal. In other words, Bender’s thuggish behavior does not come from a sense of privilege or sexual entitlement. He is not Al Franken or Harvey Weinstein.

Bender’s truculence is his shield, what he holds in front of him to avoid opening himself up to even more pain. His antagonism toward all comers is meant to keep people away, most especially Claire, because his feelings for her terrify him.
As always, you are one of the most proficient cut an paste experts I have ever encountered.

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