Yes Men, KALS, & Karl Marx


Sep 23, 2010
Marilyn Barnewall over at Canada Free Press shines a new light on yes men:

Kissing a$$ merely means flattering your way to the top by keeping your opinions to yourself (even when it means compromising your personal beliefs).

A kiss a$$ situation occurs in meeting rooms all over America each time a matter is under discussion and no one expresses an opinion that opposes the highest ranking member of management in the room.

Yes men, Barnewall calls them KALS:

As the stock markets and brokers helped corporations grow into behemoths, a mode of corporate behavior emerged… I call it the “kiss a$$ ladder to success” (KALS). I watched it in action when I worked for a major bank, and I left that environment to start my own consulting company because of KALS. In the KALS environment, you get ahead by kissing the a$$ of the person just ahead of you on the ladder – though you will occasionally have the opportunity to kiss the a$$ of the person ahead of him or her, too.

The Kiss A$$ Ladder to Success
By Marilyn Barnewall Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Kiss A$$ Ladder to Success

Yes men have always been objects of ridicule in popular novels and movies. They exist in real life to be sure. The problem is that yes men spend all their time figuring out how to get ahead within an institution, while the majority spend their time trying to figure out how to get ahead by getting the job done. Aside from a little ass-kissing, yes men are very adept at taking credit for the work of others.

The private sector is also much different that the public sector; especially at the production level. Private sector companies must produce; whereas, the public sector is incapable of producing anything of value. I cannot think of the workplace without thinking of Jess Allen talking to Dagny Taggart in Atlas Shrugged:

Try pouring water into a tank where there’s a pipe at the bottom draining it out faster than you pour it, and each bucket you bring breaks that pipe an inch wider and the harder you work the more is demanded of you, and you stand slinging buckets forty hours a week, then forty-eight, then fifty-six -- for your neighbor’s supper -- for his wife’s operation -- for his child’s measles -- for his mother’s wheel chair -- for his uncle’s shirt -- for his nephew’s schooling --for the baby next door -- for the baby to be born -- for anyone anywhere around you --it’s theirs to receive, from diapers to dentures -- and yours to work, from sunup to sundown, month after month, year after year, with nothing to show for it but your sweat, with nothing in sight for you but their pleasure, for the whole of your life, without rest, without hope, without end.... From each according to his ability, to each according to his need....

We’re all one big family, they told us, we’re all in this together. But you don’t stand working an acetylene torch ten hours a day -- together, and you don’t all get a bellyache -- together. What’s whose ability and which of whose needs comes first? When it’s all in one pot, you can’t let any man decide what his own needs are, can you? If you did, he might claim that he needs a yacht -- and if his feelings is all you have to go by, he might prove it, too. Why not? If it’s not right for me to own a car until I’ve worked myself into a hospital ward, earning a car for every loafer and every naked savage on earth -- why can’t he demand a yacht from me, too, if I still have the ability not to have collapsed? No? He can’t? Then why can he demand that I go without cream for my coffee until he’s replastered his living room?....Oh well... Well anyway, it was decided that nobody had the right to judge his own need or ability. We voted on it. Yes, ma’am we voted on it in a public meeting twice a year. How else could it be done? Do you care to think what would happen at such a meeting? It took us just one meeting to discover that we had become beggars -- rotten, sniveling beggars, all of us, because no man could claim his pay as his rightful earning, he had no rights and no earnings, his work didn’t belong to him, it belonged to ‘the family,’ and they owed him nothing in return, and the only claim he had on them was his ‘need’ -- so he had to beg in public for relief from his needs, like any lousy moocher, listing his troubles and miseries, down to his patched drawers and his wife’s head colds, hoping that ‘the family’ would throw him the alms. He had to claim miseries, because it’s miseries, not work, that had become the coin of the realm-- so it turned into a contest among six thousand panhandlers, each claiming that his need was worse than his brother’s. How else could it be done? Do you care to guess what happened, what sort of men kept quiet, feeling shame, and what sort got away with the jackpot?

But that wasn’t all. There was something else we discovered at the same meeting. The factory’s production had fallen by forty per cent, in that first half-year, so it was decided that somebody hadn’t delivered‘ according to his ability.’ Who? How do you tell it? ‘The family’ voted on that, too. They voted which men were the best, and these men were sentenced to work overtime each night for the next six months. Overtime without pay -- because you weren’t paid by time and you weren’t paid by work -- only need....

What was it they’d always told us about the vicious competition of the profit system, where men had to compete for who’d do a better job than his fellows? Vicious, wasn’t it? Well they should have seen what it was like when we all had to compete with one another for who’d do the worst job possible. There is no surer way to destroy a man than to force him into a spot where he has to aim at not doing his best, where he has to struggle to do a bad job, day after day. That will finish him quicker than drink or idleness or pulling stick-ups for a living. But there was nothing else for us to do except to fake unfitness. The one accusation we feared was to be suspected of ability. Ability was like a mortgage on you that you could never pay off. And what was there to work for? You knew that your basic pittance would be given to you anyway, whether you worked or not -- your ‘housing and feeding allowance,’ it was called -- and above that pittance, you had no chance to get anything, no matter how hard you tried......

Ayn Rand must have had a deep understanding of the workplace. She certainly understood socialism’s destructive forces.

My first encounter with socialism in the workplace occurred when I was quite young. I was working in a production facility for one of the Fortune 500 corporations back then. One day I was doing something that I wanted to finish before taking the ten o’clock coffee break. After the bell rang signaling “coffee time” one of the older guys reminded me that it was break time. Being young I stopped doing what I was doing. This happened again a few days later and again after that. Finally I got mad when I realized what was happening. When the situation came up again I told this guy “Don’t tell me what to do.” He muttered something like “I’m not telling you what to do.” Before I replied he turned and walked away. Of course, he hated me from that moment on.

Telling me not to work was, in effect, telling me what to do. As far as I was concerned he wasn’t paying me for that privilege, nor was I given the option to decide whether or not I wanted to work for him in the first place. Throughout my work life I saw the same thing successfully used on others over and over again as well as a few more unsuccessful attempts to tell me not to work. At some point in my life I came to see that socialism is designed for parasites. Those who unwittingly apply socialism’s most destructive principles in the workplace and in their lives may not be able to quote Marx, but they are his disciples just the same.

Socialists manipulate the workplace in very subtle ways. Parasites, through honest labor unions in the beginning convinced the world that if the boss fires someone because they are of no value to the business, it somehow means that the boss is saying that the individual in question has no worth in any walk of life. Discharging any worker is no longer a business decision. Firing a lazy parasite is now judged in the court of abusive compassion.

I have never seen a lazy person get fired for being lazy. The worst of it is that supervisors will pile the work on top of a hard worker because the work has to be done and supervisors know they can’t fire a lazy bum. Laziness is just too difficult, and too expensive, to prove in a courtroom. Trial lawyers have seen to that.

Lazy people destroy the workplace atmosphere of others who want to be paid for performance rather than be paid for coffee time. Lazy people destroy businesses and labor unions alike, and join parasites in bringing down this country in the end. Once productive people see the way of things in a company, it is not long before they say to themselves “To hell with this. Why should I work harder than these bums?” Owners, management people, union officials, and society’s lawmakers are not innocent in all of this. Their fulfilled ambitions, totally unrelated to achievement, are the rewards sloth lavishes on society’s leaders.

Those individuals who are attracted to socialism’s corrosive practices without understanding what it is they are being drawn to become socialism’s most vehement opponents once they find the thing that brings them some satisfaction based on achievement in every aspect of their lives.

Now let’s consider just one of socialism’s sickening socialist gems as first stated by Karl Marx (1818-83). BTW, Socialists rarely attribute this piece of communist nonsense to Marx whenever they use it. I guess that’s part of separating socialism from communism until it’s safe to come out of the closet:

In a higher phase of communist society . . . only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be fully left behind and society inscribe on its banners: from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Critique of the Gotha Programme.

The precise translation of that Communist gem means that if you are a tax dollar parasite you are entitled to all you can get from the public purse, but if you work your ass off struggling to remain one jump ahead of abject poverty and the tax collector that’s all you need.

Question: Is getting rich on tax dollars through unnecessary government a legitimate contribution to society? The parasite class answers yes.

A second question asks if a parasite’s institutional cunning is an ability that should be rewarded with unrestricted scooping time at the public trough? If it is, then we must eventually run up against “. . . to each according to his needs.” as Ayn Rand defined it.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that as parasites demand more, as they invariably do, the needs of the private sector citizen will shrink —— as well as become less important. The question here is who defines need? It’s a safe bet to say that those who do the work necessary to stock the public larder will have no choice but to tend to their own needs with leftover scraps.

Finally, I want to connect IRS tyranny, the parasite class, and the education industry, to socialism.

The education industry harbors the largest group of parasites in America in addition to being the intellectual force driving socialism/communism worldwide. The education industry also has the most influence in federal and state governments.

So long as the XVI Amendment remains in place parasites will continue to flourish. And it’s not only the federal tax on income that must be repealed. All taxes on income must be prohibited. Do that and you defund the education industry, abolish the IRS, and drive the parasite class away from the public purse.

NOTE: Everybody is complaining about the IRS, but not one person in Congress, or the media, is calling for repealing the XVI Amendment. To complain about the IRS is nothing more than complaining about taxing income.

No matter the form of government there will always be a group of envious malcontents in every society who become parasites. They increase in number until they destroy their society from within. The envy that drives them can stem from religion, ethnicity, class distinctions, or racial slights. It matters not to the parasite so long as they eat away the foundation like termites. That’s why it’s important to understand the destructive force of parasites throughout history. They will always breed anew.

It wasn’t yes men, or ass-kissers, that destroyed every empire, every civilization, every culture, and every great nation. It was parasites and they are doing it to America. Limiting government’s authority is the only way to stop them. That brings me to this one man and education:


John Dewey​

You have only to read this article to see that connecting education to everything that is going wrong in America is valid:

May 22, 2013
Dewey: Stalin's Propagandist, the World's Teacher
By Daren Jonescu

Articles: Dewey: Stalin's Propagandist, the World's Teacher
Brilliant article, Flanders. Stalin was an interesting character. I've read a few books about him. I've also read the testimonies from people who knew him like his own daughter, Svetlana Alliluyeva, who wrote: Beria ( the Soviet minister of interior affairs ) seems to have had a diabolic link with all our family......Beria was a frightening, wicked demon..... A terrible demon had taken possession of my father's soul.

Svetlana also said that Stalin considered goodness and forgiving love to be worse than the greatest crime. I believe both Marx and Stalin converted to Satanism. I'm not alone. Many of Stalins own comrade in arms spoke about him as demonic. Here is one Milovan Dijilas, a prominent communist leader in Yugoslavia who was personally well acqainted with Stalin wrote:

Was it not so that the demonic power and energy Stalin consisted in this, that he made the Communist movement and every person in it pass to a state of confusion and stupefaction, thus creating and ensuring his reign of fear....

Stalin was born an illegitimate child of a landlord by a servant maid. His father bribed a cobbler to marry the pregnant girl but the affair became known. During his childhood he was mocked as a bastard. During Stalins teen years, his real father was found murdered - he was a suspect but no proof could be found against him. Later as a seminary student he joined the Communist circles. He comitted robberies for the Party and later he was assigned the duty of infiltrating the Czarist police. He played a dual role denouncing party members in order to find out police secrets and protect the more important communists. Stalin like Marx started out as a believer. He wrote a poem at age 15 which begins "Great is the Almighty's providence". Like Marx he became a satanist later on in his life. It explains the reason for communist hatred of God and all that God represents. It explains why they target christians and why this govt is targeting christians. Communists are not atheists. They serve Lucifer. The one Saul Alinsky dedicated his book "Rules for Radicals" to. According to Alinsky the first radical to win a kingdom was Lucifer. ( satan ) -Jeri
One more thing, Flanders. Britain's center of Satanism is Highgate Cemetary in London, where Karl Marx is buried. Mysterious rites of black magic are celebrated at his tomb regularly. It was the place of inspiration for the Highgate Vampire, who attacked several girls in 1970. Hua Kuo-Feng, director of Red China, also paid it his respects.

One of the oldest devil worshiping sects, the Syrian Yezidi, was written up in a Soviet atheist magazine, Nauka I Religia ( July 1979) It is the ONLY religious sect about which the magazine has never wrote one word of criticism. Why? Because the religion of these Soviets is satanism. They are up to their neck in the occult and devil worship. This is why they despise Christians so viciously. It is another reason they can't wait to do a nuclear strike on America. They didn't name their missile Satan for nothing you know... if it walks like a duck..... quacks like a duck.. - Jeri
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Brilliant article, Flanders. Stalin was an interesting character. I've read a few books about him. I've also read the testimonies from people who knew him like his own daughter, Svetlana Alliluyeva, who wrote: Beria ( the Soviet minister of interior affairs ) seems to have had a diabolic link with all our family......Beria was a frightening, wicked demon..... A terrible demon had taken possession of my father's soul.

Svetlana also said that Stalin considered goodness and forgiving love to be worse than the greatest crime. I believe both Marx and Stalin converted to Satanism. I'm not alone. Many of Stalins own comrade in arms spoke about him as demonic. Here is one Milovan Dijilas, a prominent communist leader in Yugoslavia who was personally well acqainted with Stalin wrote:

Was it not so that the demonic power and energy Stalin consisted in this, that he made the Communist movement and every person in it pass to a state of confusion and stupefaction, thus creating and ensuring his reign of fear....

Stalin was born an illegitimate child of a landlord by a servant maid. His father bribed a cobbler to marry the pregnant girl but the affair became known. During his childhood he was mocked as a bastard. During Stalins teen years, his real father was found murdered - he was a suspect but no proof could be found against him. Later as a seminary student he joined the Communist circles. He comitted robberies for the Party and later he was assigned the duty of infiltrating the Czarist police. He played a dual role denouncing party members in order to find out police secrets and protect the more important communists. Stalin like Marx started out as a believer. He wrote a poem at age 15 which begins "Great is the Almighty's providence". Like Marx he became a satanist later on in his life. It explains the reason for communist hatred of God and all that God represents. It explains why they target christians and why this govt is targeting christians. Communists are not atheists. They serve Lucifer. The one Saul Alinsky dedicated his book "Rules for Radicals" to. According to Alinsky the first radical to win a kingdom was Lucifer. ( satan ) -Jeri

One more thing, Flanders. Britain's center of Satanism is Highgate Cemetary in London, where Karl Marx is buried. Mysterious rites of black magic are celebrated at his tomb regularly. It was the place of inspiration for the Highgate Vampire, who attacked several girls in 1970. Hua Kuo-Feng, director of Red China, also paid it his respects.

One of the oldest devil worshiping sects, the Syrian Yezidi, was written up in a Soviet atheist magazine, Nauka I Religia ( July 1979) It is the ONLY religious sect about which the magazine has never wrote one word of criticism. Why? Because the religion of these Soviets is satanism. They are up to their neck in the occult and devil worship. This is why they despise Christians so viciously. It is another reason they can't wait to do a nuclear strike on America. They didn't name their missile Satan for nothing you know... if it walks like a duck..... quacks like a duck.. - Jeri

To Jeremiah: Excellent reminders. I had forgotten Stalin’s inherent evil.

As to Karl Marx. He was a filthy, thoroughly despicable, human being. Here’s a little taste of the man so many worship to this day:

While his large family survived on a diet of bread and potatoes, he worked on his “Communist Manifesto” with Engels. Three of his seven children died before the age of ten and one died in infancy because they were malnourished and literally starved to death.

In 1852, a police spy from Prussia said that Marx, with a Doctorate of Philosophy from Berlin University, “lived the life of a gypsy, rarely washing, combing, and changing his linens. He is a drunk and idle for days on end…” He was being spied on as the leader of the Communist Party. Such philosophers as Marx were not interested in contributing anything productive in society, but destroying it and creating their communist Utopia.

Americans are greatly misinformed when it comes to socialism and communism
American Ignorance
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Thursday, May 26, 2011

American Ignorance
What a fucking pile of shit.

Corps of Discovery. Transcontinental railroad, universal vaccination, Rural Electrification of this nation, the CCC's, and so many other government programs that helped this nation become what we are.
Brilliant article, Flanders. Stalin was an interesting character. I've read a few books about him. I've also read the testimonies from people who knew him like his own daughter, Svetlana Alliluyeva, who wrote: Beria ( the Soviet minister of interior affairs ) seems to have had a diabolic link with all our family......Beria was a frightening, wicked demon..... A terrible demon had taken possession of my father's soul.

Svetlana also said that Stalin considered goodness and forgiving love to be worse than the greatest crime. I believe both Marx and Stalin converted to Satanism. I'm not alone. Many of Stalins own comrade in arms spoke about him as demonic. Here is one Milovan Dijilas, a prominent communist leader in Yugoslavia who was personally well acqainted with Stalin wrote:

Was it not so that the demonic power and energy Stalin consisted in this, that he made the Communist movement and every person in it pass to a state of confusion and stupefaction, thus creating and ensuring his reign of fear....

Stalin was born an illegitimate child of a landlord by a servant maid. His father bribed a cobbler to marry the pregnant girl but the affair became known. During his childhood he was mocked as a bastard. During Stalins teen years, his real father was found murdered - he was a suspect but no proof could be found against him. Later as a seminary student he joined the Communist circles. He comitted robberies for the Party and later he was assigned the duty of infiltrating the Czarist police. He played a dual role denouncing party members in order to find out police secrets and protect the more important communists. Stalin like Marx started out as a believer. He wrote a poem at age 15 which begins "Great is the Almighty's providence". Like Marx he became a satanist later on in his life. It explains the reason for communist hatred of God and all that God represents. It explains why they target christians and why this govt is targeting christians. Communists are not atheists. They serve Lucifer. The one Saul Alinsky dedicated his book "Rules for Radicals" to. According to Alinsky the first radical to win a kingdom was Lucifer. ( satan ) -Jeri

One more thing, Flanders. Britain's center of Satanism is Highgate Cemetary in London, where Karl Marx is buried. Mysterious rites of black magic are celebrated at his tomb regularly. It was the place of inspiration for the Highgate Vampire, who attacked several girls in 1970. Hua Kuo-Feng, director of Red China, also paid it his respects.

One of the oldest devil worshiping sects, the Syrian Yezidi, was written up in a Soviet atheist magazine, Nauka I Religia ( July 1979) It is the ONLY religious sect about which the magazine has never wrote one word of criticism. Why? Because the religion of these Soviets is satanism. They are up to their neck in the occult and devil worship. This is why they despise Christians so viciously. It is another reason they can't wait to do a nuclear strike on America. They didn't name their missile Satan for nothing you know... if it walks like a duck..... quacks like a duck.. - Jeri

To Jeremiah: Excellent reminders. I had forgotten Stalin’s inherent evil.

As to Karl Marx. He was a filthy, thoroughly despicable, human being. Here’s a little taste of the man so many worship to this day:

While his large family survived on a diet of bread and potatoes, he worked on his “Communist Manifesto” with Engels. Three of his seven children died before the age of ten and one died in infancy because they were malnourished and literally starved to death.

In 1852, a police spy from Prussia said that Marx, with a Doctorate of Philosophy from Berlin University, “lived the life of a gypsy, rarely washing, combing, and changing his linens. He is a drunk and idle for days on end…” He was being spied on as the leader of the Communist Party. Such philosophers as Marx were not interested in contributing anything productive in society, but destroying it and creating their communist Utopia.

Americans are greatly misinformed when it comes to socialism and communism
American Ignorance
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Thursday, May 26, 2011

American Ignorance

yes and two more did commit suicide while one mate joined them in suicide the other opted out after Marx daughter took her life. He didn't even attend his own wifes funeral. He was a real piece of work but the revisionists have done a bang up job of hiding the true nature of this man. Very disturbing. Stalin had a picture of the devil on his bedroom wall too. His daughter said so. - Jeri
Corps of Discovery.

To Old Rocks: You’re sick man trying to connect Thomas Jefferson to today’s parasites. The Lewis & Clark Expedition (1804 -1806) can hardly be called a program designed for parasites.

Transcontinental railroad,

To Old Rocks: Completed in 1869. That was 44 years before the parasite class was officially born in 1913.

universal vaccination,

To Old Rocks: See this thread:

Rural Electrification of this nation,

To Old Rocks: Was driven by the profit motive irrespective of the TVA.

the CCC's, and so many other government programs that helped this nation become what we are.

To Old Rocks: Give it up. You’re not smart to pull it off. This country began going downhill in 1913. See this thread:

The government programs you allude to began turning this country into a nation of parasites after a free people built the foundation.

NOTE: I don’t expect you to read the threads I linked to. Thanks anyway for giving me the opportunity to post those links for intelligent people.

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