Yellowstone supervolcano 'even more colossal'


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Yellowstone supervolcano 'even more colossal'

The supervolcano that lies beneath Yellowstone National Park in the US is far larger than was previously thought, scientists report.

A study shows that the magma chamber is about 2.5 times bigger than earlier estimates suggested.

A team found the cavern stretches for more than 90km (55 miles) and contains 200-600 cubic km of molten rock.

The findings are being presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco.

Prof Bob Smith, from the University of Utah, said: “We’ve been working there for a long time, and we’ve always thought it would be bigger... but this finding is astounding."

If the Yellowstone supervolcano were to blow today, the consequences would be catastrophic.

The last major eruption, which occurred 640,000 years ago, sent ash across the whole of North America, affecting the planet’s climate.

Now researchers believe they have a better idea of what lies beneath the ground.

The team used a network of seismometers that were situated around the park to map the magma chamber.

Dr Jamie Farrell, from the University of Utah, explained: “We record earthquakes in and around Yellowstone, and we measure the seismic waves as they travel through the ground.

“The waves travel slower through hot and partially molten material… with this, we can measure what’s beneath.”

BBC News - Yellowstone supervolcano 'even more colossal'


Good place to put a couple dozen geo-thermal plants ;)
This is more of a real threat than the AGW voodoo that so many believe in.

Spoken like a true Flat Earther. Referring to a worldwide scientific consensus on the reality and dangers of AGW as "voodoo" just further demonstrates how extremely demented you are, Klod.
This is more of a real threat than the AGW voodoo that so many believe in.

Spoken like a true Flat Earther. Referring to a worldwide scientific consensus on the reality and dangers of AGW as "voodoo" just further demonstrates how extremely demented you are, Klod.

Cold dis-comfort: Antarctica set record of -135.8

In the world of tiny brained morons that you obviously inhabit, Don'tKnowShit, what exactly is the supposed significance of Antarctica being very cold relative to the observed, many decades long warming trend the rest of the planet has been experiencing?

Or to the fact that 2013 will be the seventh warmest year on record globally, or to the fact that Austalia, another Southern Hemisphere continent, is currently experiencing its hottest year on record?
Spoken like a true Flat Earther. Referring to a worldwide scientific consensus on the reality and dangers of AGW as "voodoo" just further demonstrates how extremely demented you are, Klod.

Cold dis-comfort: Antarctica set record of -135.8

In the world of tiny brained morons that you obviously inhabit, Don'tKnowShit, what exactly is the supposed significance of Antarctica being very cold relative to the observed, many decades long warming trend the rest of the planet has been experiencing?

Or to the fact that 2013 will be the seventh warmest year on record globally, or to the fact that Austalia, another Southern Hemisphere continent, is currently experiencing its hottest year on record?

And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year | Mail Online

In the world of tiny brained morons that you obviously inhabit, Don'tKnowShit, what exactly is the supposed significance of Antarctica being very cold relative to the observed, many decades long warming trend the rest of the planet has been experiencing?

Or to the fact that 2013 will be the seventh warmest year on record globally, or to the fact that Austalia, another Southern Hemisphere continent, is currently experiencing its hottest year on record?

And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year | Mail Online

Citing fraudulent, thoroughly debunked articles, written by a denier cult stooge for a right wing British tabloid, as evidence for your demented fantasy that the Earth is cooling, actually only demonstrates how extremely gullible and ignorant you are, Don'tKnowShit.
In the world of tiny brained morons that you obviously inhabit, Don'tKnowShit, what exactly is the supposed significance of Antarctica being very cold relative to the observed, many decades long warming trend the rest of the planet has been experiencing?

Or to the fact that 2013 will be the seventh warmest year on record globally, or to the fact that Austalia, another Southern Hemisphere continent, is currently experiencing its hottest year on record?

And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year | Mail Online

Citing fraudulent, thoroughly debunked articles, written by a denier cult stooge for a right wing British tabloid, as evidence for your demented fantasy that the Earth is cooling, actually only demonstrates how extremely gullible and ignorant you are, Don'tKnowShit.

Earliest Subzero Temps Since ?95; More Bitter Cold And Snow Coming « CBS Chicago

Citing fraudulent, thoroughly debunked articles, written by a denier cult stooge for a right wing British tabloid, as evidence for your demented fantasy that the Earth is cooling, actually only demonstrates how extremely gullible and ignorant you are, Don'tKnowShit.

Earliest Subzero Temps Since ?95; More Bitter Cold And Snow Coming « CBS Chicago now you want to demonstrate that you're too stupid and ignorant to comprehend the difference between local weather and global climate? Too funny!
Looking forward to this years AGU meeting. The new information on the Yellowstone Caldera just one of the interesting items on the agenda.

How much geothermal energy does Yellowstone have? Mw/Gw of installed geothermal.

ASTER TIR data (90-m pixels) acquired at night during January and February, 2010, were used to estimate surface temperature, radiant emittance, and radiant GHF from all of Yellowstone’s thermal features, produce thermal anomaly maps, and update field-based maps of thermal areas. A background subtraction technique was used to isolate the geothermal component of TIR radiance from thermal radiance due to insolation. A lower limit for the Yellowstone’s total radiant GHF was established at ~2.0 GW, which is ~30-45% of the heat flux estimated through geochemical (Cl-flux) methods. Additionally, about 5 km2 was added to the geodatabase of mapped thermal areas.

In Kamchatka, they built a geothermal plant near a hot area with geysers, and the geysers shut down. However, the amount of geothermal available in the Western States is huge, without even touching anything near Yellowstone.

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