

Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
A water cooler conversation occurred at work the other day between some of my colleagues regarding the fuss of illegal immigration. Among them was a young lady from Romania (her family immigrated here about 14 years ago).

I asked her what she thought about the whole illegal immigration issue, her response was something like.... "I think it's unfair that those people (i.e. illegals) expect to be treated like me and my family. After all we came here legally, they can do the same"......

Well then, I asked, what about bilingual education? Her response "if you came to this country, expect to speak the language, I learned it, my parents did, they should, too!"

I've posed the same questions to other immigrants, their responses were just like hers.
KarlMarx said:
A water cooler conversation occurred at work the other day between some of my colleagues regarding the fuss of illegal immigration. Among them was a young lady from Romania (her family immigrated here about 14 years ago).

I asked her what she thought about the whole illegal immigration issue, her response was something like.... "I think it's unfair that those people (i.e. illegals) expect to be treated like me and my family. After all we came here legally, they can do the same"......

Well then, I asked, what about bilingual education? Her response "if you came to this country, expect to speak the language, I learned it, my parents did, they should, too!"

I've posed the same questions to other immigrants, their responses were just like hers.

Every time I hear numbers pertaining to this subject, of people polled, it's always a landslide majority. Something like 85-95%. So WHY our elected officials continue this pandering to the illegals shceme, when they're SUPPOSED to be doing the "will of the people", the LEGAL, VOTING people, completely escapes me.
Pale Rider said:
Every time I hear numbers pertaining to this subject, of people polled, it's always a landslide majority. Something like 85-95%. So WHY our elected officials continue this pandering to the illegals shceme, when they're SUPPOSED to be doing the "will of the people", the LEGAL, VOTING people, completely escapes me.

More proof that they care more about remaining in power than the will of the people. As long as 2 parties completely dominate American poilitcs, there are certain issues we will be screwed on.
dilloduck said:
More proof that they care more about remaining in power than the will of the people. As long as 2 parties completely dominate American poilitcs, there are certain issues we will be screwed on.

Polls give the politicos their talking points, not their action plans. Action by the public DOES cause action by the politicos. Bitching but not acting is for those that think they have a right to be disgusted.
Kathianne said:
Polls give the politicos their talking points, not their action plans. Action by the public DOES cause action by the politicos. Bitching but not acting is for those that think they have a right to be disgusted.
I think the Latinos just proved that point.
Kathianne said:
Polls give the politicos their talking points, not their action plans. Action by the public DOES cause action by the politicos. Bitching but not acting is for those that think they have a right to be disgusted.

Polls are manufactured to make it appear that politicos are talking about an issue that the people really care about. The questions are designed to produce the desired response and results are skewed. Actions by politicos appear to be responses but in reality accomplish little. Materials for dirty bombs were smuggled across both off our borders in DEC. Wheres' the outrage? Most people still don't even know it occurred. Why?
dilloduck said:
Polls are manufactured to make it appear that politicos are talking about an issue that the people really care about. The questions are designed to produce the desired response and results are skewed. Actions by politicos appear to be responses but in reality accomplish little. Materials for dirty bombs were smuggled across both off our borders in DEC. Wheres' the outrage? Most people still don't even know it occurred. Why?

You are right about polls, which just reinforces the argument-the public is able to drive the policies, but really are rarely of he mindset to do so. WHEN they DO choose to make their voices heard, they are rarely ignored.

As for the 'smuggling' do you have some bonafide source links?
Mr. P said:
I think the Latinos just proved that point.
Exactly. Those in favor of an open border have made their voices heard, now the question, will those who want control and a fair, legal system, do the same?
Kathianne said:
You are right about polls, which just reinforces the argument-the public is able to drive the policies, but really are rarely of he mindset to do so. WHEN they DO choose to make their voices heard, they are rarely ignored.

As for the 'smuggling' do you have some bonafide source links?

The public doesnt drive policy when the voice thier opinion on a rigged poll. The people who DID THE POLLING and COMMISSIONED THE POLL drove the policy.

Can nuclear material be smuggled across the border?

12:29 AM CST on Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Also Online

Byron Harris reports
Today a congressional committee began looking into how safe the U.S. border is from the smuggling of nuclear materials.

The probe comes after congressional investigators succeeded in smuggling enough radioactive material for two dirty bombs across the border last December.

The investigators smuggled nuclear material over two points, one on the Canadian border and one on the Mexican border.

Now congress is looking into nuclear material and border security.

Detectors in El Paso worked when federal investigators tried to smuggle low grade nuclear materials over the border in a rental car. The goal was to set off the alarms. And they did.

But that's only part of the story. The radioactive metal was easily purchased from an American company using a false identity. And instead of stopping the material, border guards permitted it to pass into the United States, missing forged documents.

"We searched the internet and found several examples of official NRC documents. We then used commercial software to counterfeit these documents. Which authorized us to acquire, possess and transfer radioactive sources," said Gregory Kutz from the General Accounting Office.

The dirty bomb that the investigators could make with smuggled nuclear material wouldn't be a weapon of mass destruction, but rather a weapon of mass disruption. It could bring life to a halt in heavily populated cities.

The successful smuggling means that U.S. borders have holes that would allow both large and small nuclear weapons into the country. It is now up to Congress to decide what's next.
Kathianne said:
Exactly. Those in favor of an open border have made their voices heard, now the question, will those who want control and a fair, legal system, do the same?

Nope. because all it takes to scatter them is to call them racist or nationalist. the brainwashing job has been done quite effectively.
Kathianne said:
Exactly. Those in favor of an open border have made their voices heard, now the question, will those who want control and a fair, legal system, do the same?

They were heard alright--now lets see if they get what they want.
dilloduck said:
The public doesnt drive policy when the voice thier opinion on a rigged poll. The people who DID THE POLLING and COMMISSIONED THE POLL drove the policy.
That's what I'm saying. IF the people want something done, they have to get off their dead asses and pick up the phone, write letters, march, what have you. Complaining to you or me will get nothing done.

Assuming Congress did this, one would think the MSM should have made more out of it, I think we'll agree with each other on that. Am I surprised? No. It's the problem with the conditions of the borders. Again, write your congressmen, write letters to the editor citing the 'smuggling', that's more likely to awaken someone who at least bothers to read a newspaper.
rtwngAvngr said:
Nope. because all it takes to scatter them is to call them racist or nationalist. the brainwashing job has been done quite effectively.

The politically aware have been seeing the pics of the pro-illegal marches over the past week. I don't think 'racism' charges are going to bother them. Did you catch the article I posted on the CO principal that banned flags? Didn't set well with the kids, nor the state representatives that responded to his actions.
Kathianne said:
That's what I'm saying. IF the people want something done, they have to get off their dead asses and pick up the phone, write letters, march, what have you. Complaining to you or me will get nothing done.

Assuming Congress did this, one would think the MSM should have made more out of it, I think we'll agree with each other on that. Am I surprised? No. It's the problem with the conditions of the borders. Again, write your congressmen, write letters to the editor citing the 'smuggling', that's more likely to awaken someone who at least bothers to read a newspaper.

You missed the point.

What is the difference between the two incidences? Besides the obvious, ONE instance was grabbed out of a business journal by Schumer and Hillary to make political hay. The other was totally ignored proving they dont really give a damn about national security. And the fact that the Chinese are screening imports for us in the Bahamas ???? Ignored !!! All this crap about Americans handling our borders was pure partisan politics. The people aren't driving anything.
dilloduck said:
You missed the point.

What is the difference between the two incidences? Besides the obvious, ONE instance was grabbed out of a business journal by Schumer and Hillary to make political hay. The other was totally ignored proving they dont really give a damn about national security. And the fact that the Chinese are screening imports for us in the Bahamas ???? Ignored !!! All this crap about Americans handling our borders was pure partisan politics. The people aren't driving anything.

No, you are missing the point. The people have to stay focused. I wouldn't be too sure they aren't regarding the Chinese in the ports or Bahamas. I KNOW that I've kept watch and contact. Haven't you?
Kathianne said:
No, you are missing the point. The people have to stay focused. I wouldn't be too sure they aren't regarding the Chinese in the ports or Bahamas. I KNOW that I've kept watch and contact. Haven't you?

I understand your frustration with the laziness and ignorance of Americans when it comes to any issue outside thier hometown. My point is that there are some really good reasons that people are jaded and have given up to the powers that be.
dilloduck said:
I understand your frustration with the laziness and ignorance of Americans when it comes to any issue outside thier hometown. My point is that there are some really good reasons that people are jaded and have given up to the powers that be.

I disagree, the problem is the people believe that they cannot act, that is wrong. When something hits them as 'so wrong' they tend to make it known, and lord knows, not through polls. Then return to their own interests, perfectly understandable. Considering how quickly people lost sight of the 9/11 threat, it's a major job, but I do think a politician that could bring this out in a significant percentage of the populace, wouldn't need the backing of either party to win. Clinton had that kind of charisma and ability to inspire. So did Reagan and Kennedy. Something will happen, I hope it's a good something.

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