Ya'll Sits Down, Cuz I is Gonna Preach a Spell!

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Lord, have mercy!! I dun been hit wit the lightning bolt of troof!!! I dun seen the light!! I dun seen duh way!! I dun seeen da path to glory!!! HAVE MERCY!!!

Fo years and years we dun up and labeled them there white mans as duh devil. And it twere that them there white devil that held us dark skinned brothers in bondage for so many years. The white devil slave owner, he be is duh epitome of White Supremacy!

But we dun left some of the story out. In our righteous quest for freedom, we omitted all of sum of them facts that am existed at the times. Yes, us dark meat brothers gathered together, hand and hand, and took on the evil of White Supremacy. We rose up and fought duh power!!! But we didn't do it alone. We had us sum help. Now looky here!

See, Whitey deecided to hep us. Before our ancestors were freed from the bonds of the slaving ways, the White Supremacists fought a war agin each other. Now, it didn't start out as war over us ni**as. It were about them damned old Yankee sumbitches a'tryin to fuck around with our bidness here in the glorious south. But them southern boys whooped the yankees' asses so bad, they had to regroup and gin up some bullshit to git them other yankee k!kes to join up with the union to fight. They figurred theyd make it bout slavery.

But regardless of the fact, it were them White Supremacists gittin all pissed off with one another than ended up starting the goddamned big ole hootnanny of a civil war!! Us brothers sat on the sidelines for the most part, enjoying watching them white devils kills one another. But thin after the war, when all the shootin am dun, damned if we wusn't set free!!!!

So, ya'll see, in reality, it was them White Supremacists that set us free in the end. Them old White Supremacists cut the chains off'n us!! They dun did so to lay a fuckin on the South, ya knowd, like pourin salt in the wounds. Later on, to git em back, them good old southern boys founded an elite gentleman's club called duh Ku Kux Klan so dat they could all git together and talk about how to git back at them damned yankees. Eventually, the South did git the last laugh when the north got overrun by communist pigs and tranny freaks. LOL!!

A white man is a White Supremacist. They ain't no middle ground!! If'n yo got white skin, then you am a privileged sumbitch who got what yo got off da blood, sweat, and tears of our dark skinned ancesters!!! Dat why you owe us reParationS! But I digress!

Brothas and Hoes, the fact of Duh matta is dat it wuz White Supremacists dat dun set us free from them there bonds of slavery!!! We owed our tanks to the White Supremacists fer settin us free!! Course, they still owes us reprobations!

And more than that!! We owed them White SUpremacists fo takin in our relatives frum the African incontinent and settin dem up here in Ammerica. Cuz if'n they didn't, then we would be gittin fucked by AIDS, Ebola, and lions and mafuckin' tigers right nows!! You ever see a mafucking tiger?!? Them sumbitches got TEEF!!!!

White Supremacists dun made us slaves, and White Supremacists dun did set us free. Should dis make enny difference on how we'uns should look at the white devil today? FUCK NO!!! If'n he am white, he am da devil!

Can I gits a mafucking halleluiah?
I don't follow but hale, that is the state of the public education system for minorities and all american kids. as long as the word is over seven letters, use it in any context. incontinent. LOLOLOL.
Lord, have mercy!! I dun been hit wit the lightning bolt of troof!!! I dun seen the light!! I dun seen duh way!! I dun seeen da path to glory!!! HAVE MERCY!!!

Fo years and years we dun up and labeled them there white mans as duh devil. And it twere that them there white devil that held us dark skinned brothers in bondage for so many years. The white devil slave owner, he be is duh epitome of White Supremacy!

But we dun left some of the story out. In our righteous quest for freedom, we omitted all of sum of them facts that am existed at the times. Yes, us dark meat brothers gathered together, hand and hand, and took on the evil of White Supremacy. We rose up and fought duh power!!! But we didn't do it alone. We had us sum help. Now looky here!

See, Whitey deecided to hep us. Before our ancestors were freed from the bonds of the slaving ways, the White Supremacists fought a war agin each other. Now, it didn't start out as war over us ni**as. It were about them damned old Yankee sumbitches a'tryin to fuck around with our bidness here in the glorious south. But them southern boys whooped the yankees' asses so bad, they had to regroup and gin up some bullshit to git them other yankee k!kes to join up with the union to fight. They figurred theyd make it bout slavery.

But regardless of the fact, it were them White Supremacists gittin all pissed off with one another than ended up starting the goddamned big ole hootnanny of a civil war!! Us brothers sat on the sidelines for the most part, enjoying watching them white devils kills one another. But thin after the war, when all the shootin am dun, damned if we wusn't set free!!!!

So, ya'll see, in reality, it was them White Supremacists that set us free in the end. Them old White Supremacists cut the chains off'n us!! They dun did so to lay a fuckin on the South, ya knowd, like pourin salt in the wounds. Later on, to git em back, them good old southern boys founded an elite gentleman's club called duh Ku Kux Klan so dat they could all git together and talk about how to git back at them damned yankees. Eventually, the South did git the last laugh when the north got overrun by communist pigs and tranny freaks. LOL!!

A white man is a White Supremacist. They ain't no middle ground!! If'n yo got white skin, then you am a privileged sumbitch who got what yo got off da blood, sweat, and tears of our dark skinned ancesters!!! Dat why you owe us reParationS! But I digress!

Brothas and Hoes, the fact of Duh matta is dat it wuz White Supremacists dat dun set us free from them there bonds of slavery!!! We owed our tanks to the White Supremacists fer settin us free!! Course, they still owes us reprobations!

And more than that!! We owed them White SUpremacists fo takin in our relatives frum the African incontinent and settin dem up here in Ammerica. Cuz if'n they didn't, then we would be gittin fucked by AIDS, Ebola, and lions and mafuckin' tigers right nows!! You ever see a mafucking tiger?!? Them sumbitches got TEEF!!!!

White Supremacists dun made us slaves, and White Supremacists dun did set us free. Should dis make enny difference on how we'uns should look at the white devil today? FUCK NO!!! If'n he am white, he am da devil!

Can I gits a mafucking halleluiah?

I think one of them snakes you been handlin done gone and bit you in the head.
Lord, have mercy!! I dun been hit wit the lightning bolt of troof!!! I dun seen the light!! I dun seen duh way!! I dun seeen da path to glory!!! HAVE MERCY!!!

Fo years and years we dun up and labeled them there white mans as duh devil. And it twere that them there white devil that held us dark skinned brothers in bondage for so many years. The white devil slave owner, he be is duh epitome of White Supremacy!

But we dun left some of the story out. In our righteous quest for freedom, we omitted all of sum of them facts that am existed at the times. Yes, us dark meat brothers gathered together, hand and hand, and took on the evil of White Supremacy. We rose up and fought duh power!!! But we didn't do it alone. We had us sum help. Now looky here!

See, Whitey deecided to hep us. Before our ancestors were freed from the bonds of the slaving ways, the White Supremacists fought a war agin each other. Now, it didn't start out as war over us ni**as. It were about them damned old Yankee sumbitches a'tryin to fuck around with our bidness here in the glorious south. But them southern boys whooped the yankees' asses so bad, they had to regroup and gin up some bullshit to git them other yankee k!kes to join up with the union to fight. They figurred theyd make it bout slavery.

But regardless of the fact, it were them White Supremacists gittin all pissed off with one another than ended up starting the goddamned big ole hootnanny of a civil war!! Us brothers sat on the sidelines for the most part, enjoying watching them white devils kills one another. But thin after the war, when all the shootin am dun, damned if we wusn't set free!!!!

So, ya'll see, in reality, it was them White Supremacists that set us free in the end. Them old White Supremacists cut the chains off'n us!! They dun did so to lay a fuckin on the South, ya knowd, like pourin salt in the wounds. Later on, to git em back, them good old southern boys founded an elite gentleman's club called duh Ku Kux Klan so dat they could all git together and talk about how to git back at them damned yankees. Eventually, the South did git the last laugh when the north got overrun by communist pigs and tranny freaks. LOL!!

A white man is a White Supremacist. They ain't no middle ground!! If'n yo got white skin, then you am a privileged sumbitch who got what yo got off da blood, sweat, and tears of our dark skinned ancesters!!! Dat why you owe us reParationS! But I digress!

Brothas and Hoes, the fact of Duh matta is dat it wuz White Supremacists dat dun set us free from them there bonds of slavery!!! We owed our tanks to the White Supremacists fer settin us free!! Course, they still owes us reprobations!

And more than that!! We owed them White SUpremacists fo takin in our relatives frum the African incontinent and settin dem up here in Ammerica. Cuz if'n they didn't, then we would be gittin fucked by AIDS, Ebola, and lions and mafuckin' tigers right nows!! You ever see a mafucking tiger?!? Them sumbitches got TEEF!!!!

White Supremacists dun made us slaves, and White Supremacists dun did set us free. Should dis make enny difference on how we'uns should look at the white devil today? FUCK NO!!! If'n he am white, he am da devil!

Can I gits a mafucking halleluiah?
You can't get a fly speck.

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