X-Files fans?


Feb 14, 2011
I'm not serious enough to go to a special X-Files board ... not yet. But I'm in the middle of watching the DVD's again now.

Any fans here?
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I found the 2008 X-Files movie very disappointing because the series finale shows the earth in peril from imminent alien invasion and then all of a sudden in the movie the biggest threat is pedophile priests. Not trying to make light of the pain caused by pedophile priests. But it was totally out of sync with the cliffhanger left at the end of the series.

The most recent thing I wanted to talk to someone about -- the thing which almost had me going in search of an X-Files site since my dear sweet husband couldn't care less :D -- was how when the alien oil was first introduced, it turned the infected people into killing machines. If you had the oil in you, you could literally nuke the people in your path.

But that was forgotten right away and if you had the oil in you, you were just a victim in later episodes. I wanted someone to commiserate with me over that dastardly discrepancy and hubbers is not the guy to do it. hehe. laughing at myself now.
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Big fan!

One of my favorite episodes had Burt Reynolds in it. Season 9 episode 13 "Improbable"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOg5DNPSCEY]The X-Files - I Love You For Sentimental Reasons - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Tfcqxvraik]Burt Reynalds On The X-Files - YouTube[/ame]
I don't understand how fans could continue to watch after they got rid of Mulder and suddenly turned Scully into the full-faith believer. :confused:

Took me awhile but I came to like the John Doggett character a lot. The hardest part in learning to like him was of course getting over my disappointment that Mulder was gone.
P.s., it made sense to me that Scully finally became a believer. I would have been more upset by her going 8 years and always only flirting with acknowledging the truth.
I'm not serious enough to go to a special X-Files board ... not yet. But I'm in the middle of watching the DVD's again now.

Any fans here?

I also swear.... there are a few peacock family members posting here!!!!
It turns out that Mulder actually died near the end of season 5 when Scully butted in and blew his cover with the domestic terrorist group he was trying to infiltrate.

The rest of the series doesn't have to make sense. It's only a fantasy, like the last season of Roseanne.
One of these days I'll get around to watching it again.

Great show for the first 5 or 6 years, but then it went to pot.

I agree.

I remember the first show I watched. I was bored, sitting in a hotel room, flipping around the channels and stumbled across the X-Files by accident. There was nothing else on, so I thought, what the heck. By the end of the show, I was riveted. My wife and I became big fans. It was fun because we were living in Vancouver at the time, which is where they filmed the show. But then, Chris Carter decided he wanted to focus on Fox's sister and we lost interest.
After all the years focused on the search for Mulder's sister, it was very weird and unsatisfying how they finally got rid of her.

She turned into starlight?? Reaaallly?

Now that I've seen that episode a few times I'm finally coming to terms with it but starlight?????? REEEEEAAALLLY?
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