WW3 fears as Chinese state media reveals ‘three-stage battle plan’ to invade Taiwan as US stages war games in Pacific

The United States will not be involved in any war. We don't have a capable military. The only hope our formerly fearsome military has is to make the enemy die laughing.
We have the most powerful military in the history of mankind
The problem we have is that we do not mass produce quickly like WW 2. China is us from that era. We lead into some tech ways. They are catching up. They put out a naval vessel every several weeks. The are building a next generation carrier that is similar to our large ones. They still need experience with arresting gear and take off technology. Unlike Russia as the Soviet Union they have endless potential for building factories to sell products to the world and us. The downside of globalism is that after an amount of time, the next competitor for top dog shows up while the current one rests on their laurels. Perhaps those UFO's are technology no one knows and will be used in any conflict if needed. There are countless trillions of dollars unaccounted for.
Our Navy patrols the entire world
For the most part, China patrols it’s own waters

No Navy on earth is close to ours

So you want us to get involved in another war.

We can count on you enlisting then cuppycakes?
Can you put me in touch with your drug dealer as you get really good stuff?

A small island nation beats Red Communist China?

I guess you are covering for your beloved XI.

So, in your view…..the big guy easily beats the little guy

Reality is different. Invading an Island Fortress is not easy. Germany tried to defeat England with just bombing. Because they lacked the Naval landing capability….they failed

Taiwan has done nothing but prepare for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
They have bunkers and Civil Defense to withstand bombing
They have a modern Air Force, surface to air missiles, anti ship missiles, smart mines, submarines and an Army ready to repel invaders.
They also have the US Navy at their disposal

Ready to explain how you think China will “win”??
It won't help....No matter what Taiwan has done to prepare China will overcome them in less than 72 hours in an all out confrontation where street battles and house to house gunfire play no party. The immense damage made apparent to them will render nothing less than full and immediate capitulation. They will not respect civilian areas nor will they hold back any kind of available fire power no matter who gets vaporized including non combatant third party nations. It has to be the US and it has to be a US that is not committed to transgender tu-tu wearing courtesy rules of combat You're going to go head to head with China? Expect every dirty trick in the book including bio hazard bombs dropped on your unsuspecting allies.....You DO NOT HESITATE with the red dragon....you unload a decapitation assault and you do it before he knows enough to duck and once you cut off his head you immediately launch another one to cut off his neck.....

You are absolutely correct....unfortunately we do not now have the type of leadership to do what is needed .....Nuclear weapons....are only worthwhile if your enemies believe you will or might use them.....does anyone in the world believe that biden or for that matter ---any democrat would authorize the use of nuclear weapons? of course not.

On the other hand China feared Trump might do that hence.....they did not threaten Taiwan under the Donald's watch.

However.....China realizes the Republicans may well take over congress in a couple of years as well as the Presidency next time.

Thus what many fail to understand is that this matter with Taiwan is very urgent....aka....China will make a move before the next congressional elections....wanting to take decisive action against Taiwan whilst America has weak leadership.

First they will try to cajole and negotiate with biden to let them have their way with Taiwan.....aka Hong Kong style.

If that fails you can expect a military confrontation.....also what many fail to realize....if Taiwan sees that America will not support them....and already they are beginning to realize that....they will try to buy some time....aka....make nicey nice with China....hoping they can stall any military action by China until the return of the Republicans.

Taiwan is ruled by some very wealthy people....their wealth means more to them than Taiwan....they are also very intelligent....knowing if China decides to invade Taiwan their wealth will be destroyed....hence Taiwan will not fight alone against China....no matter these empty boasts you hear.

What they will do is to attempt to negotiate a deal with China....something like admitting they are part of China and will ultimately rejoin China in a peaceful way....hoping to set up a system of kowtowing to China but to be able to retain their control of their financial system and their wealth....aka the way it was in Hong Kong before China ultimately completely subdued them with barely a whisper from the U.K or the U.S.
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically

You seem not to realize how China is rapidly increasing its military capabilities.

Doesn‘t matter

Taiwan is an island and a Naval Invasion would be needed.
Taiwan has subs, mines, missiles,modern aircraft to repel an invasion

Even without the US Navy stepping in
Taiwan could not hold off china for 1 hour. You are deluded into thinking that china would not launch or drop nukes.

You underestimate what modern military equipment can do to Chinese invasion forces

China can’t bomb Taiwan into submission. Taiwan is prepared for it.

Landing forces by air and sea will face a barrage of defensive missiles and mines

Chinese ships will just be targets

China would not risk US retaliation if they bring in nukes
An evenly sprinkled application of tactical nukes will flatten Taiwan in less than six hours leaving little or nothing that can respond to anything at all.....think they won't do it? I think they would.

You are right....if they think that is the only way to do it....they will do that or whatever it takes.....as of right now they are trying to convince America that they should not intervene....that it would be suicide to do so.

Their main goal as of now is to take control of Taiwan through relatively peaceful means.....I think they will be able to achieve that.
The problem is that they will not stop with Taiwan....or ever for that matter. China is certainly an elite and remorseless expansionist entity that will eventually need to be Stopped....and right now that's gonna be quite the evening chore to get done.

If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically

You seem not to realize how China is rapidly increasing its military capabilities.

Doesn‘t matter

Taiwan is an island and a Naval Invasion would be needed.
Taiwan has subs, mines, missiles,modern aircraft to repel an invasion

Even without the US Navy stepping in
Taiwan could not hold off china for 1 hour. You are deluded into thinking that china would not launch or drop nukes.

You underestimate what modern military equipment can do to Chinese invasion forces

China can’t bomb Taiwan into submission. Taiwan is prepared for it.

Landing forces by air and sea will face a barrage of defensive missiles and mines

Chinese ships will just be targets

China would not risk US retaliation if they bring in nukes
An evenly sprinkled application of tactical nukes will flatten Taiwan in less than six hours leaving little or nothing that can respond to anything at all.....think they won't do it? I think they would.

You are right....if they think that is the only way to do it....they will do that or whatever it takes.....as of right now they are trying to convince America that they should not intervene....that it would be suicide to do so.

Their main goal as of now is to take control of Taiwan through relatively peaceful means.....I think they will be able to achieve that.
The problem is that they will not stop with Taiwan....or ever for that matter. China is certainly an elite and remorseless expansionist entity that will eventually need to be Stopped....and as of right right now that's gonna be quite the evening chore to get done.

If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically

You seem not to realize how China is rapidly increasing its military capabilities.

Doesn‘t matter

Taiwan is an island and a Naval Invasion would be needed.
Taiwan has subs, mines, missiles,modern aircraft to repel an invasion

Even without the US Navy stepping in
Taiwan could not hold off china for 1 hour. You are deluded into thinking that china would not launch or drop nukes.

You underestimate what modern military equipment can do to Chinese invasion forces

China can’t bomb Taiwan into submission. Taiwan is prepared for it.

Landing forces by air and sea will face a barrage of defensive missiles and mines

Chinese ships will just be targets

China would not risk US retaliation if they bring in nukes
An evenly sprinkled application of tactical nukes will flatten Taiwan in less than six hours leaving little or nothing that can respond to anything at all.....think they won't do it? I think they would.

You are right....if they think that is the only way to do it....they will do that or whatever it takes.....as of right now they are trying to convince America that they should not intervene....that it would be suicide to do so.

Their main goal as of now is to take control of Taiwan through relatively peaceful means.....I think they will be able to achieve that.

How is Taiwan going to stop an incoming nuke,

By the US assuring China that if they were to Nuke Taiwan, we will retaliate

Yes....you are correct....now who is going to push the red button dude? It sure as hell is not going to be some rainbow colored lizard lady....

The United States will not be involved in any war. We don't have a capable military. The only hope our formerly fearsome military has is to make the enemy die laughing.
We have the most powerful military in the history of mankind
The problem we have is that we do not mass produce quickly like WW 2. China is us from that era. We lead into some tech ways. They are catching up. They put out a naval vessel every several weeks. The are building a next generation carrier that is similar to our large ones. They still need experience with arresting gear and take off technology. Unlike Russia as the Soviet Union they have endless potential for building factories to sell products to the world and us. The downside of globalism is that after an amount of time, the next competitor for top dog shows up while the current one rests on their laurels. Perhaps those UFO's are technology no one knows and will be used in any conflict if needed. There are countless trillions of dollars unaccounted for.
Our Navy patrols the entire world
For the most part, China patrols it’s own waters

No Navy on earth is close to ours

So you want us to get involved in another war.

We can count on you enlisting then cuppycakes?
I will be first in line
Will they take 65 year olds?
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically

You seem not to realize how China is rapidly increasing its military capabilities.

Doesn‘t matter

Taiwan is an island and a Naval Invasion would be needed.
Taiwan has subs, mines, missiles,modern aircraft to repel an invasion

Even without the US Navy stepping in
Taiwan could not hold off china for 1 hour. You are deluded into thinking that china would not launch or drop nukes.

You underestimate what modern military equipment can do to Chinese invasion forces

China can’t bomb Taiwan into submission. Taiwan is prepared for it.

Landing forces by air and sea will face a barrage of defensive missiles and mines

Chinese ships will just be targets
How is Taiwan going to stop an incoming nuke, shit the Chinks can put the nuke into a boat and sail it right up to Taiwan then set it off followed by 1000 more missiles both conventional and nuclear. Idiots apply western thinking to chinks, they do not think rationally as china is a concentration camp for everyone.

Come back when you grow uppy
Exactly....China plays chess whilst the west is still playing checkers. Biden cannot even play checkers.
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically

You seem not to realize how China is rapidly increasing its military capabilities.

Doesn‘t matter

Taiwan is an island and a Naval Invasion would be needed.
Taiwan has subs, mines, missiles,modern aircraft to repel an invasion

Even without the US Navy stepping in
Taiwan could not hold off china for 1 hour. You are deluded into thinking that china would not launch or drop nukes.

You underestimate what modern military equipment can do to Chinese invasion forces

China can’t bomb Taiwan into submission. Taiwan is prepared for it.

Landing forces by air and sea will face a barrage of defensive missiles and mines

Chinese ships will just be targets

China would not risk US retaliation if they bring in nukes
An evenly sprinkled application of tactical nukes will flatten Taiwan in less than six hours leaving little or nothing that can respond to anything at all.....think they won't do it? I think they would.

You are right....if they think that is the only way to do it....they will do that or whatever it takes.....as of right now they are trying to convince America that they should not intervene....that it would be suicide to do so.

Their main goal as of now is to take control of Taiwan through relatively peaceful means.....I think they will be able to achieve that.

How is Taiwan going to stop an incoming nuke,

By the US assuring China that if they were to Nuke Taiwan, we will retaliate

Yes....you are correct....now who is going to push the red button dude? It sure as hell is not going to be some rainbow colored lizard lady....

Another question....who controls the nuclear football? Even the democrats are not so stupid as to allow biden to do that

Thus........What it comes down to now is that we ----despite having a huge nuclear arsenal.... have no credibility....aka...China knows full well the biden regime would not authorize the use of Nuclear Weapons no matter what they do....but they also know that the Republicans might return...hence they will act quickly in regards to Taiwan...first they will negotiate....if not successful...they will act militarily.
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically

You seem not to realize how China is rapidly increasing its military capabilities.

Doesn‘t matter

Taiwan is an island and a Naval Invasion would be needed.
Taiwan has subs, mines, missiles,modern aircraft to repel an invasion

Even without the US Navy stepping in
Taiwan could not hold off china for 1 hour. You are deluded into thinking that china would not launch or drop nukes.

You underestimate what modern military equipment can do to Chinese invasion forces

China can’t bomb Taiwan into submission. Taiwan is prepared for it.

Landing forces by air and sea will face a barrage of defensive missiles and mines

Chinese ships will just be targets
How is Taiwan going to stop an incoming nuke, shit the Chinks can put the nuke into a boat and sail it right up to Taiwan then set it off followed by 1000 more missiles both conventional and nuclear. Idiots apply western thinking to chinks, they do not think rationally as china is a concentration camp for everyone.

Come back when you grow uppy
Exactly....China plays chess whilst the west is still playing checkers. Biden cannot even play checkers.
The West has massively stronger military and economic might than China
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically

You seem not to realize how China is rapidly increasing its military capabilities.

Doesn‘t matter

Taiwan is an island and a Naval Invasion would be needed.
Taiwan has subs, mines, missiles,modern aircraft to repel an invasion

Even without the US Navy stepping in
Taiwan could not hold off china for 1 hour. You are deluded into thinking that china would not launch or drop nukes.

You underestimate what modern military equipment can do to Chinese invasion forces

China can’t bomb Taiwan into submission. Taiwan is prepared for it.

Landing forces by air and sea will face a barrage of defensive missiles and mines

Chinese ships will just be targets

China would not risk US retaliation if they bring in nukes
An evenly sprinkled application of tactical nukes will flatten Taiwan in less than six hours leaving little or nothing that can respond to anything at all.....think they won't do it? I think they would.

You are right....if they think that is the only way to do it....they will do that or whatever it takes.....as of right now they are trying to convince America that they should not intervene....that it would be suicide to do so.

Their main goal as of now is to take control of Taiwan through relatively peaceful means.....I think they will be able to achieve that.

How is Taiwan going to stop an incoming nuke,

By the US assuring China that if they were to Nuke Taiwan, we will retaliate

Yes....you are correct....now who is going to push the red button dude? It sure as hell is not going to be some rainbow colored lizard lady....

Another question....who controls the nuclear football? Even the democrats are not so stupid as to allow biden to do that

Thus........What it comes down to now is that we ----despite having a huge nuclear arsenal.... have no credibility....aka...China knows full well the biden regime would not authorize the use of Nuclear Weapons no matter what they do....but they also know that the Republicans might return...hence they will act quickly in regards to Taiwan...first they will negotiate....if not successful...they will act militarily.
Wrong again

Biden has made it clear he will support our military alliances.
Something Trump refused to do
Maybe we will…maybe we won’t.
Of course the release of his 'alleged plan' to invade Taiwan is designed to intimidate Taiwan yet the ultimate goal of China to absorb Taiwan cannot be denied and China will put more and more pressure on Taiwan as China is dramatically increasing its military power....though of course they still hope at this time to be able to absorb Taiwan without the use of military force....but one way or the other they will eventually do what they think needs to be done to gain dominance of Taiwan.

All of this also puts much pressure on America as in we are allies of Taiwan....yet realistically speaking can Taiwan really expect America to come to its aid?
They're gonna take it and our China puppet will do nothing to defend these people.
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically

You seem not to realize how China is rapidly increasing its military capabilities.

Doesn‘t matter

Taiwan is an island and a Naval Invasion would be needed.
Taiwan has subs, mines, missiles,modern aircraft to repel an invasion

Even without the US Navy stepping in
Taiwan could not hold off china for 1 hour. You are deluded into thinking that china would not launch or drop nukes.

You underestimate what modern military equipment can do to Chinese invasion forces

China can’t bomb Taiwan into submission. Taiwan is prepared for it.

Landing forces by air and sea will face a barrage of defensive missiles and mines

Chinese ships will just be targets
How is Taiwan going to stop an incoming nuke, shit the Chinks can put the nuke into a boat and sail it right up to Taiwan then set it off followed by 1000 more missiles both conventional and nuclear. Idiots apply western thinking to chinks, they do not think rationally as china is a concentration camp for everyone.

Come back when you grow uppy
Exactly....China plays chess whilst the west is still playing checkers. Biden cannot even play checkers.
The West has massively stronger military and economic might than China
And half our population are weak willed pussies like you
The United States will not be involved in any war. We don't have a capable military. The only hope our formerly fearsome military has is to make the enemy die laughing.
We have the most powerful military in the history of mankind
The problem we have is that we do not mass produce quickly like WW 2. China is us from that era. We lead into some tech ways. They are catching up. They put out a naval vessel every several weeks. The are building a next generation carrier that is similar to our large ones. They still need experience with arresting gear and take off technology. Unlike Russia as the Soviet Union they have endless potential for building factories to sell products to the world and us. The downside of globalism is that after an amount of time, the next competitor for top dog shows up while the current one rests on their laurels. Perhaps those UFO's are technology no one knows and will be used in any conflict if needed. There are countless trillions of dollars unaccounted for.
Our Navy patrols the entire world
For the most part, China patrols it’s own waters

No Navy on earth is close to ours

So you want us to get involved in another war.

We can count on you enlisting then cuppycakes?
The next World War isn't going to need conscription the whole world will be conscripted automatically.

The United States will not be involved in any war. We don't have a capable military. The only hope our formerly fearsome military has is to make the enemy die laughing.
We have the most powerful military in the history of mankind
The problem we have is that we do not mass produce quickly like WW 2. China is us from that era. We lead into some tech ways. They are catching up. They put out a naval vessel every several weeks. The are building a next generation carrier that is similar to our large ones. They still need experience with arresting gear and take off technology. Unlike Russia as the Soviet Union they have endless potential for building factories to sell products to the world and us. The downside of globalism is that after an amount of time, the next competitor for top dog shows up while the current one rests on their laurels. Perhaps those UFO's are technology no one knows and will be used in any conflict if needed. There are countless trillions of dollars unaccounted for.
Our Navy patrols the entire world
For the most part, China patrols it’s own waters

No Navy on earth is close to ours

So you want us to get involved in another war.

We can count on you enlisting then cuppycakes?
The next World War isn't going to need conscription the whole world will be conscripted automatically.

The next World War will be Cyber
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically

You seem not to realize how China is rapidly increasing its military capabilities.

Doesn‘t matter

Taiwan is an island and a Naval Invasion would be needed.
Taiwan has subs, mines, missiles,modern aircraft to repel an invasion

Even without the US Navy stepping in
Taiwan could not hold off china for 1 hour. You are deluded into thinking that china would not launch or drop nukes.

You underestimate what modern military equipment can do to Chinese invasion forces

China can’t bomb Taiwan into submission. Taiwan is prepared for it.

Landing forces by air and sea will face a barrage of defensive missiles and mines

Chinese ships will just be targets
How is Taiwan going to stop an incoming nuke, shit the Chinks can put the nuke into a boat and sail it right up to Taiwan then set it off followed by 1000 more missiles both conventional and nuclear. Idiots apply western thinking to chinks, they do not think rationally as china is a concentration camp for everyone.

Come back when you grow uppy
Exactly....China plays chess whilst the west is still playing checkers. Biden cannot even play checkers.
The West has massively stronger military and economic might than China
This is the problem when we allow our REAL enemies to produce the metals and equipment (chips, electronics), and drugs needed by our military and half our population. THEY HAVE THE UPPERHAND thanks to the American left
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically

Can you put me in touch with your drug dealer as you get really good stuff?

A small island nation beats Red Communist China?

I guess you are covering for your beloved XI.
So, in your view…..the big guy easily beats the little guy

Reality is different. Invading an Island Fortress is not easy. Germany tried to defeat England with just bombing. Because they lacked the Naval landing capability….they failed

Taiwan has done nothing but prepare for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
They have bunkers and Civil Defense to withstand bombing
They have a modern Air Force, surface to air missiles, anti ship missiles, smart mines, submarines and an Army ready to repel invaders.
They also have the US Navy at their disposal

Ready to explain how you think China will “win”??

The Red Chinese are not Germany cupcake.
This is not 1940.

Air and sea blockade.

Much larger forces.

They face the same challenges in attacking an Island Fortress that Germany faced. In 1940, Germany was the most powerful Army in the world. They had the best Air Force. All observers said England didn’t stand a chance.

Blockade will face anti-ship missiles and the US Navy

Having a million plus Army does you no good if you can’t land them
Your thinking is stuck in the past and even there you do not know your history.

If you even casually observe the public plan put forth by China regarding their alledged plan of action you will see how vulnurable Taiwan is....not even to mention their plan would entail much more than what they have presented.

Anyone with much knowledge of modern military methods and capabilities understands Taiwan cannot stand up to China....more importatly even Taiwan knows that.

So what it really comes down to is will the U.S. gurantee Taiwan and China that we will defend Taiwan?

As one Chinese General said....."would the U.S. sacrifice Los Angeles to try and defend Taiwan"?

I don't think so.
Last edited:
The United States will not be involved in any war. We don't have a capable military. The only hope our formerly fearsome military has is to make the enemy die laughing.
We have the most powerful military in the history of mankind
The problem we have is that we do not mass produce quickly like WW 2. China is us from that era. We lead into some tech ways. They are catching up. They put out a naval vessel every several weeks. The are building a next generation carrier that is similar to our large ones. They still need experience with arresting gear and take off technology. Unlike Russia as the Soviet Union they have endless potential for building factories to sell products to the world and us. The downside of globalism is that after an amount of time, the next competitor for top dog shows up while the current one rests on their laurels. Perhaps those UFO's are technology no one knows and will be used in any conflict if needed. There are countless trillions of dollars unaccounted for.
Our Navy patrols the entire world
For the most part, China patrols it’s own waters

No Navy on earth is close to ours

So you want us to get involved in another war.

We can count on you enlisting then cuppycakes?
The next World War isn't going to need conscription the whole world will be conscripted automatically.

The next World War will be Cyber
The war with china will be NUCLEAR.

"And all your cities shall be laid waste"

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