Wtf is wrong with this picture?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

More than 12.5 million Americans were unemployed as 2012. Unemployment among Blacks (14.1 percent), and Hispanics (10.2 percent.) Among teenagers (24.6 percent.)
Almost 9% of Blacks in their late 20s — and almost 4% of Latinos of that age — are incarcerated. The Great Recession exacerbated the problem. In 2005, the net worth difference wasn't quite as stark. Whites had 12 times more wealth than blacks and 8 times more than Hispanics. and Obama gave green card to 1.5 million children of Illegal Aliens and more to Illegal Aliens with American born children. Do the math. That come to about 12 million green cards. Which means 12 million jobs taken by Illegal Aliens from 12 million unemployed Americans. Black unemployment: Highest in 27 years. And don’t tell me it has nothing to do with Illegal Aliens WTF is Obama thinking about? 2016?

We give thousands of green cards per year to working-age persons that come into the US, take good-paying jobs from students that had just graduated. We need to preserve jobs in America for American citizens first. We need to have a near-complete moratorium on green card admissions to this country until unemployment is under 5%.

Obama; “hardworking families who are minding their own business and oftentimes have members of their family who are US citizens. We don't have the capacity to enforce across the board. So more than half of our enforcement now is directed at people with criminal records….focus our attention on real threats.” Illegal Aliens taking jobs from Americans and lower wages is not a “real threat.” Displacing Black workers and American students is not a “real threat?”

News flash, Obama, American born children of Illegal Aliens are also Mexican citizens and Mexico should share the responsibility of their education, healthcare, etc. While the United States engages in a faux struggle to comprehend the true intent of the 14th amendment, the Mexican Constitution is quite clear: Anchor babies belong to them no matter where they are born
Mexico Claims Anchor Babies by Law « rjjrdq's America II

Mexican Citizenship Law Contradicts Anchor Baby Amnesty .

That is where this story should begin and that is where it should end! The Mexican Constitution, Chapter II, Article 30, paragraph II, states that you are a Mexican by birth if born on foreign territory, sons or daughters of Mexican parents born in national territory. There you have it! Anchor Babies are not U.S. citizens! They are citizens of Mexican according to the Mexican Constitution.

“April 4, 1997, President Sedillo of Mexico stated that “We will not tolerate foreign forces dictating and enacting laws on Mexicans. Our contention is that we are not enacting or dictating any laws on the Mexican illegal alien children born by illegal alien females in the US territory. Further, he states that “he was going to use all diplomatic and legal forces at his disposal to….protect Mexicans living in the United States.”

Mexican citizenship law contradicts anchor baby amnesty

Mexican Drug Lords Have U.S. Anchor Babies

The drug king’s daughter, Alejandrina Gisselle Guzman Salazar, wants to have a U.S.-born child with automatic American citizenship and all the benefits that accompany it. When illegal immigrants like Guzman Salazar have children in the U.S., the kids are known as anchor babies. The term was adopted because the U.S.-born children not only automatically qualify for a variety of benefits, they provide permanent residency for immediate family members – mother, father and siblings – and the link to future citizenship.
Guzman Salazar admitted to federal authorities that she intended to go to Los Angeles to give birth. She has been charged with fraud and misuse of visas, permits and other documents. No further information has been provided about what will happen to her.
Mexican Drug Lords Have U.S. Anchor Babies | Judicial Watch

Secure our borders:
Obama and Biden want to preserve the integrity of our borders. They support additional personnel, infrastructure, and technology on the border and at our ports of entry.

Improve our Immigration System:
Obama and Biden believe we must fix the dysfunctional immigration bureaucracy and increase the number of legal immigrants to keep families together and meet the demand for jobs that employers cannot fill.

Bring people out of the shadows:
Obama and Biden support a system that requires undocumented immigrants who are in good standing to pay a fine, learn English, and go to the back of the line for the opportunity to become citizens.

President Barack Obama
"We are not going to ship back 12 million people, we're not going to do it as a practical matter. We would have to take all our law enforcement that we have available and we would have to use it and put people on buses, and rip families apart, and that's not who we are, that's not what America is about. So what I've proposed... is you say we're going to bring these folks out of the shadows. We're going to make them pay a fine, they are going to have to learn English, they are going to have to go to the back of the line...but they will have a pathway to citizenship over the course of 10 years."
US Immigration Amnesty

This is a repeat of the 1986 joke on the Amerian people. If he don't know how to get 12 million people here illegally to leave he is stupidier than I though. He don't know who the fuck we are and what America is about. Deporting them together will keep them together.
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