WTF is wrong with Israel? Israel Bombs Central Syria from over Beirut Killing 2 Civilians, Injuring Others

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
It's like if they aren't killing someone, they don't know what to do with their hands. My new theory is that the Ashkenazi/Bolshevik/Zionist/Khazar/Levitical Jews have Ghengis Khan blood in them. It's the only historical example of a similar level of blood lust. That thirst for genocide is beyond disgusting.
Yeah that tends to happen after you attack a country and lose.

Its against the law to colonize occupied territory.

Israel planned the 1967 war and attacked Eyypt while Egyptian forces were deployed in Yemen. Read Moshe Dayan.
It's almost as if they where surrounded by countries that wanted to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
Maybe that's because y'all keep bombing them? Cross-border massacres probably don't endear you to the neighbors, either. Then there's the whole Deuteronomy thing.

It's odd how, in a "part of the world" where everybody wants to wipe other countries off the face of the earth, no one wants to wipe Jordan off. Or Lebanon. Or Syria. Or Egypt. Only poor little Israel. Has NOTHING to do with Israel's behavior.
Israel planned the 1967 war and attacked Eyypt while Egyptian forces were deployed in Yemen. Read Moshe Dayan.
Don't forget the U.S.S. Liberty. Unprovoked, knowing attack on an unarmed surveillance ship in International waters. 200 US servicemen killed or wounded. Strafed sailors in the water. NO one does that. But our best bestie Ishrill did.
Don't forget the U.S.S. Liberty. Unprovoked, knowing attack on an unarmed surveillance ship in International waters. 200 US servicemen killed or wounded. Strafed sailors in the water. NO one does that. But our best bestie Ishrill did.

Their track record is pretty ugly.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Deception
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Don't forget the U.S.S. Liberty. Unprovoked, knowing attack on an unarmed surveillance ship in International waters. 200 US servicemen killed or wounded. Strafed sailors in the water. NO one does that. But our best bestie Ishrill did.

Let us not exaggerate too much. The ATGR-5 (USS Liberty) had a complement of a crew of 294 officers and men, and maybe a few contractors and/or NSA Analysts. In the Israeli confrontation the ship endured 34 KIA and 173 WIA.

The entire USS Liberty incident simply does not make any sense; politically or tactically. So, I would not use that as an example. There is the missing motive for the event. If the ship was successfully sunk, which country achieves a desired? What consequence or consequences impact and drive what outcome? If the dominoes were to fall, who benefits?

  • How did the USS Liberty come to be in that in that coordinates.
  • What was the importance of the unescorted mission into an active military engagements.
  • Who approved the mission for the USS Liberty that put her in harm's way?
  • Why did the White House order the recall of Navy Air support and cover on the way to the Liberty?
Individually, these questions have simply and understandable answers. They sound logical. But when put together, they sound a very screwed-up perception. I cannot explain why the White House was afraid of a conflict starting over the air cover from the Sixth Fleet to protect and support the USS Liberty? Or, why the USS Liberty's presences in that location prompted that even of a reaction from the IDF Navy to engage the USS Liberty.

There is something more to the story that has not been released. It is easy to think that Israel (just jumped up and) made an unprovoked attack against its most stanch political and strongest ally. That is not the level of intellect associated with the Israel Command and Control. Think about. Who gains?


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Deception
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,


Let us not exaggerate too much. The ATGR-5 (USS Liberty) had a complement of a crew of 294 officers and men, and maybe a few contractors and/or NSA Analysts. In the Israeli confrontation the ship endured 34 KIA and 173 WIA.

The entire USS Liberty incident simply does not make any sense; politically or tactically. So, I would not use that as an example. There is the missing motive for the event. If the ship was successfully sunk, which country achieves a desired? What consequence or consequences impact and drive what outcome? If the dominoes were to fall, who benefits?

  • How did the USS Liberty come to be in that in that coordinates.
  • What was the importance of the unescorted mission into an active military engagements.
  • Who approved the mission for the USS Liberty that put her in harm's way?
  • Why did the White House order the recall of Navy Air support and cover on the way to the Liberty?
Individually, these questions have simply and understandable answers. They sound logical. But when put together, they sound a very screwed-up perception. I cannot explain why the White House was afraid of a conflict starting over the air cover from the Sixth Fleet to protect and support the USS Liberty? Or, why the USS Liberty's presences in that location prompted that even of a reaction from the IDF Navy to engage the USS Liberty.

There is something more to the story that has not been released. It is easy to think that Israel (just jumped up and) made an unprovoked attack against its most stanch political and strongest ally. That is not the level of intellect associated with the Israel Command and Control. Think about. Who gains?


Most Respectfully,

Moshe Dayan said it was because Israel wasn't finished taking the GolanHeights.
It's like if they aren't killing someone, they don't know what to do with their hands. My new theory is that the Ashkenazi/Bolshevik/Zionist/Khazar/Levitical Jews have Ghengis Khan blood in them. It's the only historical example of a similar level of blood lust. That thirst for genocide is beyond disgusting.
Oh looky here another anti Israel thread… Pure nonsense on your part as you don’t have the details on why they did what they did but continue to ignore the many many deaths of Syrian civilians at the hands of the Syrian army and Alawite minority that is controlled by Assad after all this has been going on for years and years with no end in sight. Not to mention all the other countries including Russia and Iran that have much blood on their hands,… Try to keep an even playing field even though you obviously cannot …. We all know why don’t we…
Its against the law to colonize occupied territory.

Israel planned the 1967 war and attacked Eyypt while Egyptian forces were deployed in Yemen. Read Moshe Dayan.
If that is the case then all Arab and Muslim countries should immediately return all said land they have occupied over the past 14 centuries and return it immediately to the original indigenous peoples… Oops.. Surada once again is showing her true colours….
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Deception
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,


Let us not exaggerate too much. The ATGR-5 (USS Liberty) had a complement of a crew of 294 officers and men, and maybe a few contractors and/or NSA Analysts. In the Israeli confrontation the ship endured 34 KIA and 173 WIA.

The entire USS Liberty incident simply does not make any sense; politically or tactically. So, I would not use that as an example. There is the missing motive for the event. If the ship was successfully sunk, which country achieves a desired? What consequence or consequences impact and drive what outcome? If the dominoes were to fall, who benefits?

  • How did the USS Liberty come to be in that in that coordinates.
  • What was the importance of the unescorted mission into an active military engagements.
  • Who approved the mission for the USS Liberty that put her in harm's way?
  • Why did the White House order the recall of Navy Air support and cover on the way to the Liberty?
Individually, these questions have simply and understandable answers. They sound logical. But when put together, they sound a very screwed-up perception. I cannot explain why the White House was afraid of a conflict starting over the air cover from the Sixth Fleet to protect and support the USS Liberty? Or, why the USS Liberty's presences in that location prompted that even of a reaction from the IDF Navy to engage the USS Liberty.

There is something more to the story that has not been released. It is easy to think that Israel (just jumped up and) made an unprovoked attack against its most stanch political and strongest ally. That is not the level of intellect associated with the Israel Command and Control. Think about. Who gains?


Most Respectfully,
Interesting points we are told that possibly as many as 25 per cent of casualties in war occur from friendly fire so it is not inconceivable that this was the case… Regardless I am sure we are not being told the whole story and it is a tragedy no matter what but I always see people who bring this up as if it is the holy grail of terrible acts in the fog of war or battle but it is not and probably will not be the last time something like this happens…
It's like if they aren't killing someone, they don't know what to do with their hands. My new theory is that the Ashkenazi/Bolshevik/Zionist/Khazar/Levitical Jews have Ghengis Khan blood in them. It's the only historical example of a similar level of blood lust. That thirst for genocide is beyond disgusting.
Since the ARABS have been bombing Israel for 74 years ,is it any wonder? PS--There is no such thing as "Palistine". The PLO are just terrorists. Need to be annihilated.
The entire USS Liberty incident simply does not make any sense; politically or tactically. So, I would not use that as an example. There is the missing motive for the event. If the ship was successfully sunk, which country achieves a desired? What consequence or consequences impact and drive what outcome? If the dominoes were to fall, who benefits?

Israel was trying to provoke a US attack on Egypt.
Since the ARABS have been bombing Israel for 74 years ,is it any wonder? PS--There is no such thing as "Palistine". The PLO are just terrorists. Need to be annihilated.
Yet another exaample of "Thw Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"

Most stereotypes are rooted in truth
Its against the law to colonize occupied territory.

Israel planned the 1967 war and attacked Eyypt while Egyptian forces were deployed in Yemen. Read Moshe Dayan.
Thank you for your incredibly stupid post. Nasser blocked the Straits and ordered the U.N. “PEACEKEEPERS “ out of the “ demilitarized “ zone
It’s against the “ law” to colonize occupied territory? Please tell us what would have become of Israel 🇮🇱 if they had won
Thank you for your incredibly stupid post. Nasser blocked the Straits and ordered the U.N. “PEACEKEEPERS “ out of the “ demilitarized “ zone
It’s against the “ law” to colonize occupied territory? Please tell us what would have become of Israel 🇮🇱 if they had won

NO Israeli flagged ship had passed thru the Strait of Tiran for 14 months BEFORE Nasser closed them to Israel.. and Nasser had called for a summit to resolve the issue before Irael attacked Eyypt.

You should read Moshe Dayan.. The Israelis coveted more land and water and planned the war from 1953 onward. Moshe Dayan details how the Israelis tried to provoke Lebanon and Syria for a decade.

You were probably too young to remember the incursions and small massacres, but they were reported weekly on BBC, Voice of America and Radio Free Europe.

Be brave.. Dump your Sabra history and look at the facts.

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