WTF Is Going On At Drudge????


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Drudge is looking like it's been infiltrated. Reading the titles is like a horror story.

I'm not the only one who's noticed: Limbaugh: Have You Looked At The Drudge Report Lately? "It Makes It Look Like This Country's Finished"

Limbaugh: Have You Looked At The Drudge Report Lately? "It Makes It Look Like This Country's Finished"

Rush Limbaugh on news and how people are able to function with the flood of depressing stories each day. Limbaugh remarked that if you keep track of the Drudge Report it looks like the country has gone down the drain. From Wednesday's broadcast of 'The Rush Limbaugh Program

Man, the Drudge page. Depending on the time you look at it, I mean, it makes it look like this country’s finished, we’re done, it’s over. You may as well forget about it and just enjoy your life. Well, let me give an example. Let me just give you these headlines. Ready? “U.S. Cities Overwhelmed with Illegals from Ebola Countries.” (Snort!) Do you know what Ebola is? If you’ve got it, you’re dead. There’s no cure for Ebola, particularly if it’s Ebola Zaire. You get that, and it’s, “Sayonara.” There isn’t any cure.

Now the U.S. is “Overwhelmed with Illegals from Ebola Countries.” Not that they have Ebola, but who’s gonna stop and make that distinction? Next headline: “Not Being Screened, Not Being Quarantined.” (laughing) “California Desert Town Sees Migrant Surge as Crisis Worsens.” “Nonstop Dumping: ‘New Phenomenon.'” “Crawling Out of Manholes in El Paso.” The illegals are in the sewer system and they’re popping up out of manhole covers in El Paso, folks — and there’s nothing anybody can do about it.

“Trump: Mexico Doing Great Job at Border, Really Helping Us.” Now, Drudge puts that under those four headlines that we’re being overrun by Ebola, and illegals are swarming El Paso through manhole covers. Next headline: “Private Wall Group Ordered to Keep Gate Open.” (laughing) So got this guy that is running a GoFundMe page to get money to build the wall and building the wall and somebody’s telling him he can’t close it. (laughing)

I know it is not a laughing matter. I’m just… I’m laughing at the… Somebody landing from Mars and looking at the Drudge page today is gonna ask themselves why they came. Let’s see. This is a video. “Watch: 1,000 Pour in Through Open Gate in Wall.” “Naked Intruder on Immigration Hold After Threatening Dallas Couple.” “Senator: Drug-Trafficking Business from Mexico ‘Larger than Walmart.’” Here’s the next headline: “30 Penises in One Episode: HBO Euphoria Courts Controversy with Graphic Teenage Sex and Drugs.”

Have you heard about this show? It’s a Sunday night show coming on HBO called Euphoria, and it’s about teenage sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll — and they have 30 penises in one episode. That’s how much frontal nudity. “Not Funny: Letterman Says Trump Is Now ‘Psychotic’ and a ‘Soulless Bastard.‘” “Colbert Makes Another Homophobic Joke.” (laughs) “Jon Stewart Blasts Congress for Low Attendance at 9/11 Fund Hearing.” “Shock Video: Glass Sky Deck at Chicago Tower Cracks Under Visitors’ Feet.” I mean, everything is falling apart.

Here’s more: “CEO Confidence Drops to Lowest Level of Trump Presidency.” “Advertisers Reconsider Targeting Millennials Because They’re Broke.” (laughing) Advertisers are gonna give up trying to get Millennials to buy anything because they’re broke. “USA Ranked 128th Most Peaceful Nation.” “More Than 200 Dogs Rescued from Nightmare House, Dozens Dead.” “Tech Insider Blows Whistle on How Pinterest Listed Top Pro-Life Site…” Oh, this is an O’Keefe story. This is Project Veritas.

This is actually fascinating. They got a whistleblower, they got somebody inside Pinterest, and you know what Pinterest was doing? They were listing the top pro-life site as pornography and not allowing people to access it, just for starters. So, anyway, it was the “Advertisers
Reconsider Targeting Millennials Because They’re Broke” that I focused on. But all that other stuff, you go through it and you wonder how in the world…? How are we functioning every day with all of this stuff?

Folks, that’s just the top half of the page. I didn’t even print the bottom half because I didn’t see anything. I was looking for the, “Advertisers Reconsider Targeting Millennials Because They’re Broke.”

Drudge is a left-leaning crap hole. It has been for a while. Fox is getting there.
Drudge is a left-leaning crap hole. It has been for a while. Fox is getting there.
I can't stand Faux News anymore. I used to watch it back in the hay days.
I watch NewsMax now. :)
If you look at'll notice that CNN, MSNBC, and Fox swap anchors.
They're all part of the same media conglomerate.
I'm still all over the place looking for Breaking and Hints on stories i might want to check out . Been listening to OAN Lately and FOX Business with Lou Dobbs . Regular FOX sucks as all they push is 'kiddie' stuff and hero worship .
aw heck , this kinda silly dartboard stuff is just silly and would be put to shame when compared to the stuff seen in the 1800s and probably before . Where is that old chick walking around carrying TRUMP's bloody head Ladies , Dana and Candy ??
I have also notice that with Drudge. I don't read it much anymore.

It's not what it used to be. Is it compromised? I don't know.

Breitbart and Gateway Pundit - among other conservative sites - is for moi. :thup:
Drudge is looking like it's been infiltrated. Reading the titles is like a horror story.

I'm not the only one who's noticed: Limbaugh: Have You Looked At The Drudge Report Lately? "It Makes It Look Like This Country's Finished"

Limbaugh: Have You Looked At The Drudge Report Lately? "It Makes It Look Like This Country's Finished"

Rush Limbaugh on news and how people are able to function with the flood of depressing stories each day. Limbaugh remarked that if you keep track of the Drudge Report it looks like the country has gone down the drain. From Wednesday's broadcast of 'The Rush Limbaugh Program

Man, the Drudge page. Depending on the time you look at it, I mean, it makes it look like this country’s finished, we’re done, it’s over. You may as well forget about it and just enjoy your life. Well, let me give an example. Let me just give you these headlines. Ready? “U.S. Cities Overwhelmed with Illegals from Ebola Countries.” (Snort!) Do you know what Ebola is? If you’ve got it, you’re dead. There’s no cure for Ebola, particularly if it’s Ebola Zaire. You get that, and it’s, “Sayonara.” There isn’t any cure.

Now the U.S. is “Overwhelmed with Illegals from Ebola Countries.” Not that they have Ebola, but who’s gonna stop and make that distinction? Next headline: “Not Being Screened, Not Being Quarantined.” (laughing) “California Desert Town Sees Migrant Surge as Crisis Worsens.” “Nonstop Dumping: ‘New Phenomenon.'” “Crawling Out of Manholes in El Paso.” The illegals are in the sewer system and they’re popping up out of manhole covers in El Paso, folks — and there’s nothing anybody can do about it.

“Trump: Mexico Doing Great Job at Border, Really Helping Us.” Now, Drudge puts that under those four headlines that we’re being overrun by Ebola, and illegals are swarming El Paso through manhole covers. Next headline: “Private Wall Group Ordered to Keep Gate Open.” (laughing) So got this guy that is running a GoFundMe page to get money to build the wall and building the wall and somebody’s telling him he can’t close it. (laughing)

I know it is not a laughing matter. I’m just… I’m laughing at the… Somebody landing from Mars and looking at the Drudge page today is gonna ask themselves why they came. Let’s see. This is a video. “Watch: 1,000 Pour in Through Open Gate in Wall.” “Naked Intruder on Immigration Hold After Threatening Dallas Couple.” “Senator: Drug-Trafficking Business from Mexico ‘Larger than Walmart.’” Here’s the next headline: “30 Penises in One Episode: HBO Euphoria Courts Controversy with Graphic Teenage Sex and Drugs.”

Have you heard about this show? It’s a Sunday night show coming on HBO called Euphoria, and it’s about teenage sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll — and they have 30 penises in one episode. That’s how much frontal nudity. “Not Funny: Letterman Says Trump Is Now ‘Psychotic’ and a ‘Soulless Bastard.‘” “Colbert Makes Another Homophobic Joke.” (laughs) “Jon Stewart Blasts Congress for Low Attendance at 9/11 Fund Hearing.” “Shock Video: Glass Sky Deck at Chicago Tower Cracks Under Visitors’ Feet.” I mean, everything is falling apart.

Here’s more: “CEO Confidence Drops to Lowest Level of Trump Presidency.” “Advertisers Reconsider Targeting Millennials Because They’re Broke.” (laughing) Advertisers are gonna give up trying to get Millennials to buy anything because they’re broke. “USA Ranked 128th Most Peaceful Nation.” “More Than 200 Dogs Rescued from Nightmare House, Dozens Dead.” “Tech Insider Blows Whistle on How Pinterest Listed Top Pro-Life Site…” Oh, this is an O’Keefe story. This is Project Veritas.

This is actually fascinating. They got a whistleblower, they got somebody inside Pinterest, and you know what Pinterest was doing? They were listing the top pro-life site as pornography and not allowing people to access it, just for starters. So, anyway, it was the “Advertisers
Reconsider Targeting Millennials Because They’re Broke” that I focused on. But all that other stuff, you go through it and you wonder how in the world…? How are we functioning every day with all of this stuff?

Folks, that’s just the top half of the page. I didn’t even print the bottom half because I didn’t see anything. I was looking for the, “Advertisers Reconsider Targeting Millennials Because They’re Broke.”

Drudge is just saving his own ass ..he was threatened along with jones that they were going to take them down

sure enough 6 months later they got jones first

Citizen free press is growing by leaps and bounds Dump drudge for CFP
Drudge is looking like it's been infiltrated. Reading the titles is like a horror story.

I'm not the only one who's noticed: Limbaugh: Have You Looked At The Drudge Report Lately? "It Makes It Look Like This Country's Finished"

Limbaugh: Have You Looked At The Drudge Report Lately? "It Makes It Look Like This Country's Finished"

Rush Limbaugh on news and how people are able to function with the flood of depressing stories each day. Limbaugh remarked that if you keep track of the Drudge Report it looks like the country has gone down the drain. From Wednesday's broadcast of 'The Rush Limbaugh Program

Man, the Drudge page. Depending on the time you look at it, I mean, it makes it look like this country’s finished, we’re done, it’s over. You may as well forget about it and just enjoy your life. Well, let me give an example. Let me just give you these headlines. Ready? “U.S. Cities Overwhelmed with Illegals from Ebola Countries.” (Snort!) Do you know what Ebola is? If you’ve got it, you’re dead. There’s no cure for Ebola, particularly if it’s Ebola Zaire. You get that, and it’s, “Sayonara.” There isn’t any cure.

Now the U.S. is “Overwhelmed with Illegals from Ebola Countries.” Not that they have Ebola, but who’s gonna stop and make that distinction? Next headline: “Not Being Screened, Not Being Quarantined.” (laughing) “California Desert Town Sees Migrant Surge as Crisis Worsens.” “Nonstop Dumping: ‘New Phenomenon.'” “Crawling Out of Manholes in El Paso.” The illegals are in the sewer system and they’re popping up out of manhole covers in El Paso, folks — and there’s nothing anybody can do about it.

“Trump: Mexico Doing Great Job at Border, Really Helping Us.” Now, Drudge puts that under those four headlines that we’re being overrun by Ebola, and illegals are swarming El Paso through manhole covers. Next headline: “Private Wall Group Ordered to Keep Gate Open.” (laughing) So got this guy that is running a GoFundMe page to get money to build the wall and building the wall and somebody’s telling him he can’t close it. (laughing)

I know it is not a laughing matter. I’m just… I’m laughing at the… Somebody landing from Mars and looking at the Drudge page today is gonna ask themselves why they came. Let’s see. This is a video. “Watch: 1,000 Pour in Through Open Gate in Wall.” “Naked Intruder on Immigration Hold After Threatening Dallas Couple.” “Senator: Drug-Trafficking Business from Mexico ‘Larger than Walmart.’” Here’s the next headline: “30 Penises in One Episode: HBO Euphoria Courts Controversy with Graphic Teenage Sex and Drugs.”

Have you heard about this show? It’s a Sunday night show coming on HBO called Euphoria, and it’s about teenage sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll — and they have 30 penises in one episode. That’s how much frontal nudity. “Not Funny: Letterman Says Trump Is Now ‘Psychotic’ and a ‘Soulless Bastard.‘” “Colbert Makes Another Homophobic Joke.” (laughs) “Jon Stewart Blasts Congress for Low Attendance at 9/11 Fund Hearing.” “Shock Video: Glass Sky Deck at Chicago Tower Cracks Under Visitors’ Feet.” I mean, everything is falling apart.

Here’s more: “CEO Confidence Drops to Lowest Level of Trump Presidency.” “Advertisers Reconsider Targeting Millennials Because They’re Broke.” (laughing) Advertisers are gonna give up trying to get Millennials to buy anything because they’re broke. “USA Ranked 128th Most Peaceful Nation.” “More Than 200 Dogs Rescued from Nightmare House, Dozens Dead.” “Tech Insider Blows Whistle on How Pinterest Listed Top Pro-Life Site…” Oh, this is an O’Keefe story. This is Project Veritas.

This is actually fascinating. They got a whistleblower, they got somebody inside Pinterest, and you know what Pinterest was doing? They were listing the top pro-life site as pornography and not allowing people to access it, just for starters. So, anyway, it was the “Advertisers
Reconsider Targeting Millennials Because They’re Broke” that I focused on. But all that other stuff, you go through it and you wonder how in the world…? How are we functioning every day with all of this stuff?

Folks, that’s just the top half of the page. I didn’t even print the bottom half because I didn’t see anything. I was looking for the, “Advertisers Reconsider Targeting Millennials Because They’re Broke.”

It is...the aliens have taken over.....boggaboggabogga!
I have also notice that with Drudge. I don't read it much anymore.

It's not what it used to be. Is it compromised? I don't know.

Breitbart and Gateway Pundit - among other conservative sites - is for moi. :thup:
Most of the links go to paywalls anyway. Just Google the topic to find out what you are seeking. I don't go to Drudge often anymore anyway.
I have also notice that with Drudge. I don't read it much anymore.

It's not what it used to be. Is it compromised? I don't know.

Breitbart and Gateway Pundit - among other conservative sites - is for moi. :thup:
Most of the links go to paywalls anyway. Just Google the topic to find out what you are seeking. I don't go to Drudge often anymore anyway.

Absolutely! I agree.
Drudge is, and always has been a news aggregator.

All of the corporate media has swung to the left. It is full bore time to get rid of Trump. Or. . . at least divide the nation even more.

I have always known that all of the corporate media were members of the CFR. Class Journalists.pdf

Elites Push Government-funded "Public" Media

Yeah, Drudge does not make the news or write the stories, and yet people still hate on him for carrying stories that the MSM plan to ignore.

I still go to it every day or two.

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