The News Coverage Of Shootings -


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
- becomes increasingly ridiculous with each event. The constant breathless reporting of every imagined speculation in lieu of facts. and the sad stories of loss and heroism. They give the shooters precisely what they want - publicity - and encourage the copycats and the just plain crazy.

Wanna solve much of the problem? Kill the bad guys. Don't send them to Club Fed only to let them loose later. Kill them. There is no benefit to keeping them around at taxpayer expense. Collecting trash is a vain practice.

Lock up the crazies early. One or two instances are enough. The punk who shot up Stoneman Douglas had 69 separate instances that garnered attention. Nothing was done.

Lock them up, and don't let them out until their doctors are willing to accept full legal responsibility for their behavior upon their release.
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Nobody with a couple of brain cells Main stream Media,Mockingbird Media (which is CIA, Globalist Controlled Media) anymore.

A few Left wing sheeple may watch.....but they don't matter. :wink:
- becomes increasingly ridiculous with each event. The constant breathless reporting of every imagined speculation in lieu of facts. and the sad stories of loss and heroism. They give the shooters precisely what they want - publicity - and encourage the copycats and the just plain crazy.

Wanna solve much of the problem? Kill the bad guys. Don't send them to Club Fed only to let them loose later. Kill them. There is no benefit to keeping them around at taxpayer expense. Collecting trash is a vain practice.

Lock up the crazies early. One or two instances are enough. The punk who shot up Stoneman Douglas had 69 separate instances that garnered attention. Nothing was done.

Lock them up, and don't let them out until their doctors are willing to accept full legal responsibility for their behavior upon their release.
And with so many shootings it must be increasing quickly for you. Was this 3 mass shootings in a week?

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control had 0 this week.
- becomes increasingly ridiculous with each event. The constant breathless reporting of every imagined speculation in lieu of facts. and the sad stories of loss and heroism. They give the shooters precisely what they want - publicity - and encourage the copycats and the just plain crazy.

Wanna solve much of the problem? Kill the bad guys. Don't send them to Club Fed only to let them loose later. Kill them. There is no benefit to keeping them around at taxpayer expense. Collecting trash is a vain practice.

Lock up the crazies early. One or two instances are enough. The punk who shot up Stoneman Douglas had 69 separate instances that garnered attention. Nothing was done.

Lock them up, and don't let them out until their doctors are willing to accept full legal responsibility for their behavior upon their release.
And with so many shootings it must be increasing quickly for you. Was this 3 mass shootings in a week?

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control had 0 this week.

But are enslaved by their governments.
- becomes increasingly ridiculous with each event. The constant breathless reporting of every imagined speculation in lieu of facts. and the sad stories of loss and heroism. They give the shooters precisely what they want - publicity - and encourage the copycats and the just plain crazy.

Wanna solve much of the problem? Kill the bad guys. Don't send them to Club Fed only to let them loose later. Kill them. There is no benefit to keeping them around at taxpayer expense. Collecting trash is a vain practice.

Lock up the crazies early. One or two instances are enough. The punk who shot up Stoneman Douglas had 69 separate instances that garnered attention. Nothing was done.

Lock them up, and don't let them out until their doctors are willing to accept full legal responsibility for their behavior upon their release.
And with so many shootings it must be increasing quickly for you. Was this 3 mass shootings in a week?

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control had 0 this week.

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control have beaucoup murders every week
- becomes increasingly ridiculous with each event. The constant breathless reporting of every imagined speculation in lieu of facts. and the sad stories of loss and heroism. They give the shooters precisely what they want - publicity - and encourage the copycats and the just plain crazy.

Wanna solve much of the problem? Kill the bad guys. Don't send them to Club Fed only to let them loose later. Kill them. There is no benefit to keeping them around at taxpayer expense. Collecting trash is a vain practice.

Lock up the crazies early. One or two instances are enough. The punk who shot up Stoneman Douglas had 69 separate instances that garnered attention. Nothing was done.

Lock them up, and don't let them out until their doctors are willing to accept full legal responsibility for their behavior upon their release.
And with so many shootings it must be increasing quickly for you. Was this 3 mass shootings in a week?

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control had 0 this week.
Liar, knifes, acid, care, trucks. Liar. Die liar.
I watch everything within my ability to do so.

There is only one source of news in which trust and it remains my sole source for staying informed.

MSM can't be trusted. They inserted fake news into the real news when they talked about the phony manifesto.
Some news on the manifesto.

Purported online writings
Investigators believe the shooting suspect posted a document on online message board 8chan.

The 2,300-word document, which police called a “manifesto,” was attached to a post that said, “I’m probably going to die today.”

The writing is filled with white nationalist language and racist hatred toward immigrants and Latinos, blaming immigrants and first-generation Americans for taking away jobs.

The writer cites a fear that an influential Hispanic population in Texas would make the state a “Democratic stronghold,” though he said “the Republican Party is also terrible,” because the GOP is in his mind pro-corporation, which can lead to more immigration.

The writer of the document said they held these beliefs for years, before Trump was elected president.

The author says it took less than a month to plan the shooting.
The online posting was believed to be written by Crusius, the sources said, but that has not been confirmed.
Some news on the manifesto.

Purported online writings
Investigators believe the shooting suspect posted a document on online message board 8chan.

The 2,300-word document, which police called a “manifesto,” was attached to a post that said, “I’m probably going to die today.”

The writing is filled with white nationalist language and racist hatred toward immigrants and Latinos, blaming immigrants and first-generation Americans for taking away jobs.

The writer cites a fear that an influential Hispanic population in Texas would make the state a “Democratic stronghold,” though he said “the Republican Party is also terrible,” because the GOP is in his mind pro-corporation, which can lead to more immigration.

The writer of the document said they held these beliefs for years, before Trump was elected president.

The author says it took less than a month to plan the shooting.
The online posting was believed to be written by Crusius, the sources said, but that has not been confirmed.
Sounds well reasoned, and thought out...
- becomes increasingly ridiculous with each event. The constant breathless reporting of every imagined speculation in lieu of facts. and the sad stories of loss and heroism. They give the shooters precisely what they want - publicity - and encourage the copycats and the just plain crazy.
I get where you are coming from here, but the publicity as you call it here is never for the shooters. It is for the victims, especially when there are so many.

God bless you and their families always!!!


P.S. In other words, if the proper acknowledgement is not given, you may as well be saying that the victims do not mean a thing in the grand scheme and sadly the list of victims may always be longer than the list of shooters.
In Chicagoland this year there have been 1600 people (guess how many are negroes) who have been the victims of gunshots.
There have been 1200 shootings.
There have been 282 murders, 99% have been negroes.
This is just in Chicagoland.
There are five months left in 2019.
Where the fuck is 'Rev' Al Sharpton, the race whore?
You can always see him lurking in the background anytime a negro is killed by a LEO.
- becomes increasingly ridiculous with each event. The constant breathless reporting of every imagined speculation in lieu of facts. and the sad stories of loss and heroism. They give the shooters precisely what they want - publicity - and encourage the copycats and the just plain crazy.
I get where you are coming from here, but the publicity as you call it here is never for the shooters. It is for the victims, especially when there are so many.

God bless you and their families always!!!


P.S. In other words, if the proper acknowledgement is not given, you may as well be saying that the victims do not mean a thing in the grand scheme and sadly the list of victims may always be longer than the list of shooters.

I must disagree. Again, horrific though these incidents may be these are local incidents magnified by media into national crises. The dense wall-to-wall coverage serves two purposes - to increase ratings, and to mold public opinion towards whatever POV the particular news org forwards.

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