Wtf am i? An alien?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

I don’t need blood sucking right winger putting words in my mouth and speaking for me. I am an American no one asked me HTF I feel about cutting government spending or tax breaks for the rich. I don’t want them cutting my social security and medicare and privatizing them or safety net for the donut hole. I don’t want them cutting funding to my grand child’s education and raising tuition, eliminating teachers and cutting they wages, cutting my daughter’s job or unemployment benefits, cutting firefighter that come when I call 9-11 or policemen don’t come when I call because their jobs have been cut. Blood sucking right wingers who try to speak for me have not ask me HTF I feel about government spending cut or tax breaks for Fat Cats that make them richer and me poorer.

I don’t know WTF they are speaking for but it certainly not me and my family.

Blood sucking right winger’s government cuts and tax cuts for the rich will cut off my and my family‘s life line.

Any f5th grader know you cannot cut government spending and cut taxes at the same time and balance the budget.
How utterly laughable so instead you would rather Saddle your "Children" and "grandchildren" with a debt that you yourself do not want to pay. I'm sure when in 10 ten years your children will forgive you when they figure out our Nation is so utterly broke that their future will be spent paying off your debt.... How very selfless of you.
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"Bloodsucking Leftwingers under Obamas term have tripled the deficit. Any 5th grader can see that's not sustainable."

Raising taxes isn't the answer. The government could confiscate everything this country produces and it still wouldn't cover the national debt and deficit.

Lay the blame where it belongs, at the feet of the Bankers and the Politicians who control them. Get off the Left-Right paradigm that divides us and you'll see that it's really "Us vs. The Bankers".

I don’t need blood sucking right winger putting words in my mouth and speaking for me. I am an American no one asked me HTF I feel about cutting government spending or tax breaks for the rich. I don’t want them cutting my social security and medicare and privatizing them or safety net for the donut hole. I don’t want them cutting funding to my grand child’s education and raising tuition, eliminating teachers and cutting they wages, cutting my daughter’s job or unemployment benefits, cutting firefighter that come when I call 9-11 or policemen don’t come when I call because their jobs have been cut. Blood sucking right wingers who try to speak for me have not ask me HTF I feel about government spending cut or tax breaks for Fat Cats that make them richer and me poorer.

I don’t know WTF they are speaking for but it certainly not me and my family.

Blood sucking right winger’s government cuts and tax cuts for the rich will cut off my and my family‘s life line.

Any f5th grader know you cannot cut government spending and cut taxes at the same time and balance the budget.

You are an idiot.. Is what you are! Glad you asked.
Making something from nothing and then sellling it is what creates taxable events.
Folks that are successful at doing this are generally wealthier than the rest of us.
Taking away their ability to generate wealth and tax revenues for the treasury will result in slower economic growth and reduced tax revenues.

You can spin your wheels envying the "haves" or you can get on with your life as it is.
So, let's recap.

Lil'ol'Whiner doesn't NEED Tea Party folks speaking for her.

That's nice.

Of course, they AREN'T. They are merely asserting their rights to speak for themselves and others of like mind and to PETITION their government for the redress of grievances. That's still legal here, ya know.

For my part, I don't need my scumbag Senator (Upchucky Schmucky Schumer) speaking ill of the Tea Party folks. But I can't stop him from being a massive shit hole. It's who he is. It's what he is.

So, Lil'ol'Whiner, if you don't want the Tea Party folks to speak for you, they aren't. You are blessed with the right to speak for yourself. Go for it.

You even have the right to whine stupidly. Clearly, you already exercise that right.

I don’t need blood sucking right winger putting words in my mouth and speaking for me. I am an American no one asked me HTF I feel about cutting government spending or tax breaks for the rich. I don’t want them cutting my social security and medicare and privatizing them or safety net for the donut hole. I don’t want them cutting funding to my grand child’s education and raising tuition, eliminating teachers and cutting they wages, cutting my daughter’s job or unemployment benefits, cutting firefighter that come when I call 9-11 or policemen don’t come when I call because their jobs have been cut. Blood sucking right wingers who try to speak for me have not ask me HTF I feel about government spending cut or tax breaks for Fat Cats that make them richer and me poorer.

I don’t know WTF they are speaking for but it certainly not me and my family.

Blood sucking right winger’s government cuts and tax cuts for the rich will cut off my and my family‘s life line.

Any f5th grader know you cannot cut government spending and cut taxes at the same time and balance the budget.

Well look at it this way if you were an ILLEGAL ALIEN, you would not have to worry about much. Seems the left wants to coddle them, allow them to reside in this country and get a free education and a lot more. While many liberals want to paint those who disagree as racists and bigots for wanting them to enter legally.

So just give up your citizenship and sneak back into the country-- your ass is covered as an illegal ALIEN! BUT our freaking tax dollars are still paying for it. No wonder the freaking budget is out of control.

I don’t need blood sucking right winger putting words in my mouth and speaking for me. I am an American no one asked me HTF I feel about cutting government spending or tax breaks for the rich. I don’t want them cutting my social security and medicare and privatizing them or safety net for the donut hole. I don’t want them cutting funding to my grand child’s education and raising tuition, eliminating teachers and cutting they wages, cutting my daughter’s job or unemployment benefits, cutting firefighter that come when I call 9-11 or policemen don’t come when I call because their jobs have been cut. Blood sucking right wingers who try to speak for me have not ask me HTF I feel about government spending cut or tax breaks for Fat Cats that make them richer and me poorer.

I don’t know WTF they are speaking for but it certainly not me and my family.

Blood sucking right winger’s government cuts and tax cuts for the rich will cut off my and my family‘s life line.

Any f5th grader know you cannot cut government spending and cut taxes at the same time and balance the budget.

You must...Modbert told everyone you were a right winger...and we ALL know he is never wrong. :lol::lol:

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