WSJ: Time for Obama Admin to Account for ‘Historic Abuse of Government Surveillance Powers’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
WSJ: Time for Obama Admin to Account for ‘Historic Abuse of Government Surveillance Powers’
By DR. SUSAN BERRY ~25 Mar 2019
Wall Street Journal assistant editor James Freeman and Sen. Rand Paul are on the same page: the Mueller report confirms it is now time for the Obama administration to account for its flagrant abuse of the surveillance powers of the federal government.... While Democrats and other members of the “Resistance” flail about in the wake of news the Robert Mueller investigation did not find evidence (***LIVE WIRE*** Mueller Probe Finds No Trump Campaign-Russia Collusion) that President Donald Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential election, Freeman observed (Mueller and the Obama Accounting - WSJ) Monday the report confirms it is former President Barack Obama who “owes the country an explanation” for his administration’s “historic abuse of government surveillance powers.”
Freeman wrote:.. The Mueller report confirms that the Obama administration, without evidence, turned the surveillance powers of the federal government against the presidential campaign of the party out of power. This historic abuse of executive authority was either approved by President Barack Obama or it was not. It’s time for Mr. Obama, who oddly receives few mentions in stories about his government’s spying on associates of the 2016 Trump campaign, to say what he knew and did not know about the targeting of his party’s opponents..... “Mr. Obama might have room to deny any knowledge of the details of the surveillance abuses, given the story his FBI director told Congress—if anybody could believe that story,” Freeman doubted, and ultimately drew the conclusion that “the absolute bare minimum that Mr. Obama owes this country is an explanation of the actions of his government in spying on a presidential campaign.”

All the demanding that Mueller's report be made public in full by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left should be careful for what they ask for. It could very well show lots of evidence of criminality by Bath House Barry'O, Hillary and others. The tables are turned.
Tyrants abuse power. Throughout its scandal-pocked history, the Democrat Party has embraced the degradation of human dignity through slavery, crushing civil rights, stealing the rewards of labor and private property, and currently through the slaughter of unborn humans, and an open attempt to create a Marxist revolution in this nation.
IMO, 0bama, Hillary, Clapper and Brennan orchestrated this failed Deep State coup d'état first spy on candidate Trump and then concocted the Russian conspiracy hoax to try and shield themselves from being exposed by the one person they feared the most Righteous President Trump. Lady Justice is Crying Out for Equal Justice Under the Law.
It appears that Many clear crimes yet exposure and investigation of these higher ups keeps getting shut down. Basically many people are in on it. They don't want to set off MAD, so the status quo corruption remains. MAD equaling 'Mutually Assured Destruction'. To drain the swamp, RINOs and RATS all have to go. It won't be one sided.
I just got done crying after listening to Hannity on youtube about a half hour ago. I'm so broken hearted that the Democrats have followed Hillary. Any other woman would have been thrilled to be First Lady, but it was never enough for HRC. She spent a lifetime trying to destroy the Constitution in everything she said and did. When she didn't make the cut in the Presidential race, she went after her opponent. How did an Ivy League School create the monster of political corruption inside one person to that degree? Why did she go free in White water using two lawyer words, "I forget," and shunning and hating everyone who called her to account for her earlier crimes? A lot of Democrats feel like walking the plank tonight because they're decent. The communist ones are hunkering down to see if they can get public support to go all-out to hold America hostage for a few more weeks until they can think up some more cover for their clandestine plan to destroy the Constitution and anyone who defends it. What does it take to let these liars of the press get the message they've gone way beyond the pale, because they never questioned their liberal idols for anything bad they were doing. As I said, there is a time to cry. I'm sad for our entire country. We had a chance to establish peace on earth. The Democrats don't want peace, they want total power to the point of being thought police, and a pretty damn myopic press egging them on.

Oh, and thanks, Doc. One reporter on the WSJ on the side of the American people is one kind candle in the window in a very dark night tonight. :huddle:
WSJ: Time for Obama Admin to Account for ‘Historic Abuse of Government Surveillance Powers’
By DR. SUSAN BERRY ~25 Mar 2019
Wall Street Journal assistant editor James Freeman and Sen. Rand Paul are on the same page: the Mueller report confirms it is now time for the Obama administration to account for its flagrant abuse of the surveillance powers of the federal government.... While Democrats and other members of the “Resistance” flail about in the wake of news the Robert Mueller investigation did not find evidence (***LIVE WIRE*** Mueller Probe Finds No Trump Campaign-Russia Collusion) that President Donald Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential election, Freeman observed (Mueller and the Obama Accounting - WSJ) Monday the report confirms it is former President Barack Obama who “owes the country an explanation” for his administration’s “historic abuse of government surveillance powers.”
Freeman wrote:.. The Mueller report confirms that the Obama administration, without evidence, turned the surveillance powers of the federal government against the presidential campaign of the party out of power. This historic abuse of executive authority was either approved by President Barack Obama or it was not. It’s time for Mr. Obama, who oddly receives few mentions in stories about his government’s spying on associates of the 2016 Trump campaign, to say what he knew and did not know about the targeting of his party’s opponents..... “Mr. Obama might have room to deny any knowledge of the details of the surveillance abuses, given the story his FBI director told Congress—if anybody could believe that story,” Freeman doubted, and ultimately drew the conclusion that “the absolute bare minimum that Mr. Obama owes this country is an explanation of the actions of his government in spying on a presidential campaign.”

All the demanding that Mueller's report be made public in full by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left should be careful for what they ask for. It could very well show lots of evidence of criminality by Bath House Barry'O, Hillary and others. The tables are turned.
Tyrants abuse power. Throughout its scandal-pocked history, the Democrat Party has embraced the degradation of human dignity through slavery, crushing civil rights, stealing the rewards of labor and private property, and currently through the slaughter of unborn humans, and an open attempt to create a Marxist revolution in this nation.
IMO, 0bama, Hillary, Clapper and Brennan orchestrated this failed Deep State coup d'état first spy on candidate Trump and then concocted the Russian conspiracy hoax to try and shield themselves from being exposed by the one person they feared the most Righteous President Trump. Lady Justice is Crying Out for Equal Justice Under the Law.
It appears that Many clear crimes yet exposure and investigation of these higher ups keeps getting shut down. Basically many people are in on it. They don't want to set off MAD, so the status quo corruption remains. MAD equaling 'Mutually Assured Destruction'. To drain the swamp, RINOs and RATS all have to go. It won't be one sided.

Woa, woa, I'm not the fellow who stood up after 9-11 and started erasing the bill of rights.

Let's get together and do something about it.

We're gonna have a battle on the corporate front also. Facebook I'm sure knows what guns who owns and google can tell the NSA when you go get coffee and where.
WSJ: Time for Obama Admin to Account for ‘Historic Abuse of Government Surveillance Powers’
By DR. SUSAN BERRY ~25 Mar 2019
Wall Street Journal assistant editor James Freeman and Sen. Rand Paul are on the same page: the Mueller report confirms it is now time for the Obama administration to account for its flagrant abuse of the surveillance powers of the federal government.... While Democrats and other members of the “Resistance” flail about in the wake of news the Robert Mueller investigation did not find evidence (***LIVE WIRE*** Mueller Probe Finds No Trump Campaign-Russia Collusion) that President Donald Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential election, Freeman observed (Mueller and the Obama Accounting - WSJ) Monday the report confirms it is former President Barack Obama who “owes the country an explanation” for his administration’s “historic abuse of government surveillance powers.”
Freeman wrote:.. The Mueller report confirms that the Obama administration, without evidence, turned the surveillance powers of the federal government against the presidential campaign of the party out of power. This historic abuse of executive authority was either approved by President Barack Obama or it was not. It’s time for Mr. Obama, who oddly receives few mentions in stories about his government’s spying on associates of the 2016 Trump campaign, to say what he knew and did not know about the targeting of his party’s opponents..... “Mr. Obama might have room to deny any knowledge of the details of the surveillance abuses, given the story his FBI director told Congress—if anybody could believe that story,” Freeman doubted, and ultimately drew the conclusion that “the absolute bare minimum that Mr. Obama owes this country is an explanation of the actions of his government in spying on a presidential campaign.”

All the demanding that Mueller's report be made public in full by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left should be careful for what they ask for. It could very well show lots of evidence of criminality by Bath House Barry'O, Hillary and others. The tables are turned.
Tyrants abuse power. Throughout its scandal-pocked history, the Democrat Party has embraced the degradation of human dignity through slavery, crushing civil rights, stealing the rewards of labor and private property, and currently through the slaughter of unborn humans, and an open attempt to create a Marxist revolution in this nation.
IMO, 0bama, Hillary, Clapper and Brennan orchestrated this failed Deep State coup d'état first spy on candidate Trump and then concocted the Russian conspiracy hoax to try and shield themselves from being exposed by the one person they feared the most Righteous President Trump. Lady Justice is Crying Out for Equal Justice Under the Law.
It appears that Many clear crimes yet exposure and investigation of these higher ups keeps getting shut down. Basically many people are in on it. They don't want to set off MAD, so the status quo corruption remains. MAD equaling 'Mutually Assured Destruction'. To drain the swamp, RINOs and RATS all have to go. It won't be one sided.

On another thread Graham is working on getting another special prosecutor to investigate the rest of the Russian collusion story.

I do believe there are some folks who will wish they were anywhere other than in the US if the SP gets the okay.

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